Chakra Core

When the rotation of the vortex reached its peak, Kaito suddenly felt a dot appear at the center of the vortex. The inside of this dot seemed akin to a mysterious domain, sometimes present yet sometimes not.Infinitely small, yet also infinitely massive.

The moment this dot appeared, the flowing Chakra in his body seemed to have been given a sudden tug. Chakra surged inside his Meridians, pouring into the dot.

Following the influx of Chakra, it was as if life had emerged from the formless mass of creation inside the Chakra dot. Space began to develop, forming the Core.

It was at this very moment that the Core in Kaito's body was finally created. At long last, the Chakra he absorbed during his daily training now had a place to be stored, allowing it to gradually grow stronger. It would be nothing like the past, where the majority of the absorbed Chakra would subsequently fade after improving the quality of his body.

Kaito's Spirit entered the Chakra Core and a unique domain entered his eyes where Chakra flowed in an endless cycle. Subsequently, he saw green light begin to blossom, dying the entire Core green.

A newly created Core was classified into Nine different ranks based on one's talent and the innate potential of the body.Kaito's Spirit intriguingly watched the transformation of the Core.

The first star sparkled with an ethereal silver glow, signifying the initial rank of the Core. With each passing moment, the streams of Chakra within the Core intensified, causing the subsequent stars to manifest in a cascade of dazzling lights.

The second star shimmered with a subtle azure brilliance, followed by stars of amethyst, crimson, and emerald, painting the Core with a mesmerizing array of colors. As the sixth star burst forth in a radiant golden hue, Kaito's Spirit sensed a profound shift, however he wasn't able to place a finger on it.

The Chakra within the Core continued to surge as more stars appeared on the core as the Ninth star appeared.

Kaito nodded casually as that was within expectations, however as he made to leave, however, an unforeseen resonance echoed through the very fabric of his being.

The Chakra within the Core, having reached the pinnacle of its transformation with the appearance of the ninth star, took an unexpected turn.

A profound stillness enveloped the spiritual realm as an unprecedented surge of energy welled up from within.

'The Absolute Beginning Scripture...' Kaito immediately felt the movement of the suspended scroll in his Mind-scape stir. In the midst of this celestial symphony, a tenth star materialized, bathed in a luminous, pure golden radiance.

Kaito's Spirit, now fully attuned to the subtle shifts within the Chakra Core, witnessed the metamorphosis of both the Core and the Chakra circulating in his body. The golden hue spread like liquid light, seamlessly blending with the existing stars.

The Chakra, touched by this radiant transformation, underwent a profound metamorphosis, evolving into a purer, more refined essence.

It was as if the very essence of Kaito's being had transcended the limits of conventional understanding.

Kaito's Chakra Core had transcended the boundaries of the ordinary, now an embodiment of unparalleled potency, its brilliance illuminating the vast expanse of his spiritual domain.

"I wonder how much potential I possess with these Core." He thought as he looked at the core casually.

He had expected a Peak Level Ninth Grade Core due to the requirements needed to breakthrough with the Absolute Beginning Scripture, hence, although getting a Tenth Grade core was unprecedented, he didn't feel it was that spectacular.

After all, what is passed down as knowledge is only what the writer wants to be passed down. He had understood this from his past life, both as a Student and as an avid reader of Cultivation Novels.

"There's probably a Twelve Star Core out there somewhere." He thought as his eyes Flashed with a fierce and competitive light.

He would be sure to reach the peak of his ability, afterall, one of his greatest desires from his past life was to roam the stars and understand their uniqueness.

And although he knew that the rank of the Core was not an absolute representation of one's future accomplishments, it could not be denied that the higher rank the Core, the greater the advantage.

Closing his eyes, he exited the spiritual Domain and returned to his body. Opening his eyes, he suddenly hit with a sense of euphoria as a result of his new found strength.

He felt a lightness he didn't feel even as he opened the Eight Gate. If before he felt he could one shot anyone below him with just his physical strength, now, he felt he could destroy a couple hundred versions of Him should they clash.

As a Chakra Core Realm master, ones overall strength is increased by 10, leaving your average Initial Chakra core realm master at a force of 50,000 kg of force, but for Kaito, he felt that his was at 100,000 kg of force, or rather, he could exert a force of that level and above.

"Now that I think about it, why do I have to open Eight gates when others had Seven? Is it due to the Absolute Beginning Scripture?" Kaito thought as he clenched his fist to get a feel of his strength.

Thinking along this line, Kaito couldn't help but wonder which grade the ABS was at. It was definitely not a Mortal Level Cultivation Technique, that much he was sure of. Since he could use it to create Mid level Cultivation Techniques, it should be at a higher level than that.

As he thought along this line, he felt the Scroll in his Sea of Consciousness tremble slightly, and although it only shook a little, he still felt so dizzy despite his new found spiritual growth.

"Damn..." he cursed under his breath, but as soon as he did, he felt as though something was drilling into his skull from the inside out.

This was a familiar feeling though, it reminded him of the time he had gotten the ABS for the first time, however, unlike his initial total knockout, he was able to maintain consciousness while the information was being drilled into his memory.

Time seemed so slow to Kaito at that moment as he endured the searing pain. With his teeth tightly clenched, he waited till the procedure was completed.

Similar to when he got the Cultivation Technique, he knew after this pain came rewards, however, he couldn't help but wonder what rewards came with it.

Afterall at the Chakra Core Realm, one was still considered a beginner. They were still building the foundations and were just then exposed to their Elemental affinities

Other than that, they gained access to their spiritual energy while also having a more sophisticated control over their chakra.

In short, they could now use spirit senses with their spiritual energy, the distance one's spirit sense could reach was then determined by how strong their spiritual energy was.

As for the Chakra control, this would aid them in mastering Martial Technique and Cultivation Arts.

Other than these, Kaito was intrigued by the rewards the Scroll would give him after his breakthrough, and not longer than he thought that, the pain stopped as a stream of information surfaced in his mind.

As he had expected, he was really given some interesting techniques, and although the first two were kinda normal, the last one left him stupefied.

Chakra Spirit's Insight. This is a heightened state of perception that transcends the ordinary. It allows him to attune his senses to the subtle energies of the spiritual realm.

This includes the ability to detect disturbances, anomalies, or the presence of spiritual entities that may elude normal perception.

It grants him an intuitive understanding of the ebb and flow of spiritual energies, providing an early warning system for potential threats and disturbances in his surroundings.

Chakra Will Mastery. This enabled his mastery over Chakra to go beyond the conventional control exhibited by others in the same realm as him. This enables him to manipulate it with precision, shaping it into intricate forms for various purposes.

Whether crafting complex techniques or executing precise maneuvers, Kaito's Chakra Mastery would grant him a level of finesse that surpasses the norm, making him a rather formidable force in the manipulation of Chakra.

Chakra Integration Prowess. This ability allows him to harmonize the three realms—Core, Spirit, and soul.

This integration isn't just a blending but a synergistic alignment that temporarily amplifies his power. By tapping into this harmonious unity, he can unleash a resonant surge of energy, elevating his abilities beyond the expected capabilities of someone at his current stage.

The first two were self explanatory and understandable to a certain extent, but the last ability was what made Kaito's heart thump.

"No wonder I felt like I could exert more force than I am currently feeling." He muttered as he analyzed the ability.

This was a special ability for those at the Chakra integration Realm and above, this enabled them to exert a heavenly might that directly destroys any and all forms of defense of those below them in strength.

As one's Chakra(Core) Soul and Spirit is combined and used to attack, only a Domain could possibly resist it.

One had to know that even combining these three forces was a monumental task in itself.