A tough opponent

After having a lot of fun in the water, Kage and Tota started heading to the changing room so they could get Tota some clothes until they heard an approaching noise. As the noise approaches, Tota's mind starts racing.

"That dark and gritty-sounding music—it's them! They came to get me! I knew it would just be the same! I'll never be happy."

Tota falls to his knees with nothing but despair in his eyes. Kage notices this and checks up on him.

"Aye Tota, what's wrong?"

Tota, hearing Kage's voice, starts to come to a realization.

"Wait a minute, Kage is still here, and if they come while he's here, they might—Kage, you need to get out of here now!"

"Wait wh—"

Kage, while speaking, notices that the noise has gotten even closer, but on the other hand, Tota realizes it is too late. The bridge suddenly gets surrounded by motorcycles that have "Frinstion gang" on their flags, the same bloody skull design as the Frinstion gang's jackets, and a bass-boosting speaker. There are about fifty motorcycles with Frinstion gang members on them surrounding the bridge. The speakers attached to the motorcycle are playing music with a man rapping about murder over a violent, dark, gritty beat with ominous melodies, which instantly creates a slow atmosphere.

"Hey Tota, are these guys the same ones from before?"

All the gang members get off their bikes and start dancing to the beat with pistols in their hands. While dancing, the goons start shooting their pistols in the air while screaming their beliefs.

"Frinstion gang shit!"

"We are about to make someone's family cry today!"

"Nubuki! Nubuki! Nubuki!"

As the Frinstion gang members cheer, Kage asks Tota a question.

"Who the hell is Nubuki?"

Even with Kage asking him a question, Tota chooses to mutter to himself.

"He's here; it's all over."

Tota grabs his head and starts cowering in fear.

"Hey! Tota, get up; you can't just go quiet all of a sudden!"

While Kage yells, unaware of the situation, one of the gang members gets on top of a nearby building with a microphone. The citizens in the area notice this and instantly start running out of the area. Kage also notices this, but what distracts him more is the loud sound that overpowers every other noise in the area.

"Wait, that's another motorcycle engine, but this one sounds almost demonic."

As the demonic noise approaches, the goon on the roof of a building turns on his microphone.

"Attention, Frinstion City!" Today, a group of people played the game Fuck Around and Find Out! And now, on this special occasion, the top dog of Frinstion City is here to lay shit down! Welcome Nubuki!"

On the left side of the bridge, the gang member clears the way for an approaching vehicle, Kage, hearing that demonic sound approaching, gets into a fighting stance.

"This is so weird!"

From the path that has been cleared, a huge motorcycle with spikes on it speeds through. The motorcycle is being ridden by Nubuki, who, unlike his goons, has a regular expression on his face. Nubuki starts riding towards Kage, despite him being in a fighting stance.

"Holy shit I'm surprised that a motorcycle can hold up that man's weight! Wait a minute, Tota!"

Kage looks toward Tota and notices he is still cowering in fear.

"Damn it!"

Kage grabs Tota and jumps out of the way of the incoming motorcycle by jumping over Nubuki's head. When he lands, he instantly drops Tota on the ground.

"Tota, would you talk? Damn it! This is no time to be anti-social!"

"I'm sorry," Tota muttered to himself.

"Aye, can you speak up for once?"

Nubuki stops his motorcycle on the right side of the bridge and parks it.

"You should give up on trying to communicate with that boy; he's already realized his fate."

"And who the hell are y—"

Nubuki appears in front of Kage and punches him off the bridge. As Kage flies off the bridge, he hears Tota say something.

"Please stay down; you can't win against him. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Kage falls into the water below the bridge. All the gang members start cheering and dancing after Nubuki's attack.

"Hell yeah, Nubuki!"

"That shithead can't stand up to your power!"

As his goons cheer, Nubuki questions Tota.

"So Tota I see you have made some new friends. Did they convince you that you could ever escape me?"

"They didn't convince me of anything."

With his terrifying red eyes, Nubuki looks directly into Tota's eyes.

"Hmm, interesting. If that's the case, why would you leave your post?"

Tota starts shivering and crying under the amount of pressure Nubuki makes him feel. In his mind, Tota screams.

"I just wanted to be free for once!"

Nubuki grabs Tota by the chin.

"Say it, why did you leave your post? Did you think you were going to gain something from it?"

"N...n...n...No I didn't think anything; I just got caught in the moment."


Nubuki grabs Tota by the throat and throws him to the gang members behind him.

"Make sure to punish him correctly!"

Tota hits the ground and looks up to see the same man with a mohawk standing over him.

"Fucking dumbass, you really thought you could get away from Nubuki?"

More gang members start to surround Tota. With the man with a mohawk leading, the goons start stomping out Tota, making sure not to hold back.

On the bridge, Nubuki turns around to go back to his motorcycle until he hears someone talking from underneath the bridge.


While getting stomped on, Tota looks up.

"Why? Please just stay down."

Kage jumps out of the water and back onto the bridge. When he lands, Kage looks towards Nubuki but still has more to say to Tota.

"Tota, say what you really want to say! It's all over your face! Those depressed eyes that scream the complete opposite of what comes out of your mouth! Is that really how you want to live for the rest of your life?"

Tota, hearing Kage's words, covers his head with his arms.


Kage takes his attention off of Tota and starts walking towards Nubuki.

"Nubuki, was it? I have no idea who the hell you are, but my friend seems terrified of you, which means I need you to leave."

"Hmm, friend, you say, and how long have you known Tota?"

"Not even a day."

"Are you really willing to sacrifice your life for someone you know nothing about?"

"You know now that you say it, this is out of character for me, but he reminds me of something I used to be a long time ago, and now I just refuse to abandon him. Call it stupid, but I'll do whatever I choose to because it's my life."

As he starts to glow intensely, Kage cracks his knuckles and neck.

"Plus, I'm not going to lose against an all-muscle, no-brain motherfucker like you!"

"So you underestimate me."

Kage shoots multiple energy balls at Nubuki. Nubuki vanishes and reappears in front of Kage. With no time to react, Kage gets punched in the face by Nubuki, sending him flying across the bridge.

"What the hell! His accelerate technique is so fast!"

On the other side of the bridge, Nubuki pulls out his pair of brass knuckles from his coat pocket and puts both of them on. Kage jumps up from the ground, ready for battle.

"You might be fast, but I can use the accelerate technique as well!"

Kage's legs start to glow. Kage, using the accelerate technique, starts running towards Nubuki. He slowly picks up speed until he's moving so fast that he vanishes.

"Hmm, I see you aren't just some random kid."

Nubuki activates the sense technique and instantly sees Kage's attack coming. Nubuki side-steps Kage, and with the flex technique increasing his strength, he uppercuts Kage, sending him soaring into the sky. Kage takes advantage of this and shoots a ball of energy into the sky and starts using energy jet to avoid descending to the ground.

"Damn it, this guy is stronger than thought, but I can still win!"

Kage points his right fist at Nubuki below while holding his right arm with his left hand.

"Energy shotgun!"

Kage sends a shockwave of energy from his fist, which Nubuki blocks with ease. Kage flies back to the ground and sends out multiple beams of energy at Nubuki.

"I see you rely on your powers and abilities a lot."

Nubuki dodges every one of Kage's energy beams and gets directly in his face. Kage places his right palm on Nubuki's chest.

"Energy shot!"

A concentrated force of energy released from Kage's palm onto Nubuki's chest, causing him to back away.

"Take that assh—!"

Kage looks closer at Nubuki's chest and notices that he used the flex technique to focus OGI into the muscles in his chest, which deflected Kage's attack.

"Damn, I forgot the flex technique can do that!"

"Hmm, you seem to be pretty good with your powers, but unfortunately, you're fighting me."


Nubuki appears behind Kage and punches him in the back of the head. Kage falls to the ground with the back of his head bleeding.

"These new brass knuckles seem to be sturdier than the last one."

Kage starts to get up, despite the blood spilling out of his head.

"I'm not done with you ye—"

Without giving him the chance to get up, Nubuki stomps on Kage's right arm, completely breaking it.


"I don't care for your never-give-up speech. Just die without saying a word."

Kage jumps away from Nubuki while holding his broken arm.

"Energy pillar!"

A pillar of energy speeds down from the sky and slams into Nubuki. Back at the water park, Mr.Mink notices the energy pillar falling from the sky.

"Well, this can't be good."

On the bridge, Kage's energy pillar left a huge crater in the middle of the bridge. Kage, on top of the bridge, looks down at the crater.

"Is he still alive?"

"Was that your strongest attack?"

After hearing a voice behind him, Kage looks back and sees Nubuki, whose coat and pants are tattered, but his body still doesn't have a scratch. Nubuki tears off his coat, showing off his huge muscles. Kage attempts to shoot another energy beam, but Nubuki slaps his hand, causing him to misfire.

"Damn it!"

Kage lunges at Nubuki but then gets punched directly in the face, causing him to fall on his back when he hits the ground. Nubuki then picks Kage's body back up and starts punching him in the face over and over and over again, to the point where his face is covered in blood. Nubuki wastes no time, and with his hand stained with blood, he throws Kage to the ground so hard that Kage slightly bounces after hitting the ground. Nubuki then proceeds to stomp on Kage's chest.

"Underestimating an opponent is a sign of arrogance. You might have survived this battle if you listened to Tota and just left it alone."

Nubuki starts pressing his left foot onto Kage's chest.


As Nubuki slowly kills Kage, the surrounding gang members celebrate by dancing. Tota, who is currently laid out on the ground, beaten and bruised, looks at Nubuki and Kage and starts to cry.

"I'm sorry, Kage. It's all my fault; I should've died, but here I am causing trouble for someone else. I'm so sorry."

As Kage screams out in pain, Nubuki notices something.

"Wait a minute, this kid is draining my energy."

"Well, in that case, I should end this quickly."

Nubuki starts to put more force into caving in Kage's chest but jumps off of Kage after sensing something coming. A second later, Mr.Mink appears in front of Kage's body.

"Are you that boy's friend?"

Mr.Mink looks down at Kage and sees the bloody state he's in. With a blank expression on his face, Mr.Mink looks up.

"Did you do this to my student?"

Chapter 58 end