Chapter 2 The Jorney

Meddy gently tapped Henry's leg and spoke in a soothing tone, "Wake up, Henry."

Henry stirred and blinked his sleepy eyes, looking at Meddy standing near his door. "What time is it, Meddy?" he asked, trying to shake off his drowsiness.

"It's time for you to freshen up. Mom and Dad are already waiting for you downstairs," Meddy informed him calmly before walking away.

Grateful for the wake-up call, Henry quickly got ready for the day. He dressed in a stylish black suit, matching it with a black shirt, and put on a pair of sleek black sneakers. As he descended the stairs, he greeted his mother with a smile.

"Good morning, Mom," Henry greeted. "Wow! You're looking good."

"Thank you, dear. I learned a thing or two about fashion from you," his mother replied, returning the smile. Henry then walked over to his father.

"Good morning, Dad," Henry said with enthusiasm. "Wow, this is my boy! I love your outfit."

"This is exactly how I dressed the day I first met your mom at the coffee shop," his dad chuckled. They all shared a laugh before helping Henry carry his bags to the car.

They embarked on a car ride to Drill City, and the journey was smooth without any traffic. Within 10 hours, they reached Haron college and parked the car.

Henry's mother tidied up his clothes and gently styled his hair with her hands. He never felt embarrassed when his mom did that because he knew she loved him dearly.

Henry cherished his parents as well, and he expressed his gratitude to them. "Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything. I'm very grateful."

"Yeah, that's my boy. Promise me you'll do your best," Henry's dad said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, Dad, I promise to be the best," Henry assured him, his determination shining through.

They shared a heartfelt hug before Henry entered the college, carrying his belongings. He asked a few people for directions and soon found his way to the dormitory. At the registration table, he received his keys to room number 105 and made his way to the elevator.

Upon reaching the fifth floor, Henry stepped out of the elevator and was surprised to find that his room already had occupants. Two young men were present—one lying on a bed, and the other engrossed in a book.

Entering the room, Henry greeted them, "Hello, are you guys staying in this room as well?"

"Yes, are you our new roommate?" one of them asked.

"Yes, I am," Henry replied, showing them his key numbered 105.

"My name is Henry Adams," he introduced himself as he took a seat on one of the beds.

"I'm Zak," one of the occupants replied, shaking Henry's hand. The other person introduced himself as Thunder.

Realizing it was close to noon and they hadn't eaten, Thunder suggested they freshen up and go to the cafeteria for food. Henry agreed, quickly changing into a casual t-shirt and pants before using the attached bathroom to freshen up.

Together, they made their way to the cafeteria, enjoying their meal and taking a leisurely stroll around the college, getting to know each other better. Thunder mentioned that lectures would resume the next day and that it was bedtime.

"Thanks for today, guys. I hope we become perfect roommates for each other," Henry expressed his gratitude as they returned to the room and settled into their respective beds.

As the night fell, Henry closed his eyes, feeling a sense of anticipation and excitement for the new experiences that awaited him.


The next

 morning, Henry's alarm woke him up at 5:30 am. Surprisingly, Thunder was already awake as well.

"Good morning," Henry greeted, surprised to find his roommate up and about.

"Hey, Henry, you're awake too. I guess we both have morning lectures," Thunder replied.

"Yes, what about you?" Henry inquired.

"It seems we're course mates," Thunder smiled, revealing that they shared the same class schedule.

While discussing their courses, Thunder asked Henry why he chose to study Pharmacy.

"Well, my dad wanted me to study Pharmacy, so I applied for it," Henry explained calmly. "And what about you, brother?"

"It's my dream, bro. So I have to live up to it," Thunder replied, determination gleaming in his eyes. "Come on, let's be fast, or we'll be late for class."

With a quick freshening up, they left the room, leaving Zak still sleeping.

"Wow, we're 20 minutes early," Thunder remarked as they made their way to the lecture hall.

"Yes, it's an opportunity for us to study," Henry agreed, and they settled together in the middle of the lecture hall, reviewing their materials.

As Henry reached into his bag for a pen, he noticed his book had fallen to the ground. When he looked up, he saw Swift entering the lecture hall, dressed in a pink gown and carrying a black bag over her shoulder.

Henry stood up, trying to confirm if it was really her, but coincidentally, the lecturer walked in at that moment.

"Hello, everyone. I guess you should focus your attention on the projector now," the lecturer announced loudly. "My name is Lecturer Sam, and I will be teaching you chemistry."

While the lecturer introduced himself, Henry couldn't help but glance in Swift's direction.

Noticing Henry's distraction, the lecturer said nothing and continued his introduction. He went on to explain various concepts and assigned an assignment before leaving the lecture hall.

Filled with excitement, Henry saw this as his chance to talk to Swift. He informed Thunder about her presence, but Thunder just laughed and walked out of the hall.

Undeterred, Henry walked toward Swift, waving at her as she approached.

"Hi, Henry," Swift greeted, giving him a warm hug.

"Wow! Is that you? Why didn't you tell me you're also studying Pharmacy at Haron College?" Henry asked, slightly offended but also intrigued.

"Please, Henry, I wanted to surprise you. Ever since your dad told me about the scholarship at the supermarket, I was ecstatic and wanted it to be a surprise," Swift explained.

"Come on, Henry. Let's go to my house. It's just a few blocks away from the school. I have something to show you," Swift suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Henry smiled, and they walked together out of the lecture hall.

As Henry stepped into Swift's house, he felt as if he had entered a heavenly abode. The cool air brushed against his skin, and his eyes were captivated by the stunning visual art on the walls.

Carefully sitting on one of the soft cushioned chairs, Henry couldn't help but comment, "Do you live alone?"

"Yes, of course," Swift replied, fetching a bottle of champagne and placing it on the table. "Would you like a drink?"

"I remember those days in high school when you always got whatever you asked from your dad. So, tell me, did you ask him for a big mansion this time? I know your dad is capable of giving you anything with his wealth," Henry teased, looking into Swift's eyes.

Swift smiled and replied, "Have you heard about VRMMORPG?"

"Is that a movie or something?" Henry asked ,his smile pretending ignorance.

Swift realized Henry was pretending and stood up, grabbing his arms gently. "Come on, Henry, remember those days in high school when we played video games together? We were among the best. Now, things have changed. Back then, there were no rewards, but now I have signed a contract with Sunrise Union for the Hundred Man Crystal Collection."

The name struck a chord in Henry's memory. Taking a closer look around the house, he realized that Swift had her own house and cars, all achieved without depending on her father's money. Her words resonated deeply within him.

"Look around, Henry. I now have my own house and cars, all without taking a dime from my dad. Look into my eyes and tell me you want to be a mommy's boy forever. Be a man, Henry, and take charge of your own life," Swift urged passionately.

Henry was captivated by her words and the reality he saw before him. Without a moment's hesitation, he declared, "Yes, can we go and sign the contract right now?"

Swift's smile widened as she hugged Henry tightly, and together they walked out of the house, embarking on a new chapter of their lives.