Chapter 20 The History

The additional attack damage, attack speed, and aggression by the berserk increased the strength of the Boss by a significant amount.

Armstrong who was originally holding the boss back as steadily as a mountain was being pushed back, his body had a trickle of red, and there were clear remnants of blood.

"Main tank falls back for a bit, Druids cast Bind...." Henry's voice was still calm.

"it didn't hit" Sharon was in a mess trying to meditate her skill, not to any great effect.

But this wasn't anything new for her, at least she knew to go back and heal Armstrong.

Armstrong had been hit and was bleeding out he raised his head to drink an HP restore potion, his Hp was mostly restored, and he immediately charged back into battle.

Henry took a breath, his wrist twitching trowing out a dagger seemingly at random.

Damage values started to float up one after another and the others who were so dumbfounded they almost forget to keep attacking.

If you looked carefully, every time he attacked It seemed like he didn't use all his strength, doing just enough to maximize the limit of his attack.

This technique was not something Henry Made up, but was developed by a famous VRMMORPG player the female goddess" Water Fairy"

The beauties in VRMMORPG were extremely Beautiful but those who were experts were very few, Bella for example had attractive cheers and great stature but her technique was a best second class.

However, this wasn't absolute.

They were two notable exceptions with one of them being the female thief, the water Fairy.

Water Fairy was a legend in VRMMORPG.

First of all, she was a beauty but also an expert moreover, and most importantly she was a tycoon.

When others were searching for their first legendary equipment half of her body was already covered in legendary equipment.

To her money was just a number, as long as there was something she wanted, she would just pay for it.

With such good equipment, her damage was naturally extremely high, it was said that the ordinary attack of the water Fairy was Comparable to a big trade union main Force using the thief's final skill together.

However, for Water Fairy, only the most important parts were performed.

As such the skill wouldn't fail but would also Not have high skill completion.

While other people took 3 seconds to cast Bone stab, she could do it in less than 1, but Her equipment was insane the damage Difference wasn't much.

As of now when there weren't many skills Henry could raise his attack frequency in this moment, but the effects of doing that were not generally good.

The Berserk Boss had less than 800HP and with that round of attacks, they had already taken out half of its remaining HP.

The situation wasn't looking good, however, Armstrong had to retreat again and could not keep drinking the potions due to resistance.

"Bella cast charge, Darksea stop, you almost out" Henry mechanically took over the situation, his voice was monotone: "Stand firm the Boss only has a little bit of Hp left"

Darksea had been standing back unaffected by the boss, but for a while, he had been drawing the aggro of the Boss.

The charge Bella was similarly resisted by the Boss.

What was even more unfortunate was that Armstrong suddenly got hit by a big attack again, dropping HP as quickly as Water flows...

"I'm almost out of Mana" Sharon stamped her foot feeling helpless.

Mana was a slang term that referred to magic points used to cast spells.

"it's over" Henry smiled, as the shade cleared and he cast a cheap shot out of stealth.

The boss was successfully stunned on the spot.

Behind the boss, he stabbed the dagger into the back of its head with all of his strength.

System: shadow strikes skill completion 86% Dealing 100% of skill damage, stun for 0.8 Seconds.

The boss then recovered from its stun, Immediately crying out before crumpling into a Pile of 8 legs, unmoving.

Before he could even take a breath, Henry received a system announcement.

Honorable player, your team has Successfully cleared the spider lair (Elite) Instance dungeon.

The system will now make a global announcement.

Would you like your names to be announced?

While Henry was trying to think Armstrong said loudly "of course, we want our names to be announced or else you want to hide our names?"

"Some people are afraid of being famous once your name goes into the global announcement there will be many people looking to cause trouble with you or try to bring you down" Henry taught otherwise; the real world and the virtual world were different

the cast of crime was significantly lower.

This time Henry remembered a story his dad told him about what happened in old times.

"There was a man named Stank his been announced on the global announcement.

he was bullied by the other players because of this he couldn't leave the beginner village for a few months. Even a strong thief like Water Fairy was taken Down by being ganged up on after a 100,000,a real money bounty was placed"

The reputation of the first person to clear an Instance dungeon would be good for a big organization, but for a ragtag guide of players, It was useless.

it would only open themselves up to harassment.

"After being identified, the large unions will all extend their offers to you" Darksea guessed that's a master such as Henry would not stay with Suprise union.

The grand square was also afraid of being looked down upon by the others.

"I don't plan to join any other union, I planned to be with my own Union" No matter what other people believed, Henry had no intention of leaving Sunrise Union.

The welfare treatment within a union was good, but good things don't fall out of the sky.

If you wanted something, you would mean that he would be earning money for them.