Chapter 5 First mission

Henry walked towards the eastern part alone and moved frightened.

The forest was quiet and colorful.

While Henry was walking he heard a roar from his left side, so he decided to be conscious, and moved quietly to know what is going on.

While he was trying to investigate, he felt a Cool breath at the back of his neck so he decided to move back and coincidentally he

Stepped on a big foot.

He frightening turned his head to see what he had stepped on, to his greatest surprise, he saw a bear with 6 eyes and dark hairy skin.

The bear was times 3 times taller than Henry.

[Camon Forest bear].

Henry screamed! and started running.

This was his first time playing VRMMORPG so He was scared to lose his life.

Henry ran across trees and mountains, till he came across a river,luckily the bear was nowhere to be found.

Most of his weapons where completely

destroyed, while he was running he fell from the mountain, and the few HP that he had been given by the system were gone.

He fell on his knees to fetch some water to see if it could restore his HP

While he deep his hands inside the river a Taught came to his mind: this might be the ocean where the treasure box is ,he tried to notify the others but at this period they were no connections.

Heny felt fausteated and lay down beside the river hopeless,while he heard some noise from the ocean he stood up to run because he was scared it might be another dangerous animal.

He sighted and it was a Dolphin,In the real world, dolphins are not harmful so He walked towards the dolphin and While he was Moving closer the dolphin nodded and dive Back into the water.

Henry was confused cause he don't know how to use his powers yey but still, he was Standing beside the river believing that Something good is about to happen.

Not less than 2 minutes the dolphin brought out the treasure box from the ocean and Gave It To Henry, Henry was excited and at the Same time, he was shocked.

He took the treasure box and walked back into The Forest happy without even thanking the Dolphin and also he was more careful this time as he walked back to the Forest.

It was said that the Titans defeated and Sealed zarus who was from Bontel into the Abyss.

After millions of years, Zaru's power created The Abyss to become the most dangerous Place in the entire continent.

Luckily at that moment, there was no monster In that region.

Henry wasn't too far away from his goal so he Carefully looked around.

A few minutes Later he found a small hut with Smoke coming out from the roof, he walked towards the hut and entered inside.

Inside the hut was a wooden table, a Wooden Chair, and as well a wooden box.

He looked around there was nobody in the Hut, so quietly open the wooden box and inside The box was a necklace.

[Supreme one Necklace] (Gold):strength+2 Agility+1, Vampirism+1, special effects the Lord of the Forest, Zarus gave the necklace Special Powers.

VRMMORPG Transformation skills as well as a skill for one of those transformation Equipment Requirements: None, Durability:None Henry was not expecting to See them .

Equipment in VRMMORPG was ranked as Common Bronze, Steel, Bronze Steel, silver Gold, Crystal, Epic, Legendary.

Henry put it on his defense and attack bonus.

Bronze equipment had 2 bonus stats steal, Wallet Account 15 crystals, and legendary Equipment had 8 bonus stats, and would Always have special effects.

Rambo was the father of Lolline and Mallorie the protector of nature. He was called the lord of The Forest by the ancient Elves or the Demigod of the Groves.

He was a Demigod and also a member of the First Night Elf Archdruid, Malfurion Stormrage!

The supreme one necklace is the legacy equipment that he had given to Malfurion Stormrage.

It were divided into two and it is now called The Twin Necklace, the second part of The Necklace was in an unknown place in the Dark Kavine.

Illion was the most powerful Demon Hunter, Malfrion wanted to obtain the legendary equipment but was refused by Rambo the father of both twins because he knew that his heart was filled with darkness and Wickedness.

As such both twins were been splits.

The reason why Henry was able to find half of The Necklace was because he was not just an Ordinary Elf he had been chosen to make a Change In VRMMORPG but he doesn't know Yet.

This necklace was not just an ordinary Necklace it Contains power it was a necklace that could be upgrade-even after seven years.

There were only a handful of items that were Found that could be upgraded.

Henry don't know anything about the Necklace he just took it and walked away with the treasure box In his hands.

Soon later a notification came in,it was swift: It's time for us to come together guys I got Something to show you all and don't forget we are meeting at that part of the Forest we all Departed .

Henry move with courage this time since he have the Supreme One Necklace he believed it will protect him.

"Wow Henry" Swift was excited as she saw Henry with the treasure box coming.

She quickly hugged him and said, "I always know you can do this, thanks for making me proud".

There were all Happy and was celebrating the victory.

Swift sighted the necklace on Henrys' neck "Where the hell did you get this from" swift asked moving Towards Henry "Come on guys I have many thing's to tell you guys but not here"Henry replied

"Ah Swift I thought you said you have Something to show us," Thunder asked "Yes guys that's true I have the crown of Zaro" Swift replied happily.

"Ahh I think we have all the victory this time

Cause I killed the shadow panther" Thunder Speaks from the other side smiling.

They all cheer in happiness as they logged Out.