Banquet and Mockery

In the end, Zenith and Ayumi went back to their respective abode after a few congratulatory drinks with Kaito, while also promising to have his back if anything untoward should happen during the banquet.

Kaito accepted their kindness like he always did with a smile as he saw them off, however, as soon as they disappeared from his perception range, his expression turned strange.

In the past, he had not been able to particularly pick up on Ayumi's presence whenever she came around and was only able to do so on rare occasions. It was different from today when he noticed her as soon as she walked in.

Perhaps it was due to his breakthrough or perhaps she was feeling mischievous, but one thing was clear... Something was wrong.

Unfortunately, he couldn't place a finger on it.

That was the reason he told her a different answer from the one he told Zenith.

It was true they had been close friends since their First year in school, but still, six years was enough to change a lot of people.

He may have told Zenith of his Ninth Grade Core out of sincerity, but should the academy get news of this, Kaito could only take it as it comes.

Worse comes to worst, he'll bide his time like he had been doing while excavating the treasures hidden in the Tenth Grade Golden Core.

As for Ayumi, well, only time would tell.

The day quickly passed with Kaito returning to his Cultivation room to consolidate his Realm. Despite not particularly needing it, he felt the need to reflect on himself a bit as he proceeded forward.

The banquet was scheduled to hold on the night of the morrow, while their Graduation would then hold on the day after.

Following that, everyone would leave the Academy to search for their destiny, afterall, when it comes to Cultivation, it's not just about gaining power; it's about understanding oneself and the world. In the journey of enlightenment, every step is a revelation, and every challenge is an opportunity to bloom like a rare flower.

And although Kaito didn't know where to begin, he believed he just needed to take the first step, which was to leave the academy on his own terms.


The night of the banquet arrived, casting an air of anticipation over the academy grounds. Kaito, dressed in attire that befit the occasion, made his way to the venue. The grand hall was adorned with opulent decorations, and the chatter of students filled the air.

As Kaito entered, he scanned the room, catching glimpses of familiar faces and the occasional intrigued glance directed his way. The crown prince, holding court with an air of regality, noticed Kaito's arrival and offered a subtle nod.

Kaito nodded and found a secluded area in the hall to sit out the party. However, as the night progressed, Kaito sensed an undercurrent of tension. Whispers and glances seemed to follow him, and a feeling of unease settled in the pit of his stomach.

A young man with a sly grin, nudged his companion. "Did you see Kaito over there? What's he doing at this banquet?"

Another student, a girl with eyes filled with curiosity, glanced toward Kaito. "Yeah, the crown prince invited him. Must be for a good laugh. Wonder how he'll embarrass himself."

Their eyes followed Kaito, who moved through the crowd with a calm demeanor. The air of mystery surrounding him seemed to attract attention, both intrigued and judgmental.

Another student chuckled. "True. I heard the crown prince likes to toy with the lower-ranked disciples. Kaito's in for a rough night."

As the duo continued their clandestine conversation, Kaito's every move became a subject of scrutiny. The grandiosity of the banquet hall served as a stage for hidden judgments, a place where hierarchies were subtly reinforced.

The female student raised an eyebrow. "Let's stick around and watch the show. It's not every day we get to witness the crown prince's entertainment."

Observing the Prince, Kaito found that the prince's demeanor remained composed, but Kaito couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.


In the midst of the opulent banquet hall, where laughter and music intermingled, as direct students, Zenith and Ayumi sat at a much higher chair than most. They were already used to this much attention so they didn't feel much about it as they exchanged pleasantries with those who came to cozy up to them.

Still, they both found a moment to share a quiet exchange away from prying eyes.

Zenith, his sharp eyes scanning the room, leaned in to speak to Ayumi. "Keep an eye on Kaito, Ayumi. Something feels off tonight."

Ayumi, her gaze focused and discerning, nodded subtly. "I've been watching. The atmosphere is tense, and the whispers are getting louder."

The air held a certain tension, a silent undercurrent beneath the facade of celebration. The grandiosity of the occasion seemed to mask an unseen chess game, and both Zenith and Ayumi were attuned to the subtle shifts in dynamics.

"If anything goes wrong, we step in," Zenith asserted with a quiet determination. "Kaito might not ask for help, but he'll need it."

Ayumi's gaze met Zenith's, a silent agreement passing between them. "Agreed. Let's hope this banquet doesn't turn into a battlefield."

They returned to observing the unfolding events, their vigilance remaining hidden beneath the facade of casual engagement.


Within the hall, a group of young masters—Eldron, Seraphia, and Veldaris—gathered in a whispered conference. Their laughter echoed amidst the grandeur as they plotted a prank aimed at Kaito, who entered the hall with an air of composure and sat down without even greeting anyone.

Eldron, a young master with silver hair and an arrogant smirk, leaned in conspiratorially. "Here comes Kaito, the esteemed guest! Let's show our respect!"

His words carried a mocking tone, and the others, Seraphia and Veldaris, joined in the jest. With theatrical flair, they orchestrated a dramatic bow, their movements exaggerated for theatrical effect.

"Your Highness, we are honored by your presence!" Seraphia proclaimed, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

The hall erupted in laughter, the other guests joining in the amusement at the expense of Kaito. The young masters reveled in their orchestrated jest, confident that their ridicule would unsettle the perceived 'lesser' disciple.

Kaito, however, maintained a stoic demeanor. His eyes flickered with a wry smile, revealing an inner strength beneath the surface. Unbeknownst to the pranksters, his resilience added an unexpected layer to the unfolding spectacle.

As the laughter subsided, Veldaris, the most mischievous one amongst the three, couldn't resist a final jab. "Such an esteemed guest deserves a grander entrance, wouldn't you agree, Kaito?"


Kaito's eyes glinted with a wry smile as he rose from his seat, facing the trio of young masters who had orchestrated the theatrical display.

"Well, thank you for the warm welcome," Kaito responded with a hint of sarcasm, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "I must say, it's not every day I get such an extravagant bow. I almost feel like royalty."

The hall fell into a momentary hush as the onlookers processed Kaito's unexpected response. Eldron, Seraphia, and Veldaris exchanged glances, their smirks fading into uncertain expressions.

Kaito continued, his voice cutting through the silence. "But let's not stop at bows. How about a round of applause for these creative performers?" He gestured toward the trio, the crowd unsure of how to react.

As the hall erupted into scattered applause and hesitant laughter, Kaito took the opportunity to turn the tables on the pranksters. With a flourish, he mimicked exaggerated bows, exaggerating the theatrics even further.

"Your Highness, we are honored by your presence!" Kaito declared in an over-the-top imitation of Seraphia, drawing chuckles from the audience.

"What an idiot." He muttered loud enough for the girl to hear him.

Seraphia's face flushed with embarrassment, while Eldron and Veldaris struggled to maintain their composure. The onlookers, once entertained by the jest, now found amusement in Kaito's clever counterplay.

"What? You thought only you knew how to be clowns? Although I don't particularly see myself in that path in life, one must applaud a good Clown when he comes across one." Kaito continued with his sly smirk growing wider.

"Oh... forgive me, I meant clowns."

Having dispelled the tension, Kaito returned to his seat with his grin. However, as he sat, his eyes were trained on the crown prince, who observed the unfolding spectacle with an inscrutable expression.

With the pranksters properly humbled, Kaito addressed the crown prince directly, his tone carrying a mixture of confidence and curiosity. "Your Highness, I appreciate the creative introductions, but I'm here for a purpose. Could you enlighten me on the true reason behind this banquet? I have more important matters to attend to than entertaining some...entitled young masters."

The hall fell into a hushed anticipation, awaiting the crown prince's response to Kaito's bold inquiry.

One had to know that before this, Kaito was what one would call a Turtle. No matter how much he was made fun of in the academy, he didn't retaliate.

Even when his things were taken away from him wrongfully, he kept mute while allowing Zenith and Ayumi help him get them back.

To the majority of the students, he was a wimp who relied on the genius of his 'friends' to reach the stage he was at now.

And considering the amount of students who wished to stay in the good books of the Geniuses-Zenith and Ayumi- Kaito was an eyesore in comparison.

Staring into Kaito's confident eyes for a good minute, the Crown Prince smiled and then said.

"But of course."