Chapter 28 GUC

The other piece of equipment was a shield for protecting warriors. Not only did it give a fair bit of Defence, but it also gave 3 Consitution.

Although it wasn't as good as the bracelet, it was still worth a lot.

For a team to take down a Boss in an instance Dungeon, the main bank's HP and defense were one of the deciding factors.

"Henry, we've obtained a Jade Spider web, where are you right now? we'll take it over" Dark Sea sent a message.

"Just send it over to me, I never thought that you and your Guides would've cleared the Elite level instance Dungeon again so quickly" Henry replied to the chart.

"Ahh, you turned off your friend function? our boss asked me to thank you, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have known the strategy for clearing an instance Dungeon.

Who knows when we finally could have cleared that Instance Dungeon!" Dark Sea earnestly said.

"How many teams do you have doing the instance Dungeon?" Henry asked.

"We have 13 in total, all of them are above LV3, but only 6 teams cleared the instance Dungeon and only one team found the Jade spider web, its drop rate is way too low, plus the equipment they got was all quite average" Dark sea was worried that Henry might think that they had kept some for themselves, so he explained in detail.

"That's pretty normal, keep working hard" Henry stop charting and went back to looking for treasure boxes.

Henry soon found that there weren't as many treasure boxes as he had expected. After having a thorough search he confirmed that there were only 3 in total.

In other to calm down the countless protesting Thieves, the company had later on increased the number of treasure boxes in many locations.

Of course, the treasure boxes in those areas were quite Medicore.

The mine was one of those places.

The current mine only had 3 treasure boxes.

The third treasure box gave an average bronze-grade equipment, as well as a piece of ore its quality was a whopping 86, and was graded to be Superior quality.

Minerals and ores had 4 levels of quality: Normal, Good, Superior, and perfect.

Good quality are weren't that hard to come by, but Superior quality ores and minerals completely depend on luck. If one was lucky, they could find one on their very first swings of a pickaxe. if they were unlucky they might only find one after 2 years.

Henry had already run around the entire mine tunnel and had finished the quest given to him by Guc.

A few Cynocephali magicians were gathered around an altar, calling their god.

That right there god!

The Cynocephali in VRMMORPG were the lowest creatures but they deeply believe that they were chosen by the greatest evil God Pharo.

The Cynocephali magician chanted as they made sacrifice "O Great Pharo descend upon us with your immeasurable glory and destroy those arrogant Elves.

When he went to Explore Guc, Henry describe the altar, completing his quest.

Henry originally wanted to delay completing the quest that way, he would be able to use the mask for a few more days.

However, it was a pity that the mask would be taken back at night, and Henry would receive a penalty of a reduction in reduction in reputation for not completing his quest.

Fortunately for Henry, Players only started taking this sort of quest after they were LV8 to the LV4 Heny, 300 Exp was a tremendous amount he has risen to LV4 In the instance Dungeon and had received exp from 2 Bosses.

Adding on the Exp for clearing the Instance Dungeon, the bonus Exp for the first clear, as well as the Exp from a LV8 quest, Henry level shot to LV5.

Currently, Most Players were still LV4, and only some exceptional Player were LV5 or even LV6.

Out of these people, the only one Henry knew was Armstrong his Dungeon team mate.

Even if there were other leveling freaks in VRMMORPG, they would be few in number.

In other to upgrade Half of the Supreme One Necklace so it could locate Henry to the other half Henry has spent days playing VRMMORPG.

He had also used a lot of time in clearing the Instance Dungeon.

Within the mine, he had spent more than one Hour looking for treasure boxes.

"With my Kinsman, I'm sure you can see that I'm heavily injured, and can't return to the village like this" NPC Guc called out to Henry.

Henry's heart sank. Could it be that he had to take this injured Elf back to his village?

Escorting quests were common in VRMMORPG, and required Players to protect a character or thing to their destination.

Players would battle monsters the entire trip, and sometimes even NPCS.

And this environment was filled with high-level monsters such as Lv8 Monsters.

The worst thing was that escort quests weren't easy to refuse. once refused, the NPC would take it as the Player abandoning them to die.

This was particularly bad for Henry's reputation with Elves would be terrifying.

"Respected Kinsman, can you please take this letter to the Dark Shadow Valleys sentinel Captain Wednesday?" it seemed that Explore Guc had some intelligence, and was mercifully Sparing Henry for death.

However, how did he write a letter under this condition without Henry noticing?

Henry accepted the letter and head over to the Dark Shadow Valley.

By the time Henry arrived at the Shadow Dark Valley, it was already late. Henry first heads over to the professional trainer.

The LV5 Thief and a LV4 Thief were words apart this was because of the skill Double Dagger proficiency.

Double Dagger proficiency: When using 2 Dagger, physical Attack Damage+40% Attack (skill) success Rate+ 5% proficiency:1/1000

Although at a low level, Henry's off-hand damage couldn't be maximized, an extra 40% wasn't too bad. moreover, with attacking quickly could sometimes seem like an attack speed bug.