Adventure of Astral Part 38: Bonded

James stood on the frontline as all the hybrid forces that opposed him and were loyal to the queens looked at him in awe. His attire was still his loose fitting hoodie and pants. Something that was the opposite of what their battle queen was wielding. Angel stood across from him in a four hundred meter gap. She was covered from her chest down in custom fitted scale plate armor. Covering each and every important part of her body.

"It really has to come to this. Sugar! Formation five and three on the flank. Let them charge and make the first move." He pointed his right arm as the gemstone dangled from his wrist. "She is mine, my problem, my answer, my equal." James felt a gust of wind flow at him knowing instantly what she was going for he reacted as such.

"WE WILL NEVER BE EQUALS ONCE YOU REJOINED HIS SIDE!" She shouted in his face as he caught the spear mere centimeters from his face. She flew upward as she preceded to dive multiple times at James as he deflected each stab with her spear away from him. Slowly did her feathers fall as they no longer has as much of a white hue to them, their stems seeped in black as James felt his realization of it too. The two of them were equal in stacks.

'How did she prestack? It doesn't matter, for I fear for us both if we get out of hand. My mind should have one goal.' James deflected a spear launched from one of the other hybrids, the general from before that doubted the seal of Angel. He picked it up from the ground and returned it to its sender. Impaling the man and sticking him to the wall. The sonic boom from the spear signaled to all that battle was ready to start. James had his own worries of Angel and her grand plan and action.

The first wave of feathers fired at James as he had to roll to his right and dodge them as she stabbed her spear at his right side. He let it graze his side as he grappled to it, slamming straight into her as his claws formed on his right hand. Slashing the scale plate on her chest as his claws did nothing. He backed up as he held Angel close and point blank before thinking with his head and smashing it into hers. He dropped the spear as she backed into the air violently. Her air currents from her wings knocked him down as he rolled backwards to his feet.

'So the armor is set to counter my claws. Take it out from the seams. We can do it.' James' right claws fired to life as he looked up and watched the patterns of his sister. She was much more focused on speed. Trying to go for the killing blow as her next attack targeted his neck. James moved far enough out of the way as it sliced just the skin open. This would be settled by whoever landed the first strong blow. Angel stayed back as she hovered in the air. One whistle from her was all it took for a mass of men to charge at James. He saw this as a distraction so she could rule them.

"They will all die if you send them at me. I need no help. Sugar, bring in the attack pattern bear on the left!" James surveyed the battlefield within the fleeting moment as he pulled out the copy of her spear. His claws vanished as his hair fully shifted to black from its brown. James jumped upwards and slammed his spear down from above Angel as she was sent back to the ground. She landed in a crater as James fired a gravity pulse into the ground to clear a landing area before he was surrounded and corralled by twenty hybrids all who had spears longer than his. He flicked his spear around as it glided across their big bulky shields.

James crouched down as small as possible as they all stabbed at where he was. He jumped upward as they struck his after image. 'Trick time, compressed elements.' James grabbed a small capsule from his side bag and slipped it into the spear the blade ignited as he landed behind all the hybrids attacking him. His spear set an inferno ablaze to each shield. Every slash created a new fiery lash to strike them all. He popped it out and replaced it with a blue capsule as he jumped above them all and triggered the impulse as it kept him above them all. A sheet of ice formed at his feet as it slammed below slamming down and knocking out several of Angel's guards as she hovered above them. They all watched her and hoped she would win for them.

"James, all fronts are winning!" Sugar shouted as they all became encased in a light glow. Sugar looked at the brave hybrids fighting for their freedom. Now enhanced with speed and strength. She looked over to the center of the battlefield as Angel reapproached James, the fire in her heart burned hotter than the blaze around her set by her brother. The two started to twirl their spears in a blur at each other, neither landing a blow on the other as James slowly backed her down. Closing the gap between the two with mere millimeters with each second that passed. Neither of them wanted to lose, but only one could win.

Sugar watched from afar as she was more concerned with the rest of the battlefield, James taught her well. James taught all of his soldiers even better. Most of his soldiers engaged in two versus one fights with less defensive equipment and armor. As he thought they would be too slow to counter his idea and strategy. 'He was right, the jewels only wanted to stall for this fight. Their prize is truly Astral.' Sugar shook her head. "YOU ARE FINE WITH ASTRAL WALKING INTO A TRAP?" She shouted as James didn't break focus.

"More than okay with it." Astral hovered above James and Angel. Sugar was surprised as she has never seen anything like this before.