Chapter 22 Legendary Players

The Grand Square Union wasn't a very suitable union for him, so he can not go with Dark Sea and Sharon to Grand Square Crystal Union because Xavi got shares with the CEO Of Grand Square crystal Union.

Henry didn't say anything to his members it seems he doesn't trust people much in the game.

"Sorry I didn't plan to join any other union, but I still have this believe that VRMMORPG will create a mission and make us a team" Henry said and Shook his head.

"You guys can go ahead and grind the common Instance Dungeon and gain some equipment, it is far easier than the Elite level, you can find anyone to join you guys"

"How unfortunate" Bella Started speaking "I never thought you will be stronger than I imagined, I never heard of this person before, it seems like he just came out of no where!"Bella speaks as she walked closer to Henry.

Bella was 19 years old but was an experienced player already.

Some years ago she had researched expert, but there wasn't a player whose Style is close to Henry he is stronger than what she has seen.

"Are we going to share the insurance Dungeon strategy?" Sharon asked.

In successfully clearing out an Instance dungeon, other than getting fame and equipment, you could also sell the strategy for a small ragtag group-like item, as they didn't need to be afraid of a union mono policing the resources.

Their fellow union members saw them get the first clear on the Instance dungeon, but because non of them were the party Leader, non of them asked for the clearing strategy.

While Henry carefully advance using Stealth, most of VRMMOROG players were in an uproar.

Everyone has the same question in their minds: who is Henry?

Henry was so low profile that no one had even heard of his name before.

Hundreds of thousands of people had currently bought a game helmet but No one knew who he was or the union he Belong.

Only the few who saw him taken by Xavi at the treading center.

As it turned out that ordinary-looking Thief hadn't obtained all those pieces of equipment by pure luck, there were so many unions and Elite group in VRMMORPG if he didn't have some skills how would he have been able to clear it, and not them?

In actuality, there were thousands of teams attempting the Elite level instance Dungeon.

Large unions in the top 10 unions, such as, Glory Capital, Palm Angles, Blood Red War Flog etc, had all sent teams to attempt The Instance Dungeon.

Many of them were able to defeat the first Boss, but the second Boss had far too many guards.

As such, they couldn't go according to the normal plans but had to try again and again.

None of them had expected to hear that System Announcement.

if it was another large union Elite team Would have been acceptable.

However, they had never heard of this guy before.

Very soon this information was passed through private chats to high-profile

members of different unions.

"Bella isn't a Suprise, I am sure big sister Water Fairy is familiar with Her"

A female player wearing a white priest robe read out the information While looking at her beautiful teammate who was squatting down and using her daggers to dissect a Spider leg.

The woman was as beautiful as a goddess and she didn't even look up as she gave a soft harrumph.

"It's only been a few days, but people have already started making a Beauty list" it's expected for big sister water Fairy to be on there, but why is Bella ranked higher than Big Sister?" Another teammate wondered out surprised.

The female Thief didn't say a word and put the dissected spider leg into her bag.

She then pointed her dagger toward the Spider Poison.

Her dissection of the spider made her cold demeanor feel even colder yet, causing everyone else to gulp in anxiousness.

"Dark Sea and Sharon are both in the Grand Square", she continued to speak "There isn't much information about Armstrong but was just a little single famous player in VRMMORPG.

There wasn't a period of time where he sat at the top of the player level... Ranking he was probably an expert hired by the Grand Square.

"What about Henry" the Female Thief carefully Put away the poison Sac.

Unable to find herself back from asking.

"We don't know anything about him" The Female Thief bitterly smiled.

"I might know something but am not sure if he is the right person" one of the players in the team hesitantly said, "I saw a player a player been harassed at the treading center and he Is a Night Elf.

"Speak!" it was a Night Elf.

Her voice was very pleasant to the ears, but she spoke in short sentences.

None of the other players found this weird, through this was one of the Palm Angels Union.

Legendary players- Water Fairy not only was She on the"Beauty Ranking, but she would also definitely be on that as well.

"There is actually this sort of skill book " Water Fairy's face was full of disbelief for someone who enjoyed fighting other players in games, she knew just how powerful the Skill Book was.

Not only was it a crowd Control skill with an AOE of 12 yards, but it 8 second

was incredible and can do many things beyond imagination.

Currently, the longest crowd control skill was the Thief's 4-second Ambush.

However, Compared to this Ambush was nothing.

Of course, the advantage of Ambush was that after stunning their target, they could attract them normally.

"That Thief should be part of Sunrise Crystal Union" The reporting looked a bit confused at this point.

"But seeing how they interacted with each Other, it seemed his guides have a big problem ahead of them