Advent of Astral Part 7: Crash

Astral would be smiling as he makes way home. He would be driving along the scenic route. Having no rush home and being able to enjoy the sunny day in a meek fall month. However his unsettling feeling remained. As if something that could go wrong will. But, that is his gut feeling, he does not want to trust it in fear of the worst. Checking his mirrors he would see two SUV's following him, weird. He would brush it off as nothing and keep coasting along. Once the three vehicles got to a secluded road the first SUV would go to pass him. Successfully doing so.

Astral would jolt to a new level of awareness. This is a pincer move that enforcement officers use. He would downshift into a low gear in his chevy camaro as the SUV behind him sped up and the one in front would slow down. The two were about to hit him at the same time. Acting fast he would have to time this right. A driveway stuck out of the road. It would be enough room. Slamming his brakes he would pull the car out from in between the two SUV's twisting the wheel as quickly as possible he would pull a full one hundred and eighty degree turn with the driveway giving him cushion from the ditch. He would take off hitting over one hundred and fifty miles an hour in the opposite direction while the SUV's try to catch him.

This was where he grew up. He knew all of the roads around here, which ones crossed where and how fast he could go on certain turns. Zipping around he would make it to a clear straight away road where he would hit over two hundred miles an hour and think that he lost them. Turning onto a side road to his house he would slow down and calm himself. He was happy he drove his camaro in yesterday, rather than his general work beater. Turning down his road he would be ready to be at home. He would signal his turn into his driveway as he gets rammed by one of the SUV's that chased him. The car would crumple inwards all around him being rammed with enough force to kill a normal person.

His car would flip across the road before tumbling into the ditch. The SUV would park as the two others that were chasing him came and parked on either side of the road. The men from inside would file out and celebrate this. They got the man they were looking for. The one who dug so much into Project Star. The men with pry bars would approach the crumpled up car to open the door, Astral had only a couple of scratches on him. This was the man they were told to catch? He isn't dead? "Check his pulse." One of the men shouted from the back. The first man would do as he was told. Laying two fingers on the neck of Astral

"He still has a pulse. Bring the sedation fluid that Anders had prepared." The man checking the pulse would speak as Astral's eyes flicked to life. Looking around in a panic, his car crushed and him seeing many people surrounding him would prepare to fight his way out. But he was pinned by the car. All he could move was his left arm. flailing it at the man taking his pulse he would hit him with everything he had. Sending the person back a step. The man from the back would sprint forward as the rest all pulled out their weapons.

"No don't fire we need him alive." Astrals eyes would flick to the man running towards him. The man would be missing a finger as he stabs Astral with a pen. Who's eyes would turn up and he would slouch over. The men put their weapons away as he spoke. "He is the key that Anders wants."

"Okay Stubbs, but he also hurt one of us." One of the men would point to their man on the ground, with several fractured ribs from Astral's singular punch. "Keep him under control or we will put him down." Stubs would nod as the two men helped out their comrade on the ground. The others would pull Astral out of his car and put him in the back of the SUV that rammed him. Being brought into the middle of the Dakotas, where Project Star has been developed.

On the car ride to the base, Astral was constantly sedated, the mixture created from anesthesia and melatonin with several other drugs and chemicals would be enough to kill a normal person. For Astral, they needed to be injected once every hour for the trip. Doing this they were able to keep him asleep the entire time. The big tunnel door would open as all of the soldiers got out of the three SUV's. They would carry Astral through the facility, the musky smell stenching the air as many people ran around the halls. One person would be directing the men through the halls do the operating room. Its original purpose had been changed. He was brought into a killing room, it was a place for violence, not science. Smiling a general would order the men to set Astral tied down into a chair. A line of soldiers stood in place aiming their rifles at a defenseless individual.

Doctor Anders, looking like she hasn't aged a day, wearing a red blouse with her white lab coat, black glasses and pants. "General Seth, you are making a big mistake. We aren't prepared to contain it. What I have can keep him sedated and we can modify it to keep him mellow so we can talk to him and learn!"

"Well get ready to contain it Doctor, we only have this one shot to wrangle him in." Seth spoke in a negative demeanor. Dressed in an all black suit, his face grizzled and aged from war. "Men when he wakes up. Open fire!"

"General, if we kill him now we can't guarantee it being contained by what we have in place!" Anders would yell at the general. "Men stand down, do not fire at him no matter what." The men would still their nerves. Still pointing their rifles at Astral, asleep in the chair. "General tell your men to stand down." Her voice was shaky, she didn't want to lose the specimen again.

"No." He would bark back at her forcing her back into the corner. "Listen here miss, considering it's a miracle that you are still alive and working on this project. I don't want to listen to you anymore." Looking downward at the man in the chair. "He has killed a lot of good men. It's time to make him suffer." He spoke softer, every soldier that he has helped this caused finally will have a payoff for this project. All it has been is failure.

All Astral could feel is woozy, his head pounded from pain and drugs, the chemicals flowing through his body and mind felt like they would take forever to wear off. He was able to hear bits and pieces.

"These creatures respond to pain and battle differently. You can't be serious about trying to kill him when he wakes up. Every other one either was reports of being as black as smoke or dressed in black. He is far from that. Give me time to study him!" Anders would yell to the general who would close his hand over her mouth.

"Give me an order one more time and I will personally execute you with your lab rat." His rage almost shaking the entire room. Anders would crumble and fall to the ground. He would look down. It no longer matters. All of them lead up to this moment. They had him. The trap and snare of smoke was set. All he wanted was to end this project. "Keep an eye on him at all times. Be prepared for any and all attacks and movement."

His men stay focused, not questioning his motives. Astral came around slowly. He woke up and there was nothing but fear in his cyan eyes. This was the end, no more study of history, no more sports and exercise. No life left to live and no one to carry down his family name. He turned the room cold, he felt like nothing he ever did was enough, always failing at every turning moment. He always said he could die happy, hoping to live a long and fruitful life and die at an old age, he would feel tears run down his face. He had nothing to do, and he just had to accept his new fate. Looking down the barrels of seven rifles will do that. "FIRE! DO IT NOW!" The general shouted, his men obeyed his command and all that Astral wished for was to get away.