Astral's Rise Part 66: Ambush

"No." He spoke as the glass around them crashed in. Jaimie kept her gaze at her opponent as he charged in once more, brandishing a sword swinging it down onto Jaimie as she blocked it with her left gauntlet.

Astral sprung up and tossed Airsoft his helmet. "Airsoft, keep the kids safe." Astral cracked his knuckles as the horde of fifty Polemistis warriors joined the fight against Astral and Jaimie. Leaving Airsoft, Proto and Omaha to watch from the sidelines.

"If they come at us there is no backing up. Triangle formation." Airsoft put on a custom helmet from Astral as a suit flared to life around him, his team in awe from the special treatment as the suit glowed a light green to work on his internal bleeding.

"Yes sir." The two responded as they unsheathed their swords. As they looked among the crowd each one had a weapon of sorts. Swords, spears, axes. It left the three of them to wait for the right time.

Achilles kept slicing at Jaimie as she kept pushing his blade away with her gauntlet until he decided to thrust the blade to her. She snapped as her shield came out of nowhere pushing the blade downward away from her as she bashed him with the shield.

A polemistis member saw the opening and swung a sword at Jaimie's exposed arm. Astral seemingly was walking above everyone, blocking the sword slash with his scythe as he dropped her spear next to her. All of the Polemistis warriors stared into his eyes.

Astral started to cackle. "Defeat me and you can conquer death itself? Dare to take the challenge?" Astral flipped his gravity as he landed with a thud, everyone backing up from him. Leaving his backside exposed for Achilles, charging in to swing down on Astral's back.

Jaimie held the tip of her spear where the blade came down. "We aren't finished yet." Flicking the spear backwards it had Achilles slide backward. He would start a barrage of slashes at his opponent as Jaimie parried each one with her spear. Now to toy with him longer.

Astral saw each move from the warriors before it happened, honing in on what the two swordsmen taught him from the tournament. Each stroke of the scythe blocked three attacks while slicing at three more. Astral stabbed the scythe into the ground as he went hand to weapon versus them. Hitting pressure points and vital points he crippled the first three to be done battling of the fifty.

Three of them snuck behind the battleline of Astral to take on and finish the animals before them. One of the three men dressed in black chuckled. "Easy prey, like taking candy from a baby." Airsoft slammed down from behind them as Proto and Omaha stood in front of the twins.

"Ah yes, candy. What were you saying?" Airsoft had the last member of the three in a headlock as the other two charged forward at the other two. They swung down their blades in sync as Proto blocked both of them in one motion. Omaha comes in from their left and slashes the shoulder of the one who laughed.

Achilles swung his blade down from above Jaimie to split her down the middle. Jaimie then high points her spear and blocks the blade from hitting her. Achilles grabs a second blade from the ground, nudged over from one of his comrades as he slices up. 

Jaimie drops her spear as it shatters the sword swinging upward and causing the entire city to shake as she lays into Achilles with a strong right hook. Sending him down to his knees. He looked up as tears formed. 'Don't give up!' He slowly tried to stand and move as Jaimie rolled the spear onto his foot. Making him immoble as he flailed his sword at her.

Astral was bent on his conquest to knock each one of them out, ten down and forty to go as he hit a woman with a left hook. Sending her crashing by the twins. Astral then shifts into overdrive, his iris's gaining lines across them as he moves so fast his after images acted real. Hitting the pressure points of all the people in front of him. Making them choke on blood as it filled their lungs and chests.

His punches were shattering their hardened bones in a single blow as each one tried to slice at him they went through like smoke. As ten were left all they heard was laughter. Coming from behind? They turned to see Astral as he was laughing, his head tilted up and right. His eyes beamed down to the remainder. "You don't want to die, do you?" They froze as Astral unsheathed his katana with a click slicing each of their clothes off from their bodies in a blink of an eye. "Just warn everyone to not disobey."

Omaha clashed her blade with the cocky one, even after severing his dominant arm and a deep slash in the other he was still powerful. Each of her parries failed as she couldn't stop the strong swings. 

Proto had more success with his as he managed to get one good parry and he wrangled the man to the ground, pinning him and popping each of his joints out of their sockets. Screaming for mercy as Proto kept going. 

Airsoft's opponent was already knocked out as he tapped Omaha's opponent. He turned as Airsoft punched him hard enough that he was sent through the giant wooden door of the throne room. The fireteams looked at what was going inside in awe.

Jaimie was sitting on the throne with Achilles arms trapped under her spear. Astral had the survivors who gave up sitting along the wall. The fire teams rushed in with stretchers to help all of the wounded as Proto, Omaha and Airsoft picked up the twins.

Astral looked over to the ten. "Question, if we take over your planet and import a sentry king, could they still be considered the leader?" The ten men looked at him confused.

"But why would you need a sentry king here?" the man on the end asked him.

"We have no intentions on staying here, we just need a bit of extra manpower for the upcoming battle versus the Sacramentum." Jaimie spoke from the throne bored out of her mind. Achilles failed to entertain her enough.