Adventure of Astral Part 28: Parting Advice

Astral's beaming smile grew wider. "My flash and style came not from me, more of a suggestion from the rest of the crew at the time. Someday, you will be able to have style over practicality." Astral flexed his muscles as small little scars glowed white. Astral looked at these deeper. "Tina, it is perfect timing for you to come here and greet me, I am preparing to leave. During these times can I expect great levels of self discipline?"

"Why of course. I need to be prepared to help you and protect others. Including myself, if I cannot do that then I won't ever be a real mage, one that turns tides of battle." She sat down in the chair James was in as Astral's scars faded away as he looked at his arms. "You must have a story or two of turning the battle on its head while using magical spells?"

"None of them that I can remember." Astral saw a flash of gold come from his mind. "Those tide turners are quite different from what it normally looks like. You are thinking too much on the future and actual effects." Astral reached his hand out and scruffed up her hair. "Battles are chaotic and dangerous. Most times you have to think just in that moment, if its to be focused on self preservation or on offense. With the variety of spells, hexes, curses or barriers."

Tina giggled a little bit. "So note down what to do and when to do it?" Astral's soft nod confirmed her thoughts.

"I will not be able to train you for the moments to make you decide. All that I can do is prepare you for every possibility. You will be able to make those choices when you face them. My goal is to make sure you can survive all of them." Astral's brightness uplifted her as the two sat in a silent bond. Awaiting the silence to be broken.

Tina looked up to Astral. "This isn't goodbye forever, right, you said you would never leave my side." Astral paused and awaited more. "You have a goal that is bigger than I, but why does it feel like I will be left behind." Her eyes were weighted down with sadness as Astral looked into them.

"There will always be a piece of me that will not just remember you, but also take you back once it is time." Astral rested his hand under her chin as he uplifted her with a small amount of gravity, using his remembrance of magic to let her float. "No matter what, I would sacrifice the world to make sure you can get out of here safely." She began to cry as she wrapped her hands around him. He embraced her as she fell slowly back down to the normal gravity.

"I will make one announcement to everyone as I go, however, for you I leave one special telling." She looked directly at him as he held her. "Your talents far surpass mine of magic, I would love for you to hone in on what you feel like you can do special. Don't let anyone tell you differently." She grasped on tighter as Astral set her down on the ground gently. She wiped away her tears as Astral packed only a small handful of things inside of a bag.

"Astral, you will be back for me. I trust in you, and I will learn to be the greatest defender of all the land." Astral ruffled up Tina's hair as she sobbed through her words.

"Never rush yourself to your dream or your passion, it will find you." Astral walked out of the room with Tina following close behind him. He shut the door behind the two of them as he walked up to the bluff far above for a quick chat with Sora before he left.

They climbed to the top as Errol, Sanguine, Evelin and Bitsy swarmed Tina. She was slightly taken aback by the protection as the doors swung open. Sora's cape blew in the wind as he looked directly at Astral. "Your intent on leaving can cause fear."

"My intent on leaving is for a personal journey of self discovery. Not one for you to control or become destined to intermingle with, on the other hand. There still is time for you to meet me during this journey. You can meet with me before I take on the Jewels." Astral walked past Tina as she shuffled forward surrounded by the four hybrids.

"You don't think I can take them on myself?"

"We both know so, the humans are outpaced by the hybrids and the Crown Jewels don't have a weakness that you will get past." Astral stood in front of him as Sora bowed slowly. He still had respect for the man and was glad to see him leaving deep down.

"Whatever your current route is, I will not impede." Sora stood back up as Astral gave a slight bow walking to the center table. "I plan on attacking the capital city in time from the north. Right here." Astral opened up his side bag and rolled out the map of the capital city. Setting down a small wooden block covered in blue. "James will take the hybrid forces and attack from the southwest." Astral set a second blue block down. "Whatever human forces volunteer can attack from the southeast with you leading them. As well as Tina." Astral set down a purple block for Sora as they looked at the map together.

"How long will you be soul searching? A year?"

"I am leaning towards two in case of me sticking at some place for a much longer time than I even deem acceptable." Astral mentally remapped his pathing as he had his plans now set in stone. "This means you have two years to prepare and rebuild the humans. James also has his two to reunite the hybrids."

"So you are to leave me in charge, will the hybrids stay?" Sora's face turned from a frown into a grin as he realized James was taking his forces with him.

"James wants to cripple the capital before the siege. He will play the long game where all you have to do is prepare." Astral collected his things as he put them back in his side bag and started to walk out. "Oh and before I forget Sora." He paused his words but not his movement. "If I wanted you dead, or you stepped out of line. I will make it a reality."

Sora gulped as Astral stood on the tip of the bluff. "HELLO EVERYONE!" His voice boomed over the fortress. "I will be leaving now, but remember that you will always be under my protection as long as you trust me!" Astral raised his hand and clenched it into a fist as a mist dropped over and above everyone. He looked around for the moment to figure out where he needed to go. He sprinted and spread his metallic wings as he landed on a mountain top to begin his next step.

Sora stood atop the bluff as he watched the hybrids pack up and leave. Beginning their move to their next destination. He was filled with disappointment as he couldn't corrupt them. But felt better as he could still take over each and every human here. James looked up to the bluff as the last one to leave. His smile showed no teeth as he saw Sora looking over them like animals. This was their chance to lead and show Astral they were responsible.