The Paths of Absolute Beginnings: Kaito's Journey of Mastery

In the following days, Kaito settled into a routine that balanced his daily life in the village with his intensive study of the "Absolute Beginning Scripture."

He had become adept at concealing his newfound abilities from those around him, including his family. To them, he was still the curious and studious boy who had a penchant for spending hours in the village library.

Each morning, Kaito would rise early, greeting the sunrise with a sense of reverence. It was during these quiet moments that he felt most connected to the cosmic energies he sought to harness.

With focused determination, he would meditate, cultivating his chakra and practicing the intricate techniques detailed in the scripture.

One of the primary techniques he had begun to master was the manipulation of elemental energies. The scripture had revealed that as a male, he could access five elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth, and Lightning, as well as the Yang aspect of Yin-Yang.

This was a rare and coveted gift in a world where most individuals possessed only one elemental affinity, if any.

Kaito would stand in the serene meadows surrounding Veridian Haven, his small hands outstretched, palms upturned. With concentrated effort, he would call upon the elemental energies that coursed through him, each element responding to his command in unique ways.

Water would flow from his palms in gentle rivulets, forming intricate patterns in the air before cascading back to the earth.

Fire would dance at his fingertips, flames flickering with a controlled intensity, a testament to his growing mastery.

Air would swirl around him, creating a cushion of wind that lifted him slightly from the ground, a sensation of weightlessness.

Earth would yield to his command, allowing him to shape the very ground beneath his feet, molding it like clay.

Lightning would crackle in his hands, a volatile force that could be harnessed for both offense and defense.

And Yang, the radiant energy of positivity, would infuse his being, enhancing his physical and spiritual vitality.

Kaito's progress was steady but measured. He understood that mastering these elements would require time, patience, and unwavering focus.

According to the scripture, he had to harness all this energies at an equal ratio in order to breakthrough to the next stages.

This was time consuming as others only had to focus on one Elemental energy or just the neutral energy.

This made it so he would be slower than his peers, yet multiple times stronger than them.

However, Kaito remained discreet. It was no news to him that the tallest trees always have the bear the force of the wind.

Each day brought new challenges and revelations as he delved deeper into the secrets of the "Absolute Beginning Scripture."

But it wasn't all about solitary practice. Kaito still cherished the moments he spent with his family and friends in the village. He would join Taro in his adventures, exploring the hidden nooks and crannies of Veridian Haven's natural beauty. He would help his mother, Aiko, with her herb garden, and listen to the wisdom of his father, Hiroshi, who had a deep knowledge of the village's history as well as the world outside the village.

Kaito's friendships also deepened as he shared his experiences and learned from others. He became close friends with Sora, a skilled herbalist, who introduced him to the intricate world of medicinal plants.

Unlike his mother's herbs, medicinal plants were ones used to concoct potions and pills used for various purposes.

They would often exchange knowledge, Kaito sharing his insights into the arts of energy manipulation, and Sora teaching him the properties of various herbs.

As the seasons changed and the village underwent its natural rhythms, Kaito's days were filled with a sense of purpose and wonder.

It had been a full half year since he arrived here and he knew that his journey was just beginning, that the path he had chosen was both challenging and rewarding.

But he was determined to continue, to unlock the full potential of the "Absolute Beginning Scripture," and to uncover the mysteries of this fantastical realm where the boundaries of reality and imagination blurred into one.

Each day brought him closer to his goal, and each experience enriched his understanding of the world and his place within it.

As Kaito gazed at the horizon, he couldn't help but smile, for he knew that his destiny was his own to shape, and the pages of his own creation story were waiting to be written.


Kaito sat in a meditative posture with his eyes closed and his breath uneven. Anyone looking at him would notice a serenity around him that was rare to see in a child his age.

Kaito however, was currently in his inner consciousness reviewing the Scroll containing the Absolute Beginning Scripture.

The more he read the more information he received whenever he came here. Today was one such day.

Looking at the huge scroll floating in front of him, he read:

1. **Celestial Meridian of Vitality (Harikara Meridian):** Opening this meridian enhances the practitioner's physical vitality. They experience increased stamina, reduced fatigue, and quicker recovery from physical exertion. It allows them to endure longer periods of training and combat.

2. **Celestial Meridian of Clarity (Shinsei Meridian):** This meridian sharpens the practitioner's mental clarity and focus. It improves their cognitive abilities, including memory, problem-solving, and decision-making. It allows them to analyze situations more effectively and adapt to changing circumstances.

3. **Celestial Meridian of Serenity (Heijitsu Meridian):** Opening this meridian brings inner peace and emotional stability. Practitioners experience reduced stress, anxiety, and anger. They can maintain a calm and composed demeanor even in challenging situations, making them less susceptible to emotional manipulation.

4. **Celestial Meridian of Agility (Yōryoku Meridian):** This meridian enhances the practitioner's agility and reflexes. They become more nimble and quick in their movements, making them difficult to predict and strike in combat. It also aids in evasion and dodging attacks.

5. **Celestial Meridian of Resilience (Fukutsu Meridian):** Opening this meridian strengthens the body's natural defenses. Practitioners become more resistant to diseases, toxins, and physical harm. It boosts their overall durability, allowing them to withstand injuries that would incapacitate normal humans.

6. **Celestial Meridian of Harmony (Kyōwa Meridian):** This meridian fosters better relationships and communication with others. Practitioners become skilled diplomats and mediators, adept at resolving conflicts peacefully. It also enhances their ability to connect with and understand the emotions of those around them.

7. **Celestial Meridian of Potential (Yōse Meridian):** Opening this meridian unlocks latent talents and potential within the practitioner. It allows them to learn and master new skills and abilities more quickly. It is often associated with rapid progress in Chakra manipulation and elemental techniques.

These Celestial Meridians represent different aspects of an individual's physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Opening each meridian provides unique advantages, and collectively they contribute to the practitioner's overall growth and potential in the world of Chakra manipulation.

Kaito marvelled at the structure of the human physiology of this world. In a way, successfully opening all seven meridians would put any human on the level of a God in earth.

This was simply making them 10/10 in all aspects, but then, in this world, it is only a requirement in order to begin cultivating.

Initially, Kaito was already at the fifth stage, but due the ABS, he was currently at the initial stage, yet, he didn't feel any weaker than he was.

Instead, he felt even more envigorated. This led to him wondering if there would be a qualitative change when he returns to the fifth level.

Reading on, he saw something that caught his eye once more. There was another cultivation system that was different to the one he knew.

According to the ABS, this was the cultivation path of the body. He was advised to follow this path as it would lay an even more stable foundation to his body.

With the foundation of both body and Chakra built according to this scripture, he'd have no rival as long as he lived safe for #£&&#'

"Hmm?" Kaito muttered to himself as he read the last part. This could only mean he had no clearance level to know or read the name or word written there.

Thinking about it, didn't this mean there was a possibility that there were others who could also build such a foundation?

"Hahaha." Kaito laughed as he thought about it. The Chakra Cultivation System of the ABS was already time consuming, and now, he was advised to also follow the Martial Cultivation System.

"Interesting..." He thought as he read through the stages of the Martial Path:

**Chakra Opening Stage Strength System:**

1. **Stage 1 - Initiate:** At this stage, practitioners have opened their Celestial Meridian, allowing them to sense and manipulate spiritual energy to a basic extent. They can perform basic energy techniques, like enhancing their physical abilities slightly, but they lack finesse and control.

2. **Stage 2 - Novice:** Novices have successfully opened their Major Meridian, which grants them better control over their physical bodies. Their strength, speed, and endurance improve noticeably. They can now begin to specialize in one elemental affinity among the five elements (Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Lightning) and Yang.

3. **Stage 3 - Adept:** Adepts continue to expand their Major Meridian's capabilities and have begun to open Auxiliary Meridians. They can now perform more advanced elemental techniques related to their chosen affinity. Their physical abilities surpass those of ordinary people by a significant margin.

4. **Stage 4 - Master:** Masters have opened a considerable number of Auxiliary Meridians, allowing them to use multiple elements with proficiency. They possess great strength and speed, making them formidable in combat. Masters can execute complex and powerful elemental techniques and even combine elements to create more advanced attacks.

5. **Stage 5 - Grandmaster:** Grandmasters have opened over 60 Auxiliary Meridians, granting them mastery over all the elements (Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Lightning, and Yang). They are considered geniuses among geniuses and have exceptional control over their physical and spiritual energy. Their strength and speed are awe-inspiring, and they can perform legendary elemental techniques that can shape the very landscape with just their physical might.

6. **Stage 6 - Enlightened:** This stage represents a profound understanding of the Absolute Beginning Scripture. Enlightened individuals have opened over 100 Auxiliary Meridians, giving them unparalleled mastery over elemental manipulation. They can perform feats that defy the laws of nature, such as altering the weather or creating small celestial bodies.

7. **Stage 7 - Ascendant:** Ascendants are the highest level of attainable. They have unlocked all 361 Auxiliary Meridians, allowing them to transcend the boundaries of human body's potential. Ascendants are rare and almost mythical figures, possessing god-like power. They can reshape reality itself with their mastery over the elements and spiritual energy.

It's important to note that progressing through these stages requires rigorous training, dedication, and spiritual growth. The Martial Path is not just about physical strength but also mental and spiritual development. Additionally, the Absolute Beginning Scripture plays a crucial role in advancing through these stages, making it a highly sought-after and closely guarded secret in this world.

Kaito knew that he was still in the early stages, having only recently reached the Novice level, but the possibilities that lay before him were boundless.

"It's seems I'm already on this Path."

With each passing day, he honed his skills, delving deeper into the teachings of the Absolute Beginning Scripture.

Kaito's interactions with the people of Veridian Haven continued to shape his perspective. He found himself not only learning from books but also from the wisdom of those around him. The village was a tapestry of experiences and knowledge, and he was eager to absorb as much as he could.

"Hey Kaito, what do you say about going to the academy?"

On this very day, his father asked him a question that would bring about a great change to the Country, Continent and Planet.