Fight Akira! part two

In the hallway that leads to the Frinstion gang's basement Unknown is rushing down the hallway.

"I know I'm not rich, but are all mansion hallways this fucking long?"

Unknown continues running until he stops after hearing a noise. Unknown looks to his left and sees a door.

"What the hell?"

Unknown opens the door and sees something not too pleasant. The door Unknown opened is the door to the basement Tota was being held in, but this time the jail cell is occupied by Brock, who is wearing nothing but underwear.

"What the fuck did I just walk into?"

Unknown looks around Brock and sees the same girl who was with Brock when he took Tota to Nubuki. The girl is currently in a weird position. The girl blushes and says, "Are you ready, big man?"

"Hehe, yes, I'm definitely ready!"

Brock looks at Unknown, who is standing on the basement stairs.

"Do you fucking mind!"

Unknown quickly runs out of the basement after getting noticed by Brock.

"What the fuck was that? Why in a jail cell? And why was she in that—no, I can't think about that right now! The most important question is, If that was Tota's jail cell, where's Tota?"

In the intelligence room, Spatina walks over to Akira after putting a hole in her chest. Spatina puts two fingers on her neck.

"Yep, she's dead alright. Stupid girl really thought she could beat me! Ha, don't make me laugh!"

Spatina kicks Akira's cold body and starts walking to the generator. Spatina pulls out his phone and starts typing on it.

"I don't feel like dealing with them, but I guess I should get those stupid people back in here so we can get the surveillance in here up and running."

As Spatina starts calling his subordinates back to the room, something weird starts happening to Akira's body. The hole that was left in her chest starts to close up alongside the holes left in both of her arms. Akira's body started to warm up once again. Akira opens up her eyes and turns her head towards Spatina.

"Holy fucking shit I died! So he can transform his barriers into weapons. Well, unless he can only make that stupid arrow, but that would be dumb! Maybe I should just run. Mr.Mink did say to run if you feel like your life is in danger. Wait, maybe I can use that!"

As those words ran through Akira's mind, something else ran through her mind. It sounds like a little girl is speaking in Akira's mind, and that girl says, "Don't ever speak to me again!"

Akira clenches her fist with anger.

"No, I can't use that; I promised to never use it again!"

A tear slides down Akira's face as she contemplates her situation.

"I'm sorry, Unknown. I guess I wasn't strong enough to complete my job."

The words Unknown said to Akira started playing in her head.

"Listen, Akira, saving Tota is important, but your job is the most important! We can't get out of here if you don't take that bastard down! You're strong if you really put your mind to it, OK?"

Akira, remembering those words, starts to grit her teeth.

"I don't need to use it, especially here. I am powerful without it! I promise, sister, I'll never show that form to the world ever again!"

The pupils in Akira's eyes completely disappear, her nails start to grow, and her teeth sharpen. Akira slams her fist into the ground and finally stops thinking to herself.

"Fine, I'll fight!"

Spatina, hearing Akira slam her fist into the ground, looks back.

"She's gone!"

Spatina starts looking around the room in search of Akira.

"What the hell is this shit! I know for a fact she was dead!"

Akira appears next to Spatina and punches him in the face so hard that he spins multiple times in the air.


Spatina hits the ground but quickly jumps up.

"What the hell! That was way faster than before!"

Akira lands on the ground with a vicious expression on her face.

"Wait a minute, her shirt has the hole my attack made earlier! Could it be she came back to life?"

Akira gets in all fours and, with the accelerate technique, starts rushing towards Spatina. Spatina makes a barrier and turns it into multiple star-shaped arrows. The arrows start spinning like drills.

Akira stops running and digs into the ground, creating a hole. Akira jumps out of the ground behind Spatina. When she pops out of the ground, lava sprays out of the hole like a volcano.


The ground shakes, and the same hole spews out multiple balls of lava, covering the entire room in lava. Spatiana quickly throws up a barrier to block the lava from touching him.

"Well, this took a left turn!"

Akira runs on top of the lava to get to Spatina. Akira punches Spatina's barrier but does no damage. Akira backs up and punches it over and over again in an attempt to break the barrier.

"Dumbass women! This barrier is impenetrable! Your weak ass punches won't do shit!"

Akira slams her fist onto the ground.

"That barrier is strong, but is it defending you from every attack!"

From where Akira punched, the ground started to crack. The cracks go all the way to where spatina is standing.

"Damn it!"

Spatina takes down his barrier and jumps out of the way of the cracks. The cracks open up and release tons of lava.

"So your barrier can't defend you from the ground!"

Akira, using the accelerate technique, vanishes and reappears next to Spatina. Spatina blocks Akira's punch and grabs her by the arm.

"Who the fuck cares if my barrier doesn't defend me from everything? You're still just a stupid woman!"

Spatina throws Akira into another wall, but this time, when she hits the wall, the wall turns into lava.

Spatina throws up a barrier and then turns the barrier into a spear as big as the room.


Akira jumps out of the lava, and simultaneously, Spatina attempts to stab her with the spear he formed.

"Die, you useless dumbass women!"

As she descends closer to the oncoming spear, Akira starts thinking to herself.

"Yeah, he's right. I'm nothing useful. I can never make anyone happy no matter what I do, but today I will be useful for my friend's sake!"

Akira is face-to-face with the spear. The spear is about to penetrate her chest, but before it can, Akira grabs the tip of the spear with her palm. Akira uses the flex technique to flip off the tip of the spear. Akira lands on the shaft of the spear on all fours and starts running down it at top speed.

"You're the most persistent woman I've ever encountered!"

Spatina makes another barrier and transforms it into a see-through whip. Spatina grabs the whip and swings it at Akira. Akira jumps off the spear's shaft. Akira lands on the ground and opens her mouth wide.


Akira releases a huge beam of lava from her mouth. Spatina jumps out of the way of the lava before it hits him. Akira starts turning her head. The beam of lava follows Akira's head movements. Akira continues turning her head every time Spatina moves away from her attack. Every time her beam of lava hits something, that thing instantly turns into lava.

"The fuck is this woman doing? She's going to melt the entire room!"

Spatina lands on the ground, and Akira wastes no time by closing her mouth and jumping off of the ground to the roof. She then jumps from the roof straight to Spatina. Her jump is so powerful that it breaks the roof that is under her feet. Akira clenches her fist and grits her teeth.

"I guess it's time for me to show you who's really useless!"

Akira reaches Spatina and punches him in the left cheek with great force. The punch sends Spatina into the ground, creating a huge crater in the room. All the see-through weapons in the room instantly disappear as Spatina gets knocked out cold by Akira's punch. Akira stands up with sweat falling down her face and blood dripping from her hand.

"I did it. Unknown I beat this stupid sexist!"

Akira falls to the ground in exhaustion.

"Forcing myself not to use that form is way too hard. I had to push myself to the limit just to knock that guy out, but I promised to never use it again, so I won't."

From the crater, a see-through rope appears. The rope wraps around Akira's leg.

"No way!"

"You stupid bitch! How dare you come back from the dead and punch me! I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Spatina walks out of the crater with a dent in his cheek from Akira's punch.

Spatina pulls the rope, which also pulls Akira. He swings the rope around, slamming Akira's body everywhere in the room.

"You insolent woman! Why the hell do I always have to deal with BS from you lesser beings? I'll never forgive a single one of you!"

After getting swung around multiple times by Spatina, Akira grabs the rope with her right hand.

"I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a try!"

Akira takes her hand off of the rope, and instantly the part of the rope she grabbed turns into lava. Akira goes flying into another wall after releasing herself from Spatina's rope. Akira jumps back onto the ground, and all four start rushing towards Spatina.

"This stupid bitch! I have to put another barrier up—shit, I'm out of energy!"


Spatina takes a fighting stance in the face of the oncoming attack from Akira.

"So it comes down to hand-to-hand combat now! I will beat this dumbass woman!"

Akira jumps at Spatina with full intent to punch him in the face.

Spatina blocks the punch and slams his elbow onto Akira's head. The elbow leaves the left side of Akira's head bleeding. Akira retaliates by kicking Spatina in the neck. The kick barely makes Spatina move an inch.

"Your weak feminine kicks won't stop me, girl!"

"Shut the hell up with that sexist shit already; you're so annoying!"

Akira and Spatina throw a left-handed punch at the same time. Their punches collide, and while breathing heavily, both of them look into each other's eyes. Both of them grit their teeth and start throwing physical attacks one by one until Akira dodges one of the attacks, flips backward, and digs into the ground.

"Not this mole shit again!"

Spatina, using the sense technique, smells Akira coming up from the ground behind. Spatina smiles and turns around.

"Women are so predictable!"

Spatina, using the information he knows, kicks towards the area he believes Akira is going to come up from, but is instead surprised by a lava attack. A crack in the ground releases tons of lava. Spatina, expecting Akira to pop out of the ground, kicks the lava, leaving burns on his foot.


Spatina pulls his foot out of the lava. Akira who was waiting in the lava for Spatina to slip up jumps out of the lava.

"I'm putting my all into this!"

With her hand covered in lava, Akira punches Spatina in the chin. The punch sends Spatina flying into the ceiling. Spatina's body goes flying through the ceiling and straight into the barrier surrounding the city. Spatina hits the barrier, knocking him out cold. With him out cold, the barrier around the city and the mansion crack and disappear.

In the intelligence room, Akira falls to the ground, exhausted.

"Fighting is so hard! I don't want to fight a guy like that again, but I did it, you guys. I completed my job without using that form."

The battle between Akira and Spatina ends with Akira as the winner.

Chapter 69 end