


I hold Thea's hand as we watch her family help us pack all their belongings into the moving truck, where my things are already properly organized.

"Are you nervous?" I ask her softly.

She lifts her face and looks at me.

When I hold her hand, I feel like I have my whole world there, in my fingers. And when I look into her eyes, I see my whole future there, in blue irises that look at me with love.

"A little bit" she answers my question almost shyly, but I can also feel excitement.

Officially, tomorrow we start college. Although we will be living in separate rooms, we will both be on the same campus, so we won't be far apart. We were lucky to be accepted to the same college, we were lucky because Ben and Diane are also going there, we were lucky to find each other. But I know it was me who hit the jackpot. I realize it every time I see Thea next to me.

I draw her closer to my side, needing her more. I shelter her under my arm and caress her bare shoulder, smiling as goosebumps rise at my touch. Thea punches me in my stomach and looks at me with what she thinks is a grumpy look. And I know, I know. I have to control myself, we're in front of her family. Yet I always need a little more of her - of her skin, her mouth, her touch - no matter where we are.

"Are you nervous?" It's her turn to ask.

"No" I deny immediately.

"Sure?" She doesn't believe me.

"No, Mouse" I assure her, not wanting to sound arrogant, but not succeeding.

"I don't believe you" she says almost superiorly, making me laugh. She wiggles her nose in that almost pretentious way, but adorable at the same time. "You can't not be nervous, James!"

I reach out and grab the sides of her head, tangling long brown hair in my fingers, long hair that smells like her, my girl, my pretty girl... my scary lab mouse who loves me.

"Why would I be nervous?" I ask, lowering my head a little to be at her level.

"Things will change."

"The environment we'll be in will change" I agree. "You and I? Not you and I, Mouse, we'll be the same. So no, I'm not nervous."

"Awww, you're such a sweetie."

I roll my eyes as she fiddles with her nose on mine in an almost mischievous way. In other circumstances, I'd bury my face in her neck and bite her like I usually do when we get playful... but I can't, I tell myself, remembering her family.

I stare at her and blurt out with sincerity: "I have you with me. I don't need anything else, Thea."

Her own hands cup my face and her thumb caresses my cheek, bringing a real smile to my lips.

"I love you, James."

"And I love you, Mouse."

I close my eyes and bring our foreheads together.

And I know.

Our story so far begins.