The False Destiny

After the defeat of Emiko, Selena walked off the battlefield and started walking back to the student stands. On the way there, she puts on new high heels and puts on her dress.

"I hope that girl is able to open her eyes and finally realize Akira isn't her enemy."

Sadness washes over Selena's face.

"I don't want them to make the same mistakes I have and become a person who can't trust anybody, no matter how much she tries."


Selena looks to see where her name was called and sees Akira running to her.


"I love you so much!"

"Oh, you're here because of my match. It was nothing much I ju—"

As Selena speaks, Akira jumps on her with tears pouring out of her eyes, causing both of them to fall to the ground.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Selena looks at Akira crying on top of her and smiles.

"You're getting snot all over my dress."

"Ahh! I'm sorry!"

Akira quickly jumps off Selena.

"Ahh! There's so much. I'm so sorry, Selena. I'll go grab some tissues right away!"

As Akira panics Selena starts to softly chuckle.


At the same time as this confrontation, Mr.Brown started announcing the next match. The shuffleboard has finished the shuffling.

"And there it is! The next match is Paul vs. Elias, the last standing member of the lower classes. This battle will be an interesting one alright! The number one student of Grava Acadamy vs. a lower-class student who was believed to be destined for the role of number one! Who will win? Stay tuned to find out!"

After the announcement of the next fight, Kage asks Unknown a question.

"Aye, bro, what does Mr.Brown mean by he was destined?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"I can tell you."


Kage and Unknown look to their right and see Paul standing next to them, ominously staring at the shuffleboard.

"Woah, Paul, where did you come from?"

"You were interested in knowing about Elias Kage?"

"Well yeah, they said he was destined for your spot, well at least used to."

"Ok, then I will tell you the story real quick before my match starts."

While Paul tells the story of Elias to Kage and Unknown, on the other side of the stadium, in the hallway leading to the right side of the battlefield, Elias is sitting inside the waiting room with a smile on his face.

"Finally, I will destroy you in front of everyone, Paul, and remind them who's truly number one!"

As his hatred for Paul continues to rise, Elias starts to remember where his hatred for him all started. Elias was abandoned at birth in Grava City. He was then taken in by a rich family that's not so well known, but the family had connections to Principal Nixion. The family made sure Elias developed well as an OGI user. Multiple teachers from Grava Academy, including the top six teachers, came and trained Elias. By the time Elias was fifteen, he knew everything when it came to OGI, and with how well he had developed, rumors started to go around. People called him the "child of destiny."

On the morning of the Grava Acadamy entrance exam, Elias was up early making breakfast in his three-story house. The house is completely white, and the inside is always clean. Elias grabs his bread from the toaster and places it on his plate.

"The entrance exam is here already. After all those years of training, it's finally time to take my spot as the top student."

Elias takes a seat in front of his mother and father and starts eating his breakfast. His father asks, "Are you ready for today?"

"Of course, I am father! There's no way I can't be. Do you hear what they are calling me?"

"Yes, I have. The child of destiny is a name that suits you well."

Elias's mother says, "I'm sure you'll do great, sweety. Just make sure you go out there and make a lot of friends on the way!"

"Thanks, Mother, I will be going now. I don't want to be late."

Elias leaves the house to go to Grava Academy for the entrance exam. When he arrives, he is placed into the battle royale for group one, which is the group that has the strongest applicants. Elias walks into the battleground, where the battle royale will be held.

"Wow, just look at this place; it's huge."

As Elias looks around, he overhears multiple conversations.

"Hey, that's Elias, right?"

"Yeah, the child of destiny. Why did we have to get into his group? We have no hope of getting above him."

"Shit, the child of destiny is here! I have to try to hide from him during the battle royale if I want to place high."

After hearing all the chatter about him, Elias smiles and holds his head high.

"Yeah, that's right. I am destined for number one."

After saying that, Elias hears the chatter take a shift.

"Hey, who the hell is that?"

"Why is he wearing a cape?"

"He looks like he's from the slums."

After hearing all the chatter, Elias looks around in confusion.

"What the hell are all these people talking about?"

Elias looks all over the place in search of who the people are talking about, but he finally finds him when he feels a chill go down his spine. Elias turns around to where the entrance is, and he sees Paul, who has bruises all over his body, his clothes torn up, and his cloak slowly falling apart.

"Who the hell is this, and why do I feel this strange feeling from him? It's almost like he has a different aura than everyone else here."

As Paul walks past the other applicants, someone steps in front of him. Paul looks up and sees Seth standing in front of him.

"Ha, you look like you've already been through a battle royale! Did you really come here to be part of this academy, or did you come here to play around?" 

With Seth in his face, Paul looks up with a serious expression.

"I was training and lost track of the time, so I didn't have enough time to clean up. I apologize."

Paul walks past Seth and continues walking to the field.

After watching that confrontation, Elias starts thinking to himself.

"Did he just say training? What type of training was he doing to get into that condition? Well, it doesn't matter because I'm the child of destiny! I will defeat him first and push forward."

Six minutes later, the battle royale commenced, and every applicant was spread across a huge, rocky battlefield.

Elias is currently running across the field in search of an enemy to fight.

"The battle royale just started, and I haven't heard much fighting yet, which is kind of surprising; I thought this place would have become a hellscape already!"

Elias looks above him and sees Paul standing on top of a hill.

"It's the guy from earlier; I will take him out first, and I won't even activate level two because I am the child of destiny!"

Elias jumps from the ground onto the hill Paul is standing on and goes in for an attack. Without even glancing at him, Paul catches Elias's punch.

"What! That's impossible!"

Paul looks at Elias directly in the eyes with a serious expression.

"So you're the child of destiny? From what I can see, you're just a regular person like everyone else. You have no drive."

"What are you talking about?"

"What's your reason for being here at this battle royale? Why do you want to find level three?"

After hearing that question, Elias's face freezes.

"You are just like everyone else. You're only here because you were told to or because hunting level three is the norm. You have no drive."


Paul lets go of Elias's hand and knocks him out with a powerful punch to the face, making him the first applicant to lose in the group one battle royale.

After losing the battle royale, Elias was put into the lower classes.

On his first day of class, he was in a class being taught by Mr.Strout. The class has 56 students in it, and Elias sits in the middle of the room. Elias looks around the room with a conflicted expression.

"Is this truly where I belong with all these kids who don't even know what OGI control is?"

As he thinks to himself, Elias starts to overhear the students around him talking.

"Hey, isn't that Elias the child of destiny?"

"Yeah, but that's no longer his nickname anymore; we call him the False Destiny now. He lost in the first minute of the battle royale to Paul, who wasn't even trying against him. Apparently, Paul believes level two isn't necessary to use, even though he can use it. Which is why everyone has been calling him the level-one demon lately."

After hearing this, Elias looks down at his desk.

"The false destiny? Have I truly fallen that low to the point where I'm given such a nickname?" 

Elias starts to remember the words Paul said to him in their fight.

"You are just like everyone else. You're only here because you were told to or because hunting level three is the norm. You have no drive."

"Is Paul right? Why am I even chasing level three? Damn it!"

After class ends, Elias is the last one to get out of his seat to leave, but before he can walk out the door, Mr.Strout grabs him by the arm.

"Don't leave yet, Elias; I want to talk to you."

"Oh, Mr.Strout what is it you want to talk about?"

"I've been hearing about how much you disappointed everyone around you by losing to Paul."

"Well yeah, I heard an earful from my parents. I was lucky to not get disowned."

"Oh, I see, so what are you going to do about it?"

"Oh well, I've been thinking about it all class, and Paul's right. I have no reason to be here other than I was told to, so I think I'm going to drop out and find my own path."


Elias jumps up after hearing Mr.Strout's reaction.

"That Paul already took everything from you! Your respect, your title—and now you're going to let him take your dignity! You can't drop out; you must get him back! You must tear Paul down from his throne and prove you're the child of destiny! No,even better, you must form yourself a new title!"

Elias starts to once again think back to his fight with Paul.

"Just think about it: once you destroy that, Paul, they will lose all respect for him and flock back to you like the leechs they are!" 

"Yes, you're right!"

Elias grits his teeth and clenches his fist.

"It's all Paul's fault I'm even here in this dump of a classroom!"

"Yes, that's it, my dear Elias! Now take that anger and focus it all on Paul."

An image of Paul burning in flames pops into Elias's head.


After Elias remembers what got him to where he is now, he returns to reality, ready for his battle with Paul.

"I will destroy you, Paul, no matter what!"

From behind him, Elias feels a hand grab his shoulder.


"Yes, that's it; Elias, focus that anger! That's what all our personal training sessions were for. Now let your anger turn your OGI tank into a burning inferno and destroy Paul with your bare hands!"

Elias's anger rises to an all-time high.

"I will!"

"And from the right corner is Elias!"

"Yes, there it is, my dear Elias! Now go out there and show the whole world who truly is at the top!"

"Yes sir!"

Elias walks out to the battlefield after hearing his name called. The first person Elias sees is Paul, who is also walking to Mr.Zane.

"Finally, it's you and me, Paul! I will destroy you and show you who has no drive!"

Chapter 119 end