Chapter 102 History must be made

Price went up and down

according to the market.

Wednesday knew that once the Masses entered the capital city the price of the common Herb's and equipment would increase to trice as much as now hence she invensted 10 Crystal into two common Herb's required for brewing beginners healing potions and stocked up on it.

She needed it for his Emmisary of Church quest.

She spent 5 crystal buying a common grade weapon and armours from a Dwarven BlackSmith shop which cost about 5 copper per Price. The reason for this is that in the capital currently such common weapon were being sold cheap.

"Common guys let find a lodge we can live and survey" Wednesday said to the team as the all walk find a hotel.

While they Walk together for some minutes they saw a tall hotel building.

"Wow!" They all exclaimed with suprised.