Fighting Fate

Pandemonium, the place we landed in was pure pandemonium. Trying to explain it would be as hard as explain white to a sightless person or a dream you forgot as soon as you woke up. It wasn't just what we saw around us, the realm sent waves of confusion making every step different, one step hit solid stone, another step and it felt like mud or molasses, another step and you found yourself standing in the air upside down. We were together as a group but also far apart. We could see everything and nothing all at once, the air was neither hot or cold it just was. We tried to escape, none of our expressions would manifest, none of essence worked, nor did basic magic. We were just adrift in a space beyond something either of us had ever seen. "I guess we can still be surprised, right brothers?" I sent it out over our network. I felt their minds push back with humor and laughter. At least that part was still working. I pushed further, unraveling all my barriers and reaching for my sister's mind. I felt her mind's familiar touch and conveyed the situation we were in but it seemed to go out and come back in jumbles of words and languages that made no sense to either of us. It seemed that the place we were in affected communication out and into it but that was at least something. Larry and Robbie felt the same thing I did and we agreed that at least they knew we were alive, and that we were confused but capable of taking care of ourselves. We've each been in situations both together and individually. The question at hand was what to do now? "I'm open to ideas?" I asked out through our link to my brothers who were somewhere at our sides. "I think we're in a fourth dimensional sphere." Robbie replied. "Great temporal paradox and me with nothing to wear." I joked, covering up my fear. Being a child of prophecy I hate temporal paradoxes and causality. In general I don't take much to sueth sayers and prophets either. I felt a familiar hand in all of this, something that we know, a force we had encountered. It was old, much older than anything we normally dealt with. This place was built bit by bit almost molecule by molecule. It wasn't constructed on a whim. I dumped essence into my senses and reached out into the world around me, pushing further and harder. I left the boundaries of my body, the lines of my being blurred as the world and I became larger and larger parts of one another. I felt something in the undercurrent of the world. When the fourth nature of this dimension rolled back on itself I saw my body laying almost lifeless. It was floating in a void full of everything, stars and black holes shared the same space, heat and cold wove into one another to form something new and brilliant. Hard and fluid were no longer different but represented one another and defined each other. It was a beautiful world that lacked words to truly define it for what it was, or what it is, or always would be. It was the seed, the flower, and the fruit bearing the very seed it bloomed from. I finally came back into myself, filling the voids in my body where essence had seeped from. "It's the strange sister! I don't know how or why they built this place but it was them." I told my brothers, and just like that three faces took the space in front of us. Floating in the either were the three sisters of fate. "Oh finally you called us here." The youngest said, this time voices and faces didn't change or transform. "This is the only place in all the realms in all the universes we can be ourselves and only ourselves." The second sister said. "We built it at the start of time, but it was void until you flooded it with your essence there Jonesie boy." The last sister said. "We're so happy you made it this far in your journey but to make it any further you'll have to deal with us." The middle said, this time out of turn. "How is it you aren't bound by the normal rules?" I asked the three sisters as my body came back to working order, I looked at each face in turn, assessing just what trouble we were in order for. "Here we aren't bound by normal rules, none of us are."One of them answered as the faces grew smaller, closer to us and bodies stepped out of the colors behind them. We were about to fight in an unexpected fight but we prepared for all forms of battle. I sent an image out to our other siblings, showing them just the sisters in front of us and a snapshot of the pandemonium facing us. I saw back along the connection we all had a glowing edifice around the lip of the cave. Its symbols were familiar but not altogether known to us. Then new expressions we summoned replacing other expressions and the battle of fate began.

End of book one in the anthology of A Blood Legacy.