Truth About Magic Class

After talking a few more with Luna and Mia,we left our room.

When we reach the throne room,we saw Titania ordering Seraphine and other spirit with a soft smile.

Sensing our presence,she looked at our position before dissapearing.


In a blinked of an eyes,she was already standing in front of us.

In a matter of second,our surrounding change from the throne room to a garden of flowers.

Unable to comprehend what just happened,we stood there in the middle of the garden looking at her dumbfounded.

Looking at our face,she giggled softly.

"Didn't I tell you?I am the owner of this realm.I can go to anywhere I want as long as I am here with a mere thought."

She spoke,still mainting the soft smile she had before sitting on the ground and patting it indicating for us to sit.

Breaking from our stupor,we sat on the ground right in front her.

"Now then,tell me your classes."

Titania said after we sat on the ground.

"Me and Mia are both Master Magic Archer,while my other class is at Basic Telekinesis while Mia's other class are Basic Magic Gunman."

"Mine are Magic SwordKing,Class Master,Basic MagicGunman,Basic Archer and Basic Mind Controller."

"Hmm...for your archer class,what you need to is just basically easy.Just start from hitting long range target with perfect hit.You might also want to get skills that enhance your eyesights,aiming,speed and sense.It is also the same for the magic gunman as well."

"That's all!? Isn't that a bit to easy?"

Mia asked Titania as she never thought how easy archery is.

"Easy?Can you shoot arrow from a hundred meters away from you in a blink of an eye?Can you shoot three or more arrows at once?And do all that while your target is moving fast?"

Mia was taken aback about Titania's questioned.

"Youre right.Thank you for your advice Titania."

Luna said after thinking about Titania's words.

"And sister Luna,for your telekinetis ability,you might want to start by moving and lifting small object.Then try to lift many small objects after you have complete control over it.After that,you can try to use telekinesis on bigger object.Oh and don't forget,telekinesis is not about lifting,but about applying and controlling physical force without any physical interaction.If your control of telekinesis is good,you can even use it to smash any enemy easily."

Luna nodded after hearing Titania's explanation.

Seeing her like this,acting like a proper adult,made me wonder why she was acting childish in our first meeting.

"And I did not expect you to have a special class darling."

Titania said to me while winking making her look seductive.

"I know nothing about this class at all.Do you know something about this?"

I asked,I know it was a special class indeed,but the system never gave any description at all.All I can do is make some random guess just by the name alone.

"Yes,after all I have met a few beings with that class.It has a basic function:to controll your classes at will,as well as others,if they agreed of course .Meaning if you want to can merge all your classes right now but only those who are compatible with each other.You can also unmerege them or just remove one.It also allows you to have as many classes you want.

'That's actually pretty basic for a special class.But the abilites are awesome.' I thought.

"You might want to seperate your swordman class with the mage class.Trust me,it will be much beneficial to you.You two should do so as well.

"But why?Doesn't being a magic swordmaster good?"

"No it's not.By merging your class it allows you to have the abilites of both class.But,if you were to train that merged class,it will be half.Half for the weapon class and half for the mage class.And also,only those who had the tittle Magic SwordMaster,Magic Archer etc in their tittles are respected.Having those tittle meaning you can use both the weapon and magic perfectly without the help of the merged magic class."

"But we were told that..." Luna tried to asked something but was cut off midway by Titania.

"Whoever told you that were either they were lying to you or never made any research at all.But it's fine since that knowledge came from the Third Realm when I visited that place last time.And that knowledge might be gone from the Second and First Realm right now if someone never corrects you about it.And also did you not find it wierd?You have become a Master in Magic Archer class yet you two never received the Magic Archer tittle?"

She said as realization hit us.

"And people only merged a Weapon class and Mage class to experience what it means to use both at once.But no one who had ever done that without unmerging their class later never achieved the tittle."