Chapter 30 Kill And Disappear

"No wonder you told me to heal when you were in full health. but how do I tell when the monster is going to use its skill?"

Jay seemed to really like her priest profession.

Normally, she didn't dare to say much to Henry, but as soon as he mentioned skill for being a priest, she instantly became excited.

"Normally, only Elite grade monsters or NPC can use skills. These sorts of characters have a fairly good AI system, so their movement, expression, and other words all have meaning.

For example, the giant wolf howl was slightly lower than normal.

That meant it was going to use a skill plus the amount of HP it has left indicates that it's probably in its struggling state.

"You Know so much....." Jay pause, "even more than master."

Jay had always been interested in being a priest, but she had never felt that priests were strong or important.

However, upon hearing Henry saying this, She felt a spring of hope well up inside her.

Henry didn't Know how much of an impact his words had on this little girl.

Back then, she had joined at least half a year earlier than him and for games, Half a year was incredibly important.

They suddenly heard a few Players and soon saw them appear.

The giant wolf's HP had fallen to 25%, and Jay didn't expect any other player to barge in. Their faces turned s bit pale.

"Jay, go and lead the giant wolf somewhere else, go!. I will kill this guy first and then meet up with you".

Henry retreated a few steps and entered into Stealth. The Boss' aggro was instantly transferred to Jay.

The new party was small and made up of a Priest, Warlock, Hunter, Magician, and a Druid.

From how much HP the Druid had, it seemed that he was the main tank.

Druids were jacks of all Trades and could play a variety of roles. The wolf Transformation could greatly reduce damage taken, which helped in tanking.

The group of people came over while sniggering.

They didn't view Henry's Guide as a treat at all.

Seeing Henry enter into Stealth, the magician commanded the Druids and Hunter to gather around the priest to protect him.

As long as the priest didn't die, he could Continuously heal back the damage the thief dealt, reducing Henry to an insignificant threat.

However, just as they got into position the Magician found that there was something wrong with the warlock next to him.

His eyes were clouded and were Slightly swaying as if someone had smashed his head with a stick.


The Magician immediately prepared to release a Blizzard around himself and the warlock. AOE skills were incredibly effective in forcing thieves out of hiding.

Blizzard was an instant cast skill, and only required a hand gesture. it was fast and easy to activate.

The Magician had pretty good reactions and had good judgment. it was a pity that he had run into Henry.

Just as he started to raise his staff, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head.

Swish Swish Swish.....

-67,-82,-74.....a chain of terrifying numbers quickly arose.

By the time the Hunter had pulled out an arrow, the Magician was ready dead.

Henry had 2 pieces of steel-grade equipment and 3 pieces of bronze-grade equipment.

The Magician only had a single ordinary piece of Bronze grade equipment. Not only was there is a great gap between their equipment Henry also was one level higher than him.

Henry had finished him up with just 5 normal attacks.

After the Magician fell Henry sprang towards the warlock, who was still incapacitated.

System: Shadowstrike skill completion 89%, Caused 112% skill damage, target stunned for 2 seconds!

After only a Shadowstrike, the poor warlock was already at half HP, in addition to being stunned after 2 normal attacks the warlock followed the fate of the magician before he could even summon a small demon.

The Guide priest had raised his magic staff twice but didn't even stand a chance against him.

The party of 5 watched as 2 of them fell there was only the Druid, Hunter, and Priest.

The Druid as the main thank put all his points into Consitution for the sake of survival, so his attack was pitiful. The Hunter hadn't reached level 5 yet.

As such, he didn't have, Bow proficiency so his speed was greatly inhibited. As for the priest, would you expect him to use his magic staff to beat someone to death?

"Big brother, this is a misunderstanding the Priest called out: " We were only passing by"

Henry completely disregards him, picking up the common equipment that the warlock dropped and slowly disappearing.

White his opponent going invisible, this told him that Henry had no intention of spearing anyone.

The priest's face darkened and called out: "we are all part of The Wolf union, Xavi sent many players in search of you Henry so please examine us objectively and don't mess with people you don't know"

Henry tightened the grip on his dagger and took a deep breath.

"I always knew you're part of the wolf union" Henry speaks in a loud voice.

The Dagger flashed before the Hunter's necklace and spray a blood.

The Druid let out a roar and started charging towards Henry, but Henry circled around the Hunter to dodge and go back into hiding.

This time the priest had finally found a good opportunity.

Hunter,+35,-62 The heal waste as much as the damage taken. who says that having a priest means you will never die? In the face of all these skills and equipment, anything could happen.

in close range, the Hunter could only use Melee weapons or engage in hand compact with Henry.

The Druid on the other hand, who busying circling the Hunter to chase Henry couldn't find a way to engage him.

After the 6th hit, he had only managed to achieve 50% of Backstab skill competition.