Chapter 7 Trading

They both laugh as they opened their door to enter the room together.

Suprisely Zak was awakened.

"You guys left me alone last night without even telling me where you're going" Zak Speaks in a sad tone.

"I think Thunder can explain better" Henry replied as he walked to the bathroom.

After a few minutes later Henry was done taking his bath and Thunder and Zak were nowhere to be found in the house.

Henry quickly dress up and went back to Swift's house.

Tik! ton!

Henry clicked on Swift's house bell.

A few seconds later Swift opened the door.

"Welcome Henry come in I was already expecting you" Swift said as Henry walked after her to the sitting room.

"Give me some time Henry I was preparing my breakfast before you came in, " Swift said as She rushed back to the kitchen.

Seeing that Swift was busy in the kitchen this made Henry remembered his Mom so he quickly dialed her number to tell her about his few experience in college.

"Did you message your cousin?"Henry's Dad asked from the other side"Ohh I forgot but I promise to message her right after ending his call" Henry replied to his Dad "How is Meddy, hope she is okay" Henry asked his Mom "Yes, Of course am okay" Meddy screamed from The other side of the phone.

"Thanks Mom And Dad and I love you all", Henry said as he switched off the call.

While Henry ended the call he sent his cousin a simple text: I have arrived at the college and am settled in the dorm room.

A few minutes later swift came out from the kitchen with some dishes and dropped them on The dining table.

"I heard you making calls and you sound so excited, "Swift asked with a wide smile on her face.

"Yeah, it's my family, and am already missing them" Henry replied.

" I also heard your Dad asking, why didn't you tell your cousin you have arrived," Swift said with a suspicious tone.

"Yeah I just don't want her to be treating me Like a kid" Henry replied with his face down.

"ha! ha! ha!" swift laughed out loud.

"What is funny," Henry asked as he stared at Swift " Look Henry if she is treating you like a Kid then you explain to her you don't like It, please just call or text her okay," Swift said to Henry with a Calm voice.

"I texted her just now and am waiting for her reply" Henry said with a smile on his face.

"So do you like VRMMORPG" Swift asked from The other side curiously.

"it was good mostly the realistic sense make up for it was more than enough" Henry replied.

"Ohh, with time you will be used to it, I think it better if you drop your idea of this being a game, this is another world called VRMMORPG it was made for us to live in They do say you don't play VRMMORPG, you Live in VRMMORPG.

This statement stuck in Henry's head.

"I felt there is something special about VRMMORPG," Henry said and was staring at Swift.

"Yes Henry I also thought about that and there Is this strange feeling too about The Supreme One Necklace it has been hidden for centuries and Now it handed over to you, anyway let don't border ourselves when the time comes we will know what to do" Swift speaks boldly.

Afte eating breakfast, Henry and Swift both lie down on the Various bed with their helmet by their side.

"meet me at the mountain," Swift said as she put on her Helmet.

While Henry was trying to put on his helmet his cousin Jimmy replied to his text.

When Henry appeared in VRMMORPG and was Trying to recall his memory he heard a loud Voice screening from his right-hand side.

"That sounds like swift," Henry said as he quickly ran towards the screaming direction.

The faster he run the more the voice sounds close.

Henry was running too fast and didn't even bother if he get hurt.

suddenly he hit his leg on a tree branch and Fell to the ground.

While he was trying to stand up he notices he fell on top of a book he stood up and then Pick the book.

"Wow can this book help me learn more skills," Henry said to himself as he put the

book on his inventory and keep running In the screaming direction.

Finally, Henry meets Swift fighting with a bear.

He hides at the back of one of the trees trying to protect himself.

But at this time he could no longer control His body system anymore so he moved in stealth and ambushed he stab the bear in the back of his head with his dagger and instantly the bear fell and die.

System: You have successfully killed the green forest bear.

Swift quickly ran towards Henry as the bear fell "Are you okay" Swift ask "Yeah am okay" Henry replied.

"Wow, you killed the bear I don't think he has any items, "Swift said as she pull Henry and they both Walk to the trading center.

When they arrived, they were many players at the trading center from the different unions who Came to sell items to increase their wallet Funds.

If you had an extra piece of common equipment to sell you could already be proud Of that, most players could only sell some dried meat that could be used to replenish Some Hp.

Brother a surprised union member went over calmed down a little and started talking about bussiness I am very interested in who so ever have the skill book, will be given 50 silver In exchange.

While Henry and Swift were standing at the Que some and watching some dramas a group of men walk towards them.

"Hey we are from the Wolves realm union and we need that skill book on your hand now" one Of the players speaks to Henry aggressively.

"Sorry wolves or whatever, am not giving this book to you and am not treading it either" Henry replied with boldness.