Astral's Rise Part 76: Inheiritance

Astral stood on the bridge of the Everlast as Jaimie walked with him. "We return to the peon's planet, tell them the good news, leave some technology of the Sacramentum's behind and a clone and call it a day?" Astral spoke as Jaimie slapped his ass.

"We have other matters to attend to, such as discussing the cost of the spell you summoned. And the hierarchy of leadership, and how we should be letting more experienced hands doing so." Jaimie ripped into him as they walked down the empty hallway.

"I had a feeling the spells I used would bite me in the ass, even though I spent a year reading them they still found loopholes." Astral spoke, turning to face her as he backpedaled down the hallway. "Whoever is the higher power of those tome's is the one creating more loopholes. I get the part where we need more people to help us out on the military front." Astral stopped for a second as he sighed.

"It isn't what we are special at, we may have to give it a rest." Jaimie rested her arm on his shoulder.

"I just fear if we have to take part in something similar to the battle tournament we won't have the numbers to keep up, within our own galaxy there are three other sentient life forms, with the peon's being the fifth. It shows that there are more forces than we know that exist." Astral took a breath of relief. "I agree we need to step back, but all we can do is slow down. If we were to be attacked by a massive force of aliens, I don't think we would be prepared." The thoughts from earlier flooded his mind.

"Then we can work at slowing down together and enjoy life once again between the two of us, we should take a vacation after this and wind down. For us and the whole crew, use it to teach the twins a handful of things and move onward?" Jaimie set her other hand on his shoulder.

"Majority rules, I am not opposed to a vacation. Let's tell the Peon's the good news first." Jaimie nodded as Astral spoke, they made their way to the hangar as they boarded the transport shuttle and landed next to the main village. The elder's waited to greet their great savior.

"Ah hello there, you must be his wife. Such a glowing figure." One of the elders spoke as the rest murmured. Astral held a communication table behind them with his telekinesis.

"Hello! It's great to see those that Astral has met on his journeys.." Jaimie extended her arm as the vocal elder shook it. 'She feels so soft and caring.' the elder thought to himself as Jaimie's glowing smile filled the area with hope for a better future.

"Could we head to the vault?" Astral politely asked as the elders cleared away and created a path for the two of them as they walked to the vaut. It was sparkling clean. No signs of any bloodshed or violence taking place. "You guys are a wonderful species. We would be grateful if you would join the Astral Alliance?" He set the communication table down in the meeting room as the elders backed up.

"The last time we were in an alliance we were used. Why would this time be any different?" an older and more hunched over elder spoke.

"Well, it's because we won't force you to do anything." Jaimie spoke. "We want to ensure your safety, this little table right here is interlinked with our communication system. If you need any assistance we can send any aid."

"We also would be more than happy to bring you along with our adventures. We will not push you on any of this, you have been more than accommodating for us so far." Astral spoke as the elder's bowed to him.

"It is you who we should be thanking. Without you, we would all be dead or enslaved." The elders spoke in unison. "Tell us more."

"We would create a more human habitable corner of the planet, allowing the uses of human nature to fill that part of the planet. As well as you inheriting the technology and power of the Sacramentum." Jaimie listed what the details were as Astral created another clone.

This clone was in a female body. Astral handed it the normal clothes he wore before taking a double take. "Okay what the fuck, this is new." Astral sat in a chair and stared at his most recent clone.

"For the only other thing you guys need to do is monitor earth and make sure it doesn't get invaded. If that happens, we can send out alerts for the rest of our forces to defend it. Mind you, anyone visiting earth and that solar system has to use a specific code specialized for us. Right Astral?" Jaimie looked over at Astral, then to the clone, back to her husband then the clone.

"I can't explain and I give up." Astral threw up his hands as the clone mirrored him. He sighed as the elders looked at the three in confusion.

"Could you go one day without doing something abnormal?" Jaimie sees the clone and realizes the issues. "This is going to be a long visit isn't it?" Jaimie scratched her head as the clone shrugged.

"Alright, your name will be Ali. Watch over the planet, keep us in touch, this is weird." Astral buried his face into his palms as she bounced up with glee.

"So, I will leave this tablet here for you to sign, if you cooperate great, if not, no worries. But I have much more pressing issues if you can't tell." Jaimie slid over the tablet as the elders grabbed it and walked out. "Astral, summon him."

"Who?" He asked, looking at Ali as she dressed herself up in his clothes.

 "Who else would know more about this type of magical shit and why your spells are weird? Mike!" Jaimie yelled at Astral as Ali shrunk herself smaller and into the corner.

"See now that makes a little more sense." Mike was holding an imaginary smoothie, sipping it as Astral looked up to him. Jaimie went over and whispered to Ali apologizing for being loud. "What explanation do you want first?" Mike asked as he kept sipping his smoothie.

"Yes, the answer is yes." Jaimie looked at him as Ali was normal sized again.

"One, Astral's spell that he casted in the Red Merle, it is determined by the gods if you are hitting their quota. So, if they aren't satisfied, which they never are." Astral dropped his head into the table as Mike kept explaining. "The rules of fallen enemies coming back, will apply infinitely to their extent, surprisingly Mu already came back as did Prophet, and it's been what, three years. That's fast for their standards." Mike explained as the spirit hovered over to Ali.

"Two, this relates directly to your ability, you want each of these stationed clones to be special, that creates this bind of making them different from carbon copies. Lucky has his own skillset and I can only imagine that Pollen and Ali have their own as well." Mike rested a hand on her. Ali looked over to him in awe as he knew much more than Astral let on.

"Three, your army problem. Explore the universe and your solutions will be found." Mike paused before slipping a hand underneath Astral's chin. "Those foresights were meant to exploit your one weakness, believe in yourself and you shall not worry of any of that." Mike vanished into thin air as Astral's exhale looked like minty air.

"We tell no one on board. Deal?" Jaimie looked over to him as tears rolled down his face.

"We won't be ready; however, I think we can avoid the fate we saw." Astral's voice whimpered, it was quiet like his mind, he had no thoughts right now as the elders knocked on the door.

"We have agreed to your contract, pleased to join the alliance." The elders hand back the tablet.

"If any of your forces want to join us now, they are more than welcomed to, we have to get going unfortunately. Ali here will teach you how to communicate with her and us." Jaimie grabbed Astral and carried him out as he was slouched over in her arms.

They made their way to the shuttle as there were a few young Peons on the shuttle waiting for them. "We want to explore the stars!" They all exclaimed as Astral walked up to the cockpit of the shuttle.

"I can't wait to show them to you all sometime. It's fine if you come with?" Jaimie asked as their parents waved goodbye. Astral started up the engines and shut the back door. Slowly heading back into space and meeting with the Everlast. Astral was quiet the whole way as Jaimie answered every question they had for her.

They landed on the Everlast as it left for the Red Merle. Jaimie showing the fifteen Peons around. Carolina and Minn helped her on the exploration of it all. Astral sat in the cockpit in shock, just trying to think.

A knock was heard on the hull as Indy walked up. "Sir, we are inbound to regroup in five minutes. Anything to prepare for when we arrive?" He was hoping to cheer him up, he asked Jaimie where he was and how he was, the response from her wasn't good.

"Sorry to make you an errand boy, and to watch over your team with the help of Nevada, I know you want to spend time with your family, if you retire after this, I won't blame you." Astral tilted back as Indy smiled.

"I am humbled sir; but, it would be best for me to keep working alongside you and my team. My family is my heart and soul but so is my team." Indy spoke as he smiled thinking of all of the times he has had with the Dog Pound.

"Thank you Indy, those words help." Astral took a second and thought of it all at once where it clicked. "When we land in the hangar bay, ask for my specific tea, make sure Zeta is ready for repairs, James and Angel are there to learn a lesson, and Airsoft being out of that damned library. I would also like to fill you in on a couple of things, being the dad of the unit you can hold it together like glue, please keep doing so." Astral asked Indy kindly as his voice was soft.

"Anytime sir." Indy turned to leave.

"Oh, and lastly bring your family up there as well to enjoy the fresh tea and meals." Astral added as Indy walked away with a happy smile.