Blood like a sea. Big world changes

From the weakest person to the strongest, everyone was looking at the red sky. Even in legends and myths this never happened.

Everyone felt their blood heat up and a will for battle slowly grew in their hearts. Even the weakest donkeys understood that the days ahead would be dark and filled with battle.

Then suddenly the sky appeared the image of falling stars. Like a rain, small bright spots fell towards all parts of the red domain. There were countless.

After the fall of these stones, the sky returned to normal color.

When the stones hit the ground a trail of destruction was left.

In the craters it was possible to find red stones with vivid colors. The color moved like a blood snake in a pot.

The image added even more fear to the whole situation.

In the first hours no one dared to touch them. But it didn't take long for the first brave ones to appear.

An ordinary commoner man who had nothing to lose went ahead and directly touched a huge red stone the size of a head, it had been one of the biggest that fell in this unknown realm.

Quickly his body began to swell and he who only had the cultivation of an ordinary lvl 2 knight felt his level rise. Level 3 4 6 8 10 before finally parking on 13.

The stone then lost all its luster and shattered.

The man then scared with the new power did not know how to control his strength. He went to take a step forward and accidentally stepped too hard on the ground. The area around him collapsed engulfing part of the curious crowd causing deaths.

The same scene was repeated throughout the red domain.

The most courageous ones who took the front and touched the stones of different sizes suffered a gigantic gain in strength. A level 3 slave was seen touching a stone that was the size of two heads and directly rose to warrior level 17 and then killed all those who imprisoned him before taking control of a small town.

A lvl 1 mage also suddenly evolved into a 14 and then with a huge fireball he wiped out a rival's entire family.

At first the thought was that only those who didn't have high cultivation could enjoy the stones.

Everything changed when a powerful wizard found a stone.

Country X

Gary was guardian of a medium kingdom, neighboring the Quinn kingdom, and was already at the apex of level 18 for over 300 years with no hope of rising.

He found a stone that coincidentally fell next to his tower and curiously touched it. When the power entered his body and the stone fell apart, he felt shackles loosening and then he directly rose to level 21.

When he opened his eyes he finally felt happy. He had reached the legendary level 21 and from that moment he himself could rule the entire red domain without any competitor.

The strongest he would find would be another 20 mages that with his new power he could easily defeat. As for knights, it didn't enter their eyes. He was never threatened by one and now that he was at the peak of mages he already judged the knights as commoners.

He quickly left and felt the urge to expose his power and then initiate his dominance. Without a second thought he quickly made his way to the Quinn realm beside him. Both had been at peace for over 100 years but the wounds of previous battles were not forgotten.

He quickly entered the kingdom's royal capital and directly shouted the king's name.

''Charles you piece of shit. Get out here now and face me." The entire capital heard the scream.

Everyone quickly looked up to the sky and saw a man displaying a powerful aura.

Quickly two other auras appeared. They were the guardians of the Quinn realm.

The two mages were level 18 and knew Gary. Feeling the invader's aura, they became suspicious and afraid. The red sky made everyone nervous and now with an old enemy appearing in such force, it scared them all over again.

The first guardian then came forward and spoke

''Gary, what do you think you're doing? Our nations have been at peace for over 100 years. You were present when everything was signed. Do you want to cause a war between our countries?"

With a laugh Gary replied

''Hahahahahaha old frank. Signed papers are valid when forces are at equal levels of power''

''As you can see... I REACHED LEGENDARY LEVEL''


Gary then with a crazed laugh shouted to the whole kingdom.

Hearing what he said, everyone became afraid. Level 20 mage was the most they had ever encountered in their lifetime. And only a few men had that power.

Now in front of them the enemy had surpassed this power and reached an unprecedented level.

Without giving the two in front of him time, Gary quickly attacked them.

With a simple spell he threw balls of stones at the guardians. The impacts directly broke their bones and then they fell to the ground bleeding from every part of their bodies.



By easily dealing with his enemies Gary felt at the apex of this world.

He then made a stone coffin, placed the two guardians inside, leaving only their faces showing.

He then flew towards the royal palace. No one dared to try to stop him. Even the guardians couldn't stop. No one wanted to step forward only to die.

Feeling it Gary just smiled. Legendary power was really deterrent. He continued towards the palace.

Vogen Mansion.

''Let me go, Han. I need to do something. He's going to kill my father''

At this moment Aria was being grabbed by Han.

Her face was filled with tears and despair. She had witnessed the scene of this enemy easily defeating the guardians and heading towards the palace.

It was clear that he was looking for her father.

Han knew that a war would come, but he never expected that they would try to kill the king directly. Let alone that a legendary level mage would emerge out of nowhere. But like a man with a system he quickly tried to calm down. Charles was his father-in-law and he couldn't let him die.

Han was very grateful to the king, without his permission he would never have married Aria.

''Calm down Aria, your level is weak. Before you even get close to your father you will die from the reflections of battles''

''But... but... I want to do something''

''You can't do anything against a level 21 legendary mage''


Seeing his wife calm and crying quietly, Han breathed in relief.

''But maybe I can do something.''

She then looked at him with bright eyes.


''You can just wait. You know that, the gods had blessed me and now maybe I can be of use in the situation."

Han was thinking of using the fainting potion on the enemy. When he asked the system he got the answer that maybe it could work.

The only certainty he had is that if he used the talisman he could become invisible, completely hiding his existence.

Aria then calmed down and a hope was born in her heart. Her husband has surprised her a lot these past few days. He might be able to work a miracle.

Han then placed a talisman in her hand.

''Just to be safe keep this. It can make you invisible. If I don't return you use this and then go to my family's house.

''I don't need this, if something happens to you I see no reason to continue...''

''...OK. I will do my best to save the king''

Han then gave Aria a kiss and quickly headed towards the palace. The streets were already full of people who were running from the opposite direction. He constantly used blink as a shortcut.

When Han arrived at the palace he easily entered. They had no guards or servants. Everyone ran. He reached the throne room and was relieved when he was sure he was unnoticed.

He became invisible behind a pillar, in an attempt to protect himself from any remnants of battle.

''You see Charles. Your two guardians were defeated, your guards ran. No subject of yours ran to save you''

''You must be a very bad king for that to happen''

Charles at that moment was sitting on his throne. He was looking at Gary with a lost look. He never imagined that overnight an enemy of his would reach the legendary level and then rush for revenge.

''Gary, your actions will cause a war, you cant do th-'' The king spoke before being directly cut off

''Cut the bullshit Charles, my actions speak for me. What I want to do I will do, now I am the law in this world

' ' Don't stay on your throne looking at me like you're superior to me. What dominates this world is power''

''The heavens have blessed me with ultimate power''

''Destroying you and your kingdom will be just a small step towards becoming the ruler of this world''

Charles was at a loss for what to do. This enemy did not want dialogue. Gritting his teeth he tried to speak.

''You can kill me, but please. Spare my children and'' again he was cut

''Oh my old enemy. Looks like the years have made him dumb. I will be very clear''

Gary then lifted the two coffins, allowing the guardians to see the king's face.

''Little Charles. We apologize, we failed to protect the kingdom''

''Who would have thought that the old master's reign would end like this''

Charles got the look of despair.

'' Elders, don't blame yourselves, unfortunately the heavens are not on our side ''

The two in front of him were advisors to the previous king of Quinn, Charles's father. Before the previous king was actually king he was already the companion of these 2 men. They followed the entire saga for the previous ruler to take the throne. They were also present at Charles's birth and growing up.

When the previous king died charles was crowned as king and the two then retired away from matters related to government and royalty. They were only in seclusion and acted as guardians. Charles' support as king was due to these two men who protected their old friend's son.

Charles didn't understand, this man in front of him should have used the red stone to achieve that power.

Charles used one too but failed to reach Legendary level. He just went up from 20 to 22.

''Hehe, you finally got it. I'm here to kill you and the entire Quinn kingdom. My name will be written in this world using your blood''

Without hesitation Gary formed a gigantic ball of stone towards the king. Even the smallest magic in his hands was powerful.

'Shit. I fucked up'

Han who was beside him didn't react fast enough to try to use the fainting potion on the enemy mage. He can only look at the king and hope the king can take this move.

He thought that since the king knew this mage, maybe there could be some negotiation. Unfortunately this enemy was direct.

It was impossible for the king to withstand this mage's movement.

Seeing the magic towards him the king would just try to defend himself. His two main guardians had already been taken down and he couldn't ignore the difference in levels between mages and knights. Nature was always biased and allowed a simple mage to cross the 4 level gap to kill a knight.

Charles crossed his arms in front of his body in an attempt to protect himself. Gary really wanted to kill him brutally crushed.


''Little Charles!''


The huge ball collided with the king, sending pieces of it flying in all directions. The impact was so great that the entire roof of the palace was directly destroyed.

'This is sick. I need to get out of here soon''

The pillars near Han were also close to collapsing. He was making an enormous effort to dodge the wreckage.

Han walked towards the exit and was ready to leave before he grabbed Aria and ran from this realm. He wanted to use blink but didn't know if he would be noticed by the mage

Just before he left the throne room he stopped and took one last look at the king.

Then an amazing scene took place. The dust has settled and the king's image can be seen.

The king was still standing. In the same position with arms crossed in front. He only had a small bruise mark on his arms. Other than that it was just dusty.

'Impossible' Han thought

Gary agreed

''Impossible, how can you take my blow? That's it, I'm not used to this power, I may have failed to use it correctly''

Surprising himself, he quickly found an excuse.

Charles at that moment was also surprised. He was prepared to die and then the killing blow only gave a small wound.

The image of a stone appeared in his mind.

'Perhaps... perhaps this could be possible. If that's true maybe there's a chance'

An idea arose in the king's heart, giving him hope. For him who already considered himself dead he decided to fully embrace this thought and react.

He grabbed a sword and ran towards Gary.


Gary teleported above the Palace and began channeling powerful magic.

The walls of the capital's houses, the ceilings, the floors, everything began to fall apart and go towards the sky.


Then in the sky countless stone spears were condensed. The number was so great that a shadow loomed over the capital.

Before reaching the halfway point those spears were already heading towards him. There was no way to escape. Every angle was filled with powerful spears. Each had the same power as the previously sent ball.

The king knew, even if he could survive, everyone in the capital would be killed because of that spear.

'If I'm right that's more than enough'

''Blade whirlwind''

Then the king's image blurred. Then came the sound of swords accompanied by beams flying to all corners.

Each beam or sound was accompanied by the mass destruction of the spears.

''How could this be possible''

Gary didn't understand, he was living the scene but he couldn't understand. A knight was breaking through the difference in levels and easily destroying his powerful magic.

Han didn't understand either. He looked around the scene carefully looking for the king.

When all the spears were finally destroyed the king finally appeared in front of Gary

Looking at this king who this time looked at him with confidence and a smile on his face, the magician suffered his third surprise of the day. Unfortunately it was the last of his life

''How did you do that, it's impossible you have to give me a resp''

Even before finishing what he was saying Gary saw the king disappear and then he felt a presence behind him

''You weren't the only one who wore a red stone''

Those were the last words the wizard heard. He felt light and then the vision began to spin. He saw a headless body oozing blood from its neck before his vision darkened forever.

Looking at the mage who fell headless Charles couldn't help but smile. His hunch was right. The stone might not have taken him to the maximum level of knights, but it helped him to match his level to a mage. He felt that the current him was stronger than this mage. He was no longer restricted.

Now as long as the mage's level is not higher than his. He wouldn't worry about level crossing anymore. He just didn't know what the maximum power level was.

He then turned his gaze towards the palace and quickly returned to help the elders.

Returning to the palace he quickly removed the two from the stone coffins. As they were beaten enough they had no strength. But they still didn't stop looking scared at the king, but with a clearly visible happiness on their faces.

''Charles, if your father was alive and knew that you killed a Legend rank mage, he would be filled with happiness,'' One of the elders commented.

Charles smiled and then looked up at the sky.

''Great changes are going to take place in this world. Only the strong will survive''

The king then looked into a corner and spoke

''Little friend, don't you think it's inconvenient to observe others?''

Their eyes fell on the exact spot where Han was.

Han didn't plan to leave.

''I can't say who you are, but if you don't show yourself, you can be sure I'll kill you with a single move. You saw everything that occurred just now''

The king's arguments did not let him have a way out.

He then revealed himself, surprising the king.

' ' Son is that you? Powerful method of concealment you possess'' The king spoke as he looked at Han with a raised eyebrow. Since he married Aria he was already part of the daughter and Charles considered him as a son

' Sorry father-in-law. Aria was desperately wanting to come to the palace. To make her give up the idea I had to promise to come and try to help you''

Seeing this son-in-law who, unlike his subjects and trusted officials, did not run away but instead ran to try to do something, the king appreciated the gesture.

''Thank you for coming Han, thank you also for protecting Aria. If she had come maybe she could get hurt or worse''

' ' Don't worry father-in-law. In the end, everything worked out and you managed to kill and dominate the enemy. Now the kingdom will be at peace'' And Han continued

''And also my powers came from the gods...''

He then explained some nonsense that made the king believe. The red sky today was a high indication of change and it wasn't hard to have gods involved as well.

' ' It's okay son. You having the support of the gods reassures me. Aria can now be well protected. Now you can return. Tell her I'm fine, but I need to take care of some things. You see, me being the king you were the only one who showed up to defend me''

The king then looked up to the sky again

''I don't blame them for running away, but it bothers me and it can't stay like this''

' ' I will withdraw then father-in-law. I can't let Aria worry about us both''

Han then left and headed towards the house.

'Elders, was he lying?''

'' Yes and no young master Charles. Most of the things he said were true''

''Yes child, only feel a hint of a lie when it was related to the gods''

Charles then breathed in relief.

''In this world in constant change, it's good to have cards up your sleeve''

''By the way. I already told you. I am a king, master of a nation and now the most powerful. You can't keep calling me that''

''The young master is right''

''I agree with that child''


The king smirked as he continued to look up at the sky as schemes flashed through his mind.

While the king was talking to his elders. Elsewhere in the red domain, a battle was taking place in an unknown small town.

A mere level 7 knight was running away. He was lvl 2 and he found a small red stone the size of a hand. Unlike the other larger ones, when it was used, it didn't fall into pieces. The knight only rose to level 4

This attracted the attention of several onlookers and they tried to take the stone from his hand. He then reacted and fought the crowd.

During the fight he killed a person of similar level to him.

The stone then glowed and regained some of its red hue.

He then continued to kill and the stone fully regained its color.

He then used it again and it rose to level 5.

Seeing the man slowly level up as he killed them the crowd went into a frenzy of greed. Everyone wanted that stone for themselves.

He was then pursued. During the chase he would occasionally kill and level up.

News of this special stone quickly spread.

Finally the man was surrounded and killed, the stone fell on a level 8 warrior who was passing by and heard the news.

This warrior was then ambushed and killed by a group of people.

This small town then started a huge massacre. A river of blood formed and corpses were found everywhere.

Finally, when the night ended, the stone fell into the hand of a level 15 mage.

It was not known how many people died because of this small stone.

But the city was totally silent and a mountain of bodies was visible.

The same scene was repeated in different places.

Massacres were being carried out and powerful figures were slowly rising.


Just to put it in simpler words. I had made a system where mages had 21 levels and knights had 26. But that shit got so confusing even I wasn't getting it. Now with this change basically there are no differences.

Mage 1 = knight 1

And the maximum level remains 26 for both

As mages have different elements I will also introduce physical ones.

I will divide into bronze, silver gold and diamond.

Basically bronze would be the wizard who dominates 1 element. Silver = 2 elements gold =3 and diamond =4.

So basically on the same level what will matter is who has the physique or who has mastered the most elements.

The three ways now to cross battle levels will be triple element mage or gold physique knight. Allows to jump 1 level / Mage of 4 elements or diamond physical knight can jump 2.

The last form belongs only to the MC. The talent he gets through the system is always cultivated to perfection. So, regardless of his level, he can always fight an opponent 1 level higher.

I think that makes it simpler and clearer.