4 - Necronomicon EX - Mortis

Daniel entered the cabin and was totally happy about everything that had happened, ' These last 4 years have been perfect!'


Yes, everything bad that happened to Matthew was orchestrated by Daniel. He had known him since he was a child and he always came second in every way. Matthew was bigger, smarter, better looking, more everything. And this made Daniel change.

At first, he was a good kid and a good person. But as time went by, he changed after being in second place all his life. It was when they were 14 years old that everything changed.

Daniel was on his way to confess to Sheryl when he found out that she had already accepted to date, Matthew. Of course, that was not all, but this action changed Daniel. He became evil, simple as that.

Sure, as the mayor's son, he needed to keep up appearances, but underneath that, he was a psycho. And his main target was Matthew, one of his friends.

Initially, he tried to break up the couple, but he soon found out why he was never at Matthew's level. Using normal ways, Daniel would never get his revenge on Matthew.

That's when another person entered the fray. Sarah.

Sarah too was a beautiful young person, but she had one problem. Jeoulsy. Yes, she was jealous of Sheryl, who had more than her.

So, Sarah noted Daniel's change in demeanor and approached him, '' What's wrong with you?''

Daniel, still trying to maintain apparency, smiled at her, '' What are you talking about?''

'' Cut the crap. We know each other since the beginning of our lives, and I know when something is wrong with you. Spill it.''

The 14- years old Daniel cracked and told Sarah everything. When he finished, he expected she would be disgusted, but no. She was normal.

Sarah put a pensive face,'' So that's what happened... Ok, I'll help you!''

'' What do you mean?''

Daniel noted Sarah's face morphed into something that made even him flinch, '' I know the feeling of being the seconds best. You want revenge against Matthew and I want too, against Sheryl.''

'' You will not do anything to her!'' When Daniel heard that Sarah wanted to do something to Sheyrl, he roared.

'' Wow, chill dude... OHHHHHHH, you like her! I didn't even notice!'' Sarah exclaimed when she noted Daniel was in love with Sheryl.

'' SHUT UP!''

'' Chill... How about this, we will deal with Matthew, and at the same time, make sure Sheryl ends with you. How does that sound?''

That made Daniel calm down, '' Explain.''

'' We will break up the two, by spreading rumors. We will make sure Matthew's image is ruined, then you'll come and save the poor Sheryl.'' Sarah explained.

'' Ok, but what do YOU gain with this?'' Daniel was curious about this part.

'' I'm okay with just separating the couple.'' Sarah smiled at Daniel, but she was thinking, ' If she ends up with you, that's revenge enough for me.'

Daniel didn't have a reason to not accept, '' Ok, let's do this!''

So, from the time they were 14 years old until the fateful party, Daniel and Sarah planned every part of their plan. They used their family money to put the doctor of the city and the police force under their families' thumbs. Of course, in the meantime, they tried to break up the couple, but to no avail. Besides, Daniel wanted to fuck Matthew's life, and just breaking up the both would not be enough.

Their families were amazed by what they were doing and let them do as they pleased.

'' As long as you don't affect your family business, you're free to do what you want!'' That was what Daniel's father said when he asked for help getting money to bribe everyone.

So, they had everything in place and put their plan in motion. It worked to a T, and everything happened the way they wanted. Only, they had to 'sacrifice' one of their friends, and Karen, who was the most influenceable, was the chosen one.

After the party and accepting Karen back, both Daniel and Sarah 'helped' Sheryl move on. The only part they account for was that Sheryl would close off from a romantic relationship for a long time.

Sarah tried to make Sheryl see other people, mainly Daniel, but Sheryl refused. But, nothing is forever and one day Sheryl accepted after years of insistence.

So, only after 3 years did Daniel manage to win her heart. Everyone was static when it happened. Everyone celebrated, and no one remembered the pariah Matthew.

Even his family was static when they saw Sheryl moving on.

But - even after all that, Daniel felt it wasn't enough. He wanted Matthew to suffer more.

' Should I do something to his sister? No, that is too cliche... I'll ask Sarah.'

And that was what he did. He went to talk with Sarah, who immediately gave an idea, '' How about we break him mentally?''

'' Explain.''

'' You see, Sheryl always talked to me regarding their plans of getting married and their kids. So, how about you steal that from him, and rub it on his face?''

'' But from what I can tell, he doesn't use social media. There's no way he would know.'' Daniel was following Matthew's every move. He knew where he worked and lived.

'' That's okay. We can just show him in person.'' Sarah smiled evilly.

'' How do you plan on doing that?''

'' We use our friend Karen once more. We will make her call him on a reunion trip, but we will be there with them. Then, we will show him everything that he wanted, you got. But! you have to at least be engaged to Sheryl, and for her to be pregnant, or for the both of you to be trying. Only then will your revenge be completed.''

Daniel was ecstatic. This plan was amazing! The best part was that he could do all of this easily.

So, he put his plan in motion. He asked Sheryl's hand in marriage, and 'coincidentally' started to forget to use condoms. His only regret is that by the time they started their plan, Sheryl didn't get pregnant.

But that didn't stop him from going forward with his plan. He used his connection and money to find a cabin far away from civilization. Apparently, this cabin was home to one famous archeologist who went missing decades ago, and no one set foot here in the last 20 years or so. It was an amazing place to break Matthew.

Besides, even if Matthew doesn't break here and go to the police, who would believe a 'rapist' and alcoholic.



And now, everyone in the friend group was here to party. There was alcohol everywhere, drugs, loud music, etc. Seeing as there was literally no one around the area, they knew they could get away with everything.

The only 2 persons who didn't do drugs were Sheryl and Karen. The rest were a lost cause already. Sheryl even tried to stop Daniel from using Drugs, but to no avail.

When Daniel entered the cabin after talking with Karen, he couldn't find Sheryl on the ground floor. He decided to check upstairs.

Daniel was going upstairs when he heard someone call him, '' Daniel come here a minute! It's important.''

Sighing, he knew he had to maintain the appearance of a good guy and friend, '' Coming!''

He followed Bruce's voice and went to the kitchen. There he saw all people of his group, except Sheryl and Karen, looking down at a hatch leading to some kind of basement.

That was enough to pick his curiosity, '' What's that?''

Bruce shook his head slightly. He seems to be a little drunk, '' I was looking around for more cups, we are almost running out of them by the way, when I found this. I didn't open it yet, you should have the honors.''

Daniel paused. He knew the history of this cabin. An archeologist went mad here for apparently no good reason and disappeared soon after. So he was hesitating for a second.

Still, when he looked around and everyone was looking at him, Daniel knew he had to open the hatch, '' Alright! Let's find what's in this basement.''

Amidst the drunk cheers of his friends, Daniel struggled to open the hatch, '' It's --- STUCK!!''

When the boys saw he was struggling, they decided to help. With the help of Bruce and Sam, the hatch was opened.


Coughing a little at the cloud of dust coming rushing at them, the trio looked down at the dark basement. Daniel started to get shudders but decided to explore the basement anyway, '' Anyone brought a flashlight?''

'' No, but let us use the ones on our phones!'' Sam said after making sure no one had it.

'' Ok, let's go. Anyone who wants to come is free to do so!'' Daniel took the lead and entered the basement. Followed by Bruce, Sam, Janet, Catherina, and Sarah.

The group slowly made their way descend the stair leading down. It was just 10 steps or so, but everyone felt something was wrong with this.

'' Hey, Daniel. Didn't you say no one was here for at least 20 years?'' Janet asked after looking around and stopping her flashlight in one direction.

'' Yes, that's what I found online. Why?'' Daniel turned around to face Janet.

'' So, what's that?''

Daniel looked at where Janet was pointing, and sure enough, there was a table there, with some lightbulb above it, and a chair, '' ... What is that?'' He was legitimately surprised, as this place was supposed to be abandoned long ago.

So, Daniel started to make his way toward that place. The basement was normal, it didn't have water or any other weird things, just that table and chair, and the lightbulb above it.

Arriving at the table, Daniel noticed some odd things. There was some kind of tape around the table and a piece of cloth that clearly indicated something was covered.

Daniel ignored the cloth and turned his attention toward the recorder and the tapes. Sam asked when he was Daniel, '' What are you doing?''

Daniel sat on the chair, '' Of course, I'll listen to this!''

So, ignoring everyone else, Daniel took the tapes and started to look around the table to see if he could find anything to listen to, and sure enough, he found a tape recorder.

'' Dude, that's at least 40 to 50 years old! What the hell is this?'' Janet knew what it was, but the rest looked at her inquiringly.

So, she explained, '' This is a tape recorder, used decades ago to, well, records things. It's amazing to see one today. Use it and see what they recorded!''

Daniel obliged. But he found a problem, '' ... How do I use this thing?''

Janet sighed and taught him how to use it, '' Thanks!''

Sure enough, after Daniel learned from Janet, the tape started to play, and everyone could hear it.

A man's voice could be heard, '' Hello. To whoever is listening to this tape, I'm deeply sorry for what I'm about to tell you. But first, DO NOT OPEN THE BOOK INSIDE THE CLOTH. I'll explain everything to you, so please listen to me.''

The man continued, '' Well, let's start from the beginning. My name is Professor Dangerous, and I was a world-renowned archaeologist in the mids 1960 and 1970. I don't know from when you're hearing this, but I doubt you know me if you didn't study this area.''

'' I found a lot of ancient things in my travels, but I also spent a lot of time away from my family. In one of my travels, I found a book: the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, or just the Book of The Dead.''

'' It was an amazing discovery that I made on my own and I was thrilled to show it to my family. But, I didn't have the opportunity to do so. My wife died while I was away, and my daughter didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore, as she had watched her mother die without me at her side.''

'' So, after my daughter left, I buried my wife near the cabin and started to live in it, to die with her close to me. My daughter would get all my money after I die. That was my last gift to her. But- when I was alone in this cabin, along with the Necronomicon, I felt a call.''

'' The book was calling me, saying things in my head. At first, I was able to ignore it, but when he said he could bring my wife back I lost control. I opened the book... a decision I came to regret ever since.''

'' I started to read the Necronomicon, it was written in an ancient language that I almost didn't recognize, but I managed to read some pages of the book. And, IT DID BRING MY WIFE BACK! But - she was not herself. At first, I was elated and wanted to call my daughter right away, but I noted stranger things about her.''

'' My revived wife, on the 5 minutes or so after being revived, eat all raw meat in the house, then disappeared for a minute or so, and brought back a live deer. She eats the poor thing alive in front of me. I knew I had done something VERY VERY wrong and dangerous. So, first, I chained her right in this basement.''

When Daniel and the rest of the group heard that part, they wanted to leave immediately, '' Daniel, I don't like this. Let's leave this place.''

'' Quiet! I'm trying to listen to this. ''Daniel's face showed fanaticism, ' If I could use this book, I would be invincible!'

He continued playing the tape, while his friends were getting more and more scared.

'' After making sure she would not hurt anyone, I continued reading the book. That was when I found I unleashed into the world something Evil. Something that came straight from hell. They are called Deadite, parasitic demons who seek to possess bodies, dead or alive, mortals and feast on their souls. And I was the one who free them into the world.''

'' BUT- just like everything starts, everything must come to an end. In the very same book, I found a way to 'seal', not kill, the Deadite. You had to dismember all their body parts and place them far away from each other... So I did it. I dismembered my wife.''

'' I buried her body parts in the areas near the cabin, but I knew someday, if the body parts reconnected, she would come back one day. So, in hopes I could find something to kill the demon that was once my wife for good, I continued reading the Necronomicon.''

'' I found various interesting things regarding demons and such, but I knew a way to 'defeat' a Deadbite for good. The Kandarian Dagger!''

'' Very little is known about this weapon, but it could 'kill' the Deadbite for good. I also found other ways for the possession to end, but it would not work for my wife. According to the book, Sunlight, and severe injuries sometimes do the trick, as well as something called the Power of Love. I only found one mention of this in the Necronomicon, so I have no idea how it works.''

''Remember, most of the time, the first possession always occurs after someone uses the Necronomicon, but after that, even a bite or a scratch of a Deadite is enough to turn you into one of them.''

'' By the way, you will recognize a Deadite right as you see one. They have a distinctive appearance and smell... I pray you never have to face one.''

'' After I found all that, I went searching for the Kandarian Dagger for years, until I finally found it! It was hidden in a church in the middle of a city in England. It was near where we found the Necronomicon, at most 100 KM from each other. Anyway, I grabbed the dagger and came to my cabin, to free my wife once and for all.''

'' But to my horror, the body parts assimilated once more. My 'wife' attacked me as soon as I entered the house. Eventually, I managed to kill her once and for all. But ... she bites me. I don't know why I didn't turn immediately, but I can feel it, I don't have much time.''

'' So, if you're listening to this, leave. Go as far away as possible from this place and don't look back. DO NOT OPEN THE BOOK! You will doom us all. Just in case, I left the Dagger in the house, upstairs in one of the rooms. I ... will do what is necessary to prevent me from attacking others. Daughter, I'm sorry...''

The tape went silent, but Daniel didn't turn it off.

Everyone in the group had mixed feelings, Sam said. '' Hey, how about we just leave this place? I don't like it now.''

'' Are you a pussy!? It's clearly just a joke.'' Daniel grabbed the cloth on the table, and took it off, to see what it was covering. Sure enough, a grotesque book was shown.

Everyone, including Sarah, was horrified by the cover. It was almost like multiple people were crying and screaming.

'' ... Let's leave.'' Sarah felt something evil in that book and said it immediately.

Everyone agreed with her, minus Daniel, who was eyeing the book with fervor.

A bad feeling came to Sarah, '' Daniel...?''

To the horror of everyone in the group, Daniel opened the book, '' DONT!''

But nothing happened. Everyone relaxed a little.

Daniel looked smug, '' See, I told you it was a joke.''

Just then, from the tape that supposedly ended, a voice that clearly belonged to Professor Dangerous, but sounded different, said, '' Azarath Metrion Zinthos!''

'' TURN IT OFF!'', That creepy feeling everyone was feeling multiplied by 1000x, but when Daniel acted, it was too late. He turned off the tape, but everything that had to be said to release the Deadite into the world was already been said. The group didn't know that yet.

Still, even Daniel was uncomfortable, '' You know what, let's just leave this place.''

Everyone nodded. They made their way towards the cabin. But Sarah had one thing in mind, ' If the Professor killed himself, where's his body...?'