
"Well then,I hope to see you soon darling,now that you know how to open a portal to spirit realm,feel free to visit me anytime you wan okay?"

Titania said while waving her hand at us.

"Yeah,I'll make sure to come back as soon as possible then."

I said before entereing a blue portal.

--On the other side of the portal--

--1st Realm--

"So,what took you so long to say goodye?"

Luna said while her arms are crossed on her chest.

"She just taught me how to make a portal back that's all."

I stated,while trying my best to act cool,because in reality,I can easily open a portal,the reason for me to took my time was Titania won't stop kissing me.

"I see,well me and Mia are going to log out for now,its been a month since we last return in the real world after all."

Mia gave a small nod.

"I see then,I'll see you two later."

[Logging Out...]

[Logged out]

--Kreo's Room--

After opening my eyelids,I pushed the pods door open.

"Where did Julliane go?"

I muttered as it was rare for her not to be in my room ever since we became lovers.

My eyes caught the attention of my laptop which was open.

Walking towards the desk,I look at the monitor,well more precisely the digital note in it.


I won't be able to go home for a few days.If you are reading this,I have bought some vegetables and canned food and stock them on the fridge.Help yourself ]

The note said.

'This feeling is....'

I thought as I felt something inside my chest,near my heart.Along with that,I also felt something strange flowing in my body as well.

"Isn't this...magic!?"

The thing near my heart was my Origin Core,and the flowing feeling was probably none other than mana.

Reaching my palm out,I started by creating a ball of water magic.

After a few moments of concentration,I heard a flowing sound as water manifested in the air and formed a ball.A water ball.


The ball of water exploded as I momentary lose my concentration,showering me with cold water.

"Great,I needed that."

I sarcastically said.

Looking at the desk I have in my room,I walked closely to and tried to lift it.

I failed.

"My strength is still the same as before,the only difference is that I can use magic."


I hurriedly picked up my ringing phone near my bed.

I swip the screen open as the ID caller showed:Luna

Swiping it to accept,I heard Luna's excited voice.

"Kreo,I have sommmee exciting news."

"Oh yeah?What is it?"

"I can use magic! In real life.And not just me,Mia can do it as well!"

"I see,but too bad,I already know."

"I have already thought of that,after all Titania said that elves have a strong sense when it come to magic.As a High-Elf,you should be able to feel the magic inside you."

"But I am a human in the real world remember?"

"Yes that's right.However,your ability to sense magic shouldn't have downgraded right?"

"Smart,my girlfriend is so smart."

"Oh you!Anyway there is another reason I called you for.Do you remember that there is a number one in the leaderboad?"

"Yeah,what about him?"

"Well he can also use magic in the real world.He said that after he reach rank 100,he ask an expert for help,after unlocking his Magic core and Sea of Consciousness,he was able to use magic in the real world.But only that,his strength was still the same."

"Expert?You can ask an expert for help?"

"Yes,there was an expert in the royal capital that can help unlock both the magic core and sea of consciousness for 1,000 gold.But he is quite a prideful person.He only helps if he deem the person worthy of his service."

"I what is his name?And what is he doing now?And how did he get this expert to help him?"

"Reinhart Filia,a boy from a poor family.He is 23 years old living alone in his apartment at street XXX at block XXX.He can use Fire,Earth,Wind,Water and Illusion magic.Those reason are enough for the prideful expert to help him."

"I see...are your parents going to recruit this guy?"

"Yes,right now,our parents are in a meeting with the whole companies high members to discuss what benefits should they give him to join our company."

"This is problematic,even if the two of you can use magic now,he can use more elements than the two of you."

"I know,I'm gonna hang up now.We will show our parents that we can also use magic,who knows,maybe they will give up on him.Bye!"



"I need to call Julliane fast,I hope she can answer my call."

I said as I dialed Julliane's number,moment later she picked up.

"Oh look who decided to log out and call me,so what do you need Kreo?"

"Julliane where are you?Have you heard of Reinhart Filia?"

"Hmm?Ah yes I have heard of him,oh what's this?Are you jealous?"

"Yes.Are you planning to recruit him to your company?"

"No I am not planning to do that.Though,the companies higher members are pestering me about it.So why are you asking about him?"

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm on my way back home why?"

"Youre not driving while talking to the phone at the same time are you?"

"Pffft of course not.I am not a child.I parked my car before answering your call."

"I can also use magic in real life."

"You can?That was...faster than I thought.Actually the reason I don't want him was because I already have you.Ah and he was also ogling at my body as well.I was just waiting for that confirmation from you.Le'ts talk after i got home okay?"

"Ok got it.See you soon."

(Author:Welll,I won't be able to upload for a few days,again.Thanks for those who have been showering my novel with powerstone.And so,what do you guys think of my novel so far?)