The Class One Takeover

After Unknown's loss to Kai, Mr.Brown started to close out the day.

"Alright folks! what an amazing second round! Things are really starting to heat up! You can tell the third day is going to be even more insane!"

On the shuffle screen, the remaining eight fighters are displayed.

"We have eight students remaining! Blaze! Chika! Damion! Selena! Paul! Kage! Seth! And last but not least Kai! Class one is in the lead with three students remaining, and class six is behind them with two students! Now classes three and four have joined class two on the chopping block, with all of them having one student remaining. The lower classes and class five have been eliminated from the tournament. Who will survive the next round? You'll be able to find out tomorrow, so stay tuned!"

Everyone in the stands starts to clear out, and with the sun setting, the second round of the Grava Acadamy tournament comes to a close.

At the same time in the resting room, Unknown woke up after his loss against Kai. Unknown is currently lying in bed with bandages all across his body, his stomach completely wrapped and cast on both of his arms.

"Everything hurts"

"Yeah, I bet it does!"

After hearing Kage's voice Unknown rolls his eyes and sighs.

"I'm never going to live this down."

"Damn right! How the hell did you lose that match Unknown? You made me do all that cheering for no reason!"

Unknown looks around him and notices that all of class one excluding Wayne has surrounded his bed.

"Oh, you're all here."

"Are you alright Unknown?" Akira says.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I lost."

Unknown's mind starts to race with all the fights he's had so far and all the visions he's had in the past few months.

"How will I ever find out who I am if I'm still this weak? I can't even pull through for my friends."

Unknown clenches on his bedsheets.

"I'm sorry guys, I failed class one."

Kage suddenly smacks Unknown in the back of the head.


"Would you stop all that whining? You lost, so what? I'm going to never let you live this down, so what? You're not the strongest right now, so what?"

While grabbing his head in pain, Unknown looks up to Kage.

"Dude, look around the room. We still have three people left in the tournament, and I bet you we will destroy the rest of the classes!"

Selena says, "Yes, me, Kage, and Paul are still standing, and we aren't going down without a fight, so you can just sit and rest now."

Paul grabs Unknown by the shoulder with a calm expression.

"They are right. We can't expect to not take any losses in this tournament, but we who have not fallen will assure you that we will win back our dagger at all costs."

Kage puts his fist in front of Unknown.

"You hear that? We can handle it from here! Tell you what tomorrow in the third round none of us will lose, and I put that on class one!"

Unknown stares at Kage, confused for a moment, and then gives Kage a fist bump with a smile on his face.

"You better keep your promise, asshole."

Mr.Mink comes from the corner of the room to join the conversation.

"Doc informed us earlier that you will have to stay overnight. He couldn't heal you all the way because he's running low on OGI."

"Alright, thanks!"

"Oh, and aye, make sure to keep your spirits up Unknown. We still have three rounds left. Who knows what could happen next?"

Unknown looks at all his friends around him and smiles.

"Thank you guys."

After this class one went to the same hotel they went to after the first round. Every student who chose to stay at the hotel was invited to a banquet that was being held in the huge lounge of the hotel. The room has different long tables with different types of food on them. At one table on the left side of the room, Kage is grabbing ribs, meatloaf, and fried chicken. Then he runs over to the right corner of the room and grabs rice and soup. He goes on to grab food from each table and stuff it all on one paper plate.

"OK, I think I have everything I need! Wait, I need some dessert!"

Kage starts walking to the sweets table, and on the way, he walks past Selena.

"Oh, what's up Selena? Isn't this party great? There's so much food! I wish Wayne and Unknown could be here; too bad they're still in the resting area recovering."

"Yeah, it is great, but don't you think you should grab some vegetables?"

Kage looks at Selena's plate and sees it's full of vegetables and fruits, with chicken on the side. Kate scoffs at her question.

"Hell no!"

Kage reaches the sweets table and starts stacking his plate with things like cake, donuts, popsicles, and many other sweets.

"Oh, so you love sweets too."

As he's picking up a brownie Kage notices Chika, the number one of class two, stuffing a cupcake in her mouth.

"Yeah, I do enjoy sweets. Wait a minute, you're Chika right?"

Chika swallows the cupcake.

"Yep, that's me!" Chika says while throwing her arms up.

After seeing this Selena notices the amount of crumbs and cake icing left on Chika's face.

"She eats like a child who hasn't been taught manners." 

"Hey, Chika!"

The voice calling Chika is Feltzes, who joins the three of them at the sweets table.

"You're always running off on your own. Please stop getting distracted all the time; it's not good for my heart." 

As Feltzes is talking Chika sees a hotel clerk carrying a chair. At the top of the chair, there's a jewel implanted in it.


Chika starts to follow the clerk, but Feltzes quickly grabs her before she walks away.

At the same time, Seth, followed by Damion, and Kai, followed by Aurora, arrive at the sweets table. Blaze also shows up with a guitar in hand.

"Oh, what do we have here? A mash-up of fake upperclassmen hogging all the sweets!"

The second Seth speaks, Kage gets annoyed.

"Damn, your voice is as annoying as always!"

"Oh, what was that? Does the lesser me have something to say?"

"You want to say that again dumbass!

Kai interjects the argument between Seth and Kage.

"Please, you two, no bickering. Tonight should be a time of rest for all of us."

"Mr. disciplined strikes again! You need to get some electrification in your life man!" Blaze says.

After hearing Kai's and Blaze's voices, Kage starts to look at everyone at the sweets table.

"Woah, it looks like everyone who's left in the tournament is here except Paul. Well, I got some shit to say."

Kage starts to smile arrogantly.

"Aye, everyone here, listen up and listen well! Tomorrow is the third round, and I'm telling you right now that you might as well not even come!"

Kage points to the ceiling with a cocky smile.

"Because tomorrow class one is going to beat every opponent that crosses our path and then push forward to the end! You can call it the class one takeover!"

After Kage's declaration, everyone smiles.

Blaze strums his guitar and says, "I like the electricity oozing from you, but sorry, loyal fan! King Blaze will be debuting his new album tomorrow as well! Blazing take over!"

Kai tightens his red headband in an act of accepting Kage's challenge.

"We will have an honorable competition I'm sure!"

"Haha! Is this a joke? You really think you can beat me, Kage?"

Kage points at Seth as he speaks.

"You better hope me and you aren't put against each other because if we do, I'm going to beat your ass!"

Seth smacks Kage's hand away.

"Don't point at me! You have no right! I will be the one to destroy you in this tournament."

Kage grabs Seth by the collar.

"Keep telling yourself that!"

While Seth and Kage bicker, Feltzes notices that Chika has disappeared from his sight.

"Damn it, she's such a child sometimes!"

He goes off to look for her once again.

Outside the hotel, Chika walks to an area in the back. There she meets Paul, who is currently training his OGI control by standing in a focused stance.

"Hello, Paul I see you're training."

Paul doesn't respond to Chika's question.

"Dang, that's some real focus. Ok, well, I guess he can't help me find my way back to the lounge."

Chika left, and Paul continued staying in that focused stance for the entire night. Hours pass, and it's finally the next day and also the day of the third round.

With students in the student stands and teachers in the teacher stands, Mr.Brown starts his announcements.

"Welcome back everybody! It is finally time for the third round! I hope you all got some sleep last night, because you will need your eyes wide open for these next matches. Now I will pass the mic to our pristine principal! 

"Hello, everyone here and at home today should encompass amazing fights from our top students. Pay close attention to our future stars."

Mr.Brown starts to speak once again on the mic.

"Now look to the screen, and you will see the updated popularity vote. A ranking of our remaining students based on what the fans think"

The screen shows the last eight fighters ranked in popularity. 

"Of course, number one is Paul, our top student!"

The list goes: 1. Paul 2. Seth 3. Kage 4. Kai 5. Blaze 6. Selena 7.Chika 8. Damion.

In the student stands Kage, Selena, Unknown, Akira, Dexter, Liz, Aurora, and Kai are seated together. After seeing where he's ranked in the popularity vote, Kage smiles.

"Yeah, that's better! All I have to do now is surpass Paul in popularity."

Unknown side eyes Kage and says, "I think you're the only one who still cares for the popularity vote."

Mr.Brown starts to speak on the mic once again.

"OK, now it's time for the first match of the day!"

The shuffleboard starts shuffling the eight fighters and then shows the match-up on the screen.

"Boom! We are starting off with an exciting one today! Paul vs. Kai! A battle between the level-one demon and the greatest hand-to-hand fighter! Stay tuned for this exciting battle."

After hearing Mr.Brown's announcement, Paul, who is standing on the south side of the stadium above the stands, walks off to the waiting room. At the same time, Kai stands up and leaves the student stands. Aurora yells, "Be careful fighting him; you will need to pull out everything to beat him!"

Kai tightens his headband.

"Of course, I wouldn't fight him any other way."

Chapter 125 end