Chapter 35: Walk away

Chapter 35: Walk away

The game is over. In this game, Chelsea was finally reversed by Barcelona after scoring one goal first. Although he only played for more than ten minutes, Deegan, who completed the reversal, will undoubtedly become the protagonist of today.

In the stands, Barcelona fans were already celebrating, celebrating the hard-won Champions League trophy, and the Barcelona players on the court were also celebrating, except for Deegan.

After the whistle sounded and the game was over, Deegan turned around and walked off the field as if nothing had happened, only pausing for a moment when passing Drogba.

Deegan and Drogba are not friends, they just sympathize with each other. In Deegan's eyes, Drogba is a very outstanding player, and in the forward position, Drogba is the only player qualified to compete with him. .

"I'm going to play in the Premier League!"

As the most explosive news in world football before the start of the European Champions Cup, Drogba certainly knows about this, but~~~~~~~~

Drogba's expression was filled with frustration. He scored a goal during the game and helped the team lead for most of the game. Unfortunately, he lost in the end and lost to the man in front of him: "That's a shame. I'm leaving, going to China, to start a new journey!"

Deegan smiled when he heard this: "I bet you won't stay long. Sooner or later you will come back to Europe!"

Drogba doesn't understand why Deegan is so sure. His salary in China is even higher than that at Chelsea. At his age, he has almost won honors. Although he has many regrets, he is an old man like him. For me, before retiring, earning more pension seems to have become the most important thing.

"My salary in China is very high!"

Deegan smiled: "Money is money only when it is in your own pocket!?"

After Deegan finished speaking, he took the initiative to exchange jerseys with Drogba and then left.

As for Warcraft's trip to China, Deegan, as a Chinese fan in his previous life, knows it all too well. From the initial contact, matchmaking, marriage, to falling out, and finally divorce, the fate of Warcraft and Chinese football only lasted 199 days. It was declared over.

When Drogba joined Shenhua, the scene was so big that it shocked the world of football. In his first public appearance, Drogba also said: "I came to China to play football because I was impressed by the club's senior management. They have great ambitions. It will be easier to choose to stay in Europe and play football than to come to China, but I am still willing to accept this challenge. The owner of the club is very similar to Abramovich. He always thinks about winning and winning. What I want to say is , I didn't come here for the money."

Drogba's Shenhua debut, Deegan also came to the scene in his previous life. Shenhua fell behind by one goal in the first half, and finally sent in the long-awaited Drogba in the second half.

Soon, Warcraft kicked an "elevator" free kick from 30 meters away, forcing the opponent's goalkeeper to make a wonderful save. The opponent's defense, which seemed to be at ease in the first half, began to be turned upside down by Drogba alone.

In the 67th minute, Drogba got the ball at the front of the penalty area and the defender responsible for defending him didn't dare? He didn't dare to defend completely. Instead, he left a turning distance to prevent Drogba from breaking through. But Drogba turned sideways and used his left He sent a precise pass with his feet, instantly piercing the opponent's entire defense line, assisting his teammates, and equalizing the score for Shenhua. Although he did not score, Drogba used an assist to avoid Shenhua's away loss.

The real climax came in the next game, which was Drogba's debut at the Hongkou Football Stadium. Warcraft, which had not scored in the first two games, finally exploded in front of Shenhua fans and contributed two goals at once. The ball helped the team win the opponent 5:1.

During his time at Shenhua, Drogba made a total of eleven appearances, with a total of 944 minutes of playing time, eight goals and two assists.

However, what confused Drogba was that the level of the Chinese Super League was worse than he imagined. When being interviewed by the French media, Warcraft once expressed distressedly that Shenhua's training was really not good: "The level here is close to that of France 2. When I When I saw the quality of the training, I was even a little scared. I said to myself, 'If this continues, I won't be able to participate in the African Cup of Nations in good condition in January next year!' Normally, I I'm sweating a lot in the first five minutes, but after training here, I'm dry."

Drogba first thought about leaving China when he returned to China to participate in the Ivory Coast national team competition and returned to China.

Drogba revealed to his agent that he wanted to leave. He felt that he was being used. The Shenhua boss asked him to join in order to gain an advantage in the equity competition. He was very unhappy about this situation.

Of course, the real reason why Drogba wanted to leave was due to salary arrears. Even before he decided to join the Chinese League, the media had revealed that Shenhua was in arrears with foreign players' salaries. However, Drogba still maintained his trust in the team. He rushed to the team after the league break. He flew back to Shanghai before the team played against Liaoning Football Team and scored a goal in the game to help the team completely defeat the opponent.

An insider revealed at the time: "This is the last time Drogba believes in Shenhua."

In the end, the salary of 3 million euros that should have been paid long ago was never recorded, which made Drogba very dissatisfied. In the end, for the sake of money and his career, Drogba chose to stay in China for 199 days. leave.

Although many things have changed now. For example, Anelka, who was supposed to go to China before Drogba to make a breakthrough, is still at Chelsea, but some things will not change.

Of course, those are none of his business!

Deegan's departure naturally attracted the attention of many people, especially reporters. When those reporters asked why he didn't celebrate the championship with his teammates, Deegan's answer could be said to have left no face to Barcelona.

"This is my last game in Barcelona. From now on, I have nothing to do with this team. I am very happy to win the championship, but this experience has been for me several times. That's it, and I did it for myself, not for this team."

A Catalan reporter asked angrily: "Don't forget! You are still a Barcelona player!"

Deegan was not angry, but smiled and said: "It won't be anymore soon!"

After saying that, Deegan walked out of the circle of reporters, went directly into the safe passage, returned to the locker room, took a shower, and changed clothes. When he came out, the excited Barcelona players came back. When they saw Deegan, their The expression is a little complicated.

They were excited for this championship they had been looking forward to for many years, but the reality they had to face was that this championship was won by Deegan. Without Deegan's two goals, they could only bear the pain of failure again. Just like last season.

Deegan was leaving now, so there was no need for him to continue to say bad words. He smiled at the people in front of him, then stepped aside, and went straight to the exit of the safe passage, waiting for the award ceremony to begin.

"If you want to stay, it's still too late!"

Deegan turned his head and found Vilanova standing behind him: "Stay!? Are you kidding me? Stay on the bench. I'm sorry, I am already twenty-seven years old. I hope to continue After my career, I can play football happily, but in Barcelona, ​​all I get is torture!"

Vilanova now really hopes that Deegan can stay. He can even persuade the club's president Russell to rebuild a team around Deegan, because he has discovered that Deegan is better than Messi. trustworthy.

Just like today's game, when Vilanova was praying for a goal, Messi was doing nothing on the court, and when he sent Deegan, everything changed.

"You stay, and I will give you the main position!"

Deegan smiled: "Two years ago, I believed in Russell, but it turned out that I was deceived. Now I will not believe the promise of anyone in Barcelona. However, I still want to thank you, although in my opinion , you are as much of a bastard as Guardiola, but at least you gave me a chance to leave Camp Nou with my head held high!"

After Deegan finished speaking, he walked into the stadium. The Barcelona fans in the stands also noticed Deegan. At this moment, Deegan no longer had any Barcelona logo on his body. Does this mean a complete break with Barcelona?

If the fans had only disliked Deegan before, after this game, their mood became much more complicated. After all, the championship they had been looking forward to for many years was brought by Deegan.

Deegan walked to the bottom of the stands where Park Ji-yeon and the others were, looked at his girlfriend, and stretched out his hand: "Come down!"

Park Zhiyan was stunned and her face couldn't help but turn red. The same scene happened last time and the two people confirmed their relationship. This time Deegan extended his hand again. Could it be~~~~~~~~~~~~

Several other girls in T-ara were excited and encouraged Park Ji-yeon to go down. Park Ji-yeon was forced to do nothing. Although she was extremely embarrassed, she still jumped up and jumped down from the stands, and was held steady by Deegan. catch.

Degan bumped a little and said with a smile: "It's a lot heavier!"

Although Park Ji-yeon felt a little shy about being intimate with Deegan in front of so many people, she was feeling sweet when she suddenly heard Deegan say something like this. It ruined the atmosphere, so our Korean version of the cute girl instantly transformed into The Tyrannosaurus Rex of the Jurassic Period punched Deegan in the chest.

"Oppa is so annoying! I've been trying to control my figure lately, okay!"

While the two were showing off their affection, the awards ceremony stage had already been set up. Deegan told Park Ji-yeon to wait on the sidelines. Although UEFA clearly stipulated that during the game, unrelated personnel are not allowed to enter the stadium. , but this rule is obviously not practical for Deegan. Anyway, he has done many more lawless things than this.

The first to take the stage was the Chelsea team, which won the runner-up position. They lost the championship with victory in sight. This made the Blues players very disappointed, especially Drogba, who was about to leave the team. He originally wanted to use a Champions League trophy as a gift. It was a farewell gift for my Blues career, but I didn't expect it to be ~~~~~~~ in the end.

After Drogba received his medal, he turned to look at Deegan who was in the audience. Deegan, who was dressed in casual clothes, looked out of place with the Barcelona players around him.

"That's right! He's leaving too!"

However, Deegan left Barcelona, ​​but he was still able to stay in Europe. With Deegan's ability, he will be the absolute core of any team.

Drogba was a little envious of Deegan's age. He was only 27 years old, and he still had unlimited possibilities in the future!

Platini comforted the Chelsea players one by one. In fact, everyone knows that the Premier League team he hates the most is just because Barcelona has an extra Deegan today, maybe he will really sympathize with Chelsea in his heart. Bar!

Next up is the champion!

The Barcelona players walked up one by one. No matter how the championship came to them or whether they were convinced or not, it was always a great thing to win the coveted championship.

When Platini hung the gold medal symbolizing the championship around Messi's neck, the old guy smiled so much that his face almost bloomed, and he hugged Messi and kept talking.

Deegan watched from behind and couldn't help but cursed: If you like her so much, you might as well take her as a concubine!

Platini was not happy when he came on stage to receive the award, because this person was Deegan. Seeing Platini holding the gold medal, he was in a daze. Deegan did not give him a chance to present the treasure. He immediately took the gold medal and walked straight off the podium. Let others play with the championship trophy as they please!

I don't care about it anymore!

Under everyone's astonished gaze, Deegan walked directly to Park Ji-yeon, hung the gold medal around Park Ji-yeon's neck, and said with a smile: "Okay! Let's go!"

Park Zhiyan was stunned. She didn't expect that Degan would do this. This~~~~~~This is simply~~~~~~~~

"That's so cool!" Han Eunjing in the stands looked at Deegan who was holding Park Jiyeon's hand as she left the stadium, looking like a nymphomaniac. "If I had a boyfriend like this, he would only give me one day to live. I'm satisfied!"


Park So-yeon hit Han Eun-jing hard on the head: "Hey! Are you trying to steal Ji-yeon's boyfriend?"

Han Enjing snorted and looked at Park Zhiyan with envy: "If I can really grab it, I will definitely grab it!"

But can it really be snatched away?

The answer is naturally no!

Because Deegan already has a plan in his mind, it just depends on whether the person gives him a chance.

Barcelona finally defeated Chelsea and won the UEFA Champions League trophy in the 2011/2012 season, which also brought an end to all European competitions this season.

The media's comments after the game almost all focused on Deegan. In this game, Deegan came off the bench and scored two goals. During the game, Deegan, Messi, and Puyol all happened. After the game ended, Deegan refused to celebrate and left the court. At the post-match award ceremony, after receiving his medal, Deegan also chose to leave the game and told everyone clearly that he There has been a complete break with Barcelona.

At this time, the one with the most complicated emotions was Deegan. They were grateful to Deegan because Deegan brought them the Champions League trophy they had been looking forward to for several years. At the same time, they hated Deegan because Deegan was really a little bit better. He didn't even save any face for this super wealthy family.

"Deegan proved with his own performance that he is still the best player in this stadium. In ten minutes, he scored two goals and defeated Chelsea. Deegan used his personal efforts to complete a classic game. Although It only lasted ten minutes, but there is no doubt that he is the brightest star in today's game!"

"We want to applaud Chelsea. They played a great game for the Blues fans. Unfortunately, the final result was not what they wanted. The Barcelona people were celebrating crazily, but in fact, they had no reason to be so happy at all. , because compared with Chelsea's performance in this game, they are obviously not worthy of this championship, except for one person, but it is a pity that this person was excluded by them in advance!"

"Deegan said his final farewell to Barcelona by exiting the game after the game, but with a La Liga championship, two Copa del Rey champions, a Spanish Super Cup championship, and finally this heavy Champions League championship trophy, Deegan He was almost ignored in Barcelona, ​​but he left behind five championship trophies, so people here will always remember his name!"

"The celebration without the protagonist seems a bit boring. Barcelona is celebrating their season double crown, but without Deegan, this celebration seems a bit boring! When the whole Barcelona fell into carnival, their real hero But he has already left this city!"

"Barcelona people should regret, because they forced away another Manadona, no! He should be a greater player than Maradona. Barcelona people always flaunt their internationalization. They claim to welcome everyone from the world. Stars, but in fact, their plans will always only include those with La Masia blood, and Deegan is just a victim!"

"There is no need to pay attention to Barcelona now, let them enjoy themselves, but I hope the same regret does not happen to the Belgians. We all know that Deegan and the Belgian national team coach Wilmots Since the beginning of 2011, Deegan has never been selected for the national team. This time in the European Cup, I think fans all over the world do not want to experience a European Cup without Deegan!"

Of course, someone also mentioned an issue that many people are concerned about, that is, Deegan, who has been expelled from the Belgian team for the upcoming European Cup, has not been selected for the Belgian national team for more than a year since the beginning of 2011.

Can Deegan still catch up with the European Cup this time?