Chapter 17 The Elite level

The spider lair was dark and damp and had a slightly rotten smell, there were spider webs everywhere and the scuttling sounds of spider legs echoed in the distance.

In from of them was the first wave of Monester- two spiders that were as large as a sheep.

Their 8 fury legs were covered with spikes, and they savagely looked around with their countless eyes causing everyone to shiver.

The lv5 spider was the lowest level instance Dungeon, and the purpose of it been created was for players to become used to the mechanic of instance dungeon.

The first wave of the monster was all normal Monster, which were slightly stronger than the monsters outside.

The five Man team gather courage and defeated the monsters.

After defeating the monsters they arrived at a brook.

Above the brook was a bridge, and a Jade red spider that was twice the size of the normal monsters that was sitting on top.

It is called a spider layer guard.

"This is an elite-grade monster, it should be strong" Bella and Dark Sea had tried out this Instance dungeon the previous day, and most of their team players end up been in a comma position in the real world.

"It's not that bad,it just has an extra venom split skills," Henry dismissively said as he started to give out orders.

"Armstrong go and draw aggro when the charge bar of its venom spilled is about two-thirds full, use your shield strike to interrupt it"

if he used it before two-thirds, he would start to charge it up again, if he use it after two thirds he wouldn't be able to interrupt it.

This sord of thing was impossible to find out without trying a few times.

After 30 seconds, the spider guards started to howl.

"Get ready guys this is it, it's starting to charge up..."

Just as Henry spoke,a light red charge bar appeared above the guard's head.

Armstrong held his breath, and as soon as the charge bar was two-thirds dull, he smashed into the guard's head using his shield.

The guard was stumped, and its charge up was Cancelled.

Things we're smoothly as planned from there the guards soon run out of Hp, and fell to the ground.

They were all surprised and frustrated cause It didn't drop any equipment only a mana Potion.

"This was even easier than trying to clear the normal Instance dungeon yesterday" Bella speaks with excitement.

"Can you see this"Dark Sea speaks slowly"Henry how about you join our union, and join our Guide group" Bella gladly said.

The Guides group only had 100 people, and to a large union with thousands of people, they Were the elite of the elite.

This was an excellent offer.

However, Henry shook his head and said in his mind"I wish swift, thunder, Lina, and steal was here to see my victorious lead."

"I will think about it guys we have a great unfinished business together" Henry speaks loudly and smile.

Comparatively speaking the Grand square would offer him better treatment than the Sun Rise union, but it was less than ideal.

After all the thousands of people there all have their agendas and goal.

Seeing that Henry had rejected her offer the pretty lady didn't seem offended, and continued to walk however Henry called out to stop her.

"Everyone put your weapon into the brook at my command"Henry scream "Now" Henry went Around the bridge and put his dagger Into the brook.

"What the hell is special about this water in a Spider lair," Sharon asked Bella "I don't really know the water looked incredibly dirty and had a striking smell to it" Henry heard them discussing and have to give them an answer.

"After soaking your equipment in there for 30 seconds, you will gain a buff which increases spider damage- type monster to 20%" "I don't fucking know what your saying is right Or wrong I just have to try" Bella replied to Henry with the anger of him, refusing to join The Grand warrior team.

After passing the bridge more and more Monster appeared.

Sometimes a wave would have two spider lair Guards, but with the buff, the speed at which they advance did not fall at all.

One of the elite monester dropped a bronze Grade, bracers, which gave 3 armour and 1 Strength.

Bella graciously gave it to her fellow warrior Armstrong, after all the stronger the defense Of the main tank the easier the druid's job would be healing him.

The spider lair had 2 Bosses.

One of them was a big spider called the fallen Spider Chief, the other was a man-faced Spider called Madeline.

The team stood in front of the spider chief.

The team leader Henry was lv3, Armstrong was lv5 and everyone else was lv4.

"The spider chief isn't very hard to beat, there are two stages that are important.

Henry created a plan on how to work out the Boss bit by bit.

He started to give out others "Everytime it loses 20% of it Hp, it will summon a wave of smaller monsters "We don't have any crowd control, so don't try to attack them, they will explode after 5 seconds so just keep away from them when it Hp drops to 5% it might go Berserk, our druid need to heal everyone as much as possible, and Armstrong need to prepare a lot of portions to drink"

Henry was surprised as he speaks to his group that way and wondered how did he got the wisdom and courage to speak.

"How did he even know all this or is this also the power of an elf," Bella asked the question In her mind.

"How much Hp does the boss in the normal level instance do have?" Armstrong felt a bit of pressure, he had never heard of anyone killing the spider chief before after all only 5 people could enter the Instance Dungeon.