Chapter 11 Lost in the Forest

"He is in there" the beast said as he stretched his hands towards a hut surrounded by flames.

"How do you think we are going to pass T

through that flame" Henry asked frighteningly.

"It's very simple, just walk towards the flame and it will open if only your heart is pure" the Beast replied as he leaves.

They all walked through the flame one after and no one was hurt.

"I have been waiting for this day Henry Adams" Henry was surprised to hear his name he looked towards his left and saw a tall White skin man dressed in a white gown and having long white hair that was as white as snow.

"I know you came to ask for Bliss" The man on white Said slowly.

Finally we know the trader's name:Lina said in her mind.

"Bliss fainted in the real world and was admitted to the hospital just to discover he has cancer and also have a short time to live" the man on White said to Henry.

Please where can we find him in the real world" Henry asked.

"You can find him at zambu hospital India, you only have a few weeks left before his death" While the man on White was speaking Thunder called out.

"I think there is new information in the sky"

while Henry was walking towards the door to see the information, a teleport opened and he mistakely inside, he tried to come out but this time it was close.

"I have no choice but to find my way out of here" Henry said to himself.

He walked out of the Eastern gate of VRMMORPG city and soon realized things are getting worst he could not find his way out.

Henry was trying to pull out when he saw the teleport but this time the necklace on his Neck pulled him in he was surprised and a lit bit Scared cause he was alone.

"Whatever I think am being brought here for a reason, maybe to hunt animals or more than

that," Henry said to himself while walking.

He walked deep into the forest and started looking for Monester, suddenly he came across a tree for some reason the tree was nothing special it was easily overlooked in this large forest but he couldn't do so Something about these three called to him.

So he did what his heart tells him and slowly walked towards the tree, it already had leaves sprouting a little fruit.

Henry saw a name appeared on top of the tree hen he came closer.

System:Dwarf Berry Tree

He didn't get any more information than that his body felt the same like it was when he saw the Supreme One Necklace for the first time.

Is this a god's name material that's why I know The fruits name he thought as he leave the tree and continue walking.

He couldn't tell how good this material was or If it even made anything useful he still decided to keep walking.

After walking a bit longer, he finally found a monster, it was a deer with blood-red fur on It.

It had darker black eyes and sharp thorns like antlers on it, Henry got a little frightened when he saw it, then he looked close to check what level it was at.

System: Carmine deer

The deer was a level higher than the bear he ran from at his first login, but that didn't matter to him after all he got the skill book With him.

He quickly brought up his weapon panel and equipped his sword, The steal sword gleamed brightly in the scattering sunlight in the forest.

The deer saw him and turned towards him preparing to charge, Henry got his weapon ready.

The deer suddenly started running towards him directing its antlers towards him.

This monster was much faster than he imagined but for some surreal reasons, it didn't seem the monster was very fast in fact he almost thought the deer was running in slow motion.

Henry realized at that moment all of his senses were amplified he could hear the trees and leaves in the forest rustle in the wind he could smell the different plants and even the ground in the forest.

He could feel the subtle change in the air pressure and temperature that he could not normally be able to tell, he could see the colour in the forest much more vividly than he could just a minute before.

Similarity his sense of time was amplified as wellell, the deer that was charging intensely felt so very slow for him.

He slowly raised his sword it was only slow for him in reality this action was very fast as soon as the deer reached him he swung the sword down.


System: You have defeated Carmine deer

The deer Left half split and fell away from its right half.

It was cut precisely through the middle in one hit this was not the first time Henry killed an animal so he didn't get disgusted seeing the Innards of this monster.

He was gifted with bronze equipment he picked it up and store it.

After there was nothing left to do he started to wonder what happened to him during that fight "Was it part of the necklace" Henry asked himself but he quickly let go of his wonder and walked deeper into the forest.

Along the way, he found out some dead monster and he begins to wonder who else is here.

The sun was starting to go down and the moon was coming up, it was time for him to leave The forest, and logged out but on his way he Saw something in a small piece of ground that looks like a natural flower field there was an unusual flower growing amid a bunch of other normal flowers.

He only thought the flower was unusual because he felt something unusual about the

flower suddenly heard something moving.

Along the ground, he immediately turned to look behind him, but there was nothing there.

He slowly looked to his left and started s

scanning the land with his eyes, but aside from plant and trees he could see nothing else in the forest.

Rustle Rustle

The sound was still there, he looked towards the ground and saw a small brown snake slithering among the fallen leave,he immediately jerked back.

The fact he killed a monester did not mean he Is no longer afraid of snakes a game was not an exception especially one as realistics as this.

But he couldn't back away there was something about that flower that made him think it was important to skip out one so he released his sword again.

He took a deep breath and focused, suddenly he felt the time slow down once more all of his senses worked in overdrive.

The snake however didn't seem to slow down it slithered toward him at nearly Regular speed.

He swung his sword down once more but the Snake easily slid out of his attack path.

The snake jumped at him baring its two fangs, but he too was pretty fast and easily dodged it.