Chapter 15 Gobin Attack

However he regenerate his HP almost instantly.

Henry turn to his group and said "Stop standing around hurry up and help me, we still needed to go to the dungeon"

The others all hesitated for a moment before also attacking.

The moment they started attacking they all felt sorry for the business man and almost start crying.

SYSTEM : because you have attacked the Gobin businessman Garus, your relationship with the Gobin has dropped to hatred...

"goddammit what the fuck is this Henry is gonna die" Armstrong inwardly scream he had already offended on entire race: how Would he survive In this game and what will Be the health position in the real world?"

The Gobin were a natural faction and were famous of their business and scroll- making they where one of the biggest races.

Everyone else's faces also weren't pretty but they hold it in.

"Don't worry, it's easy to earn reputation with the Goblins, just find a random Golbin NPC and give him a few gold coins or raw forest meat and you'll be able to get your reputation back up" Henry comforted them.

They all stood in a vertical line and was speechless, he wasn't sure if they where surprised by what he said or if they believe him.

"It a small bug" Henry chilled them down and they all believe and trust him, except from Dark sea who was quite all this while.

The Gobin race reputation was the easiest to rarn out of all the different races, as far you have coin or raw forest meat, you could quickly raised your reputation with them.

It just that being on friendly terms or being worshiped by them didn't have much point the greedy Gobin would not give you any discount, no matter how friendly you are.

"Unbelievable.,.. thanks Henry you just s

showed me a way to gain more equipment with out trading" Bella speaks excited "and what is it your talking about?" Armstrong asked.

"Of course killing as many Gobin as i want and earn their equipment and also I was even considering salaughtering Golbins for a Living" Bella replied.

"You are an asshole Bella not every NPC is as easy to bully as for Garus, He's a special case in future we won't bully any more cute little Goblins" Dark sea reply to Bella " yeah I think Dark sea is right they regenerate quickly" Armstrong said from the other side and they started arguing.

"The point is not to kill him" Henry calmly replied while attacking the Gobin "just keep attacking we are almost there to achieve our mission being together

While Henry was trying to settle the dispute between his group the Gobin can't take the pain anymore so he took out something from his Bag and trow it at Henry's head.

"Ahh" Henry quickly pick it up but didn't stop attacking.

[small health potion]: instantly restores 50HP.

However at the current stage of the Game the only option most players had was to escape from battle to settle down and eat bread being able to instantly recover 50HP was already not bad.

When Henry shared the potions state with everyone they where all filled with motivation.

Garus still can't run faster he had no option but to trow out 5 more bottles of portions, but still wasn't fast enough to run fast.

He screamed "Garus wouldn't forgive any of you, you will suffer under the flames of the Great Goblins!"

After screaming, he threw out more items which smatched into Sharon faced.

She screamed out and quickly pick it up with excitement "wow it's a bronze grade equipment!"

[whisper] (Bronze): 10 -18 Damage, Intelligence +1, Requirement: level 4 Durability 17/20.

Everyone became more suprise and started to move closer to the Gobin businessman, once again he threw out another Bronze equipment In front of Henry.

[Night leather armour] (Bronze):8 armour Consitution+1 level Requirement: level 4 Durability 11/20.

The state of this piece of equipment were quite average, and couldn't compare to the magic staff, however non of them complained this was a piece of Armour and Could save their lives in the insurance dungeon.

After trowing out some pieces of equipment the Gobin businessman could finally start to Jog.

."Sharon, Bind" Henry called out.

Sharon immediately scrambled into actions, and unleashed one of her druid skills.

Bind on Garus success, rooted for 3 seconds

another portion!

Pa,charge stunned for 2 seconds, potion 1 pa Shield strike, stunned for 3 seconds.

Bella battle sense was pretty good, just as the Gobin businessman recoverd from the stun, she immediately stunned him again.

It was a pity that It was another portion!

Bella and the others started to give up, seeing that Garus was about to escape.

At this moment Henry quickly moved by using shadowmeld to disappear from the battle, followed by stealth and ambush, he was able to stun Garus again.

VRMMORPG was quite different to other videogames so you can use a racial passive to leave the battle then instantly enter stealth and use the ambush skill.

All this didn't take up to 2 seconds and this was the power of the skill book also.

Not less than expected from expert, when Garus recovered from the stun, he threw out another item unfortunately it was a potion.

Everyone had used up there crowd control abilities, and looked at Henry helplessly as if they he would be able to conjure up some S

sort of miracle.

Henry cheer up and didn't let anyone down, the dagger in his hands flashed, then spun through the air and stabbed into the back of Garus.

System: shadow strike skill completion 83% caused 95% skill damage target stunned for 1 second.

Although it was a second the great Garus recover and trew another item from his bag and then continue to run while screaming.


[Azure wolf leather shoes] ( Bronze):4 Armour

Agility +1 level Requirement:3 Durability:7/10 no doubt this pices of equipment was for Henry.