Behind the Scene

Somewhere in Baynard kingdom, there was a manor that belonged to a man named Tobias.

There was a white shield within a room as Tobias talked with his subordinate. He chuckled and asked,"How is the response of the people at the bottom?"

Kane laughed."Their response from the rumors is good sir. We just need to keep pushing, then we can use them to turn this kingdom upside down."

Tobias smiled."That is good. The demise of Duke George did something good for me. I was just a disposable pawn under his wing, but now I am the one moving the pieces on the board. Rufus and Viper are just brutes. They thought they were controlling the board, but they are just pieces in my hands."

"Sir, if Duke George put more importance to you, he could have avoided his demise," said Kane with a flattering face.

Tobias laughed, then he raised his hand. The white shield for sound blockade faded."Go and look for Warren. Our important guest might have already arrived. It would be too rude if we made the guest wait for too long."

Kane walked out of the room and saw Warren waiting outside the door.

"Oh, you are here, good. Is the guest here?"

"Yes, sir. We just arrived. I did not want to disturb your meeting, so I am waiting outside."

"Call the guest here. We don't want our important meeting to leak," said Tobias with a smile as he walked closer to the door.

A few moments later, a man with black hair and sharp eyes met Tobias.

Tobias cast a sound blockade again and raised his hand for a handshake."It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Homer. It was because of your connections that we were able to move with more ease in the kingdom."

The man shook Tobias' hand."Yeah, it's finally time to meet you. Homer is just my alias. My real name is Scyte."

"Scyte? The name sounds familiar. I think I heard it before," said Tobias as he tried to remember the name.

Scyte smiled. He suddenly pulled Tobias' hand and punched his head, then did a quick round kick to his side.

A shadow blade moved to Kane's neck. The man was shocked by the sudden changes. He was not able to react, then he fell to the ground, lifeless.

Warren chuckled as he looked at Tobias who passed out on the floor."You definitely heard it before because he is the chief of the shadow department."

Scyte smiled."I was not planning to personally come here, but I need to show a few good points to the prince so I decided to come."

Warren laughed."We were just waiting for them to show all their heads before we moved. What changed your mind sir? I thought we were going to watch from the sideline and watch what happened."

"The king is on his deathbed. He will savagely kill whatever is the remaining threat to the prince, so the remnant force of Duke George and the nobles that tried to collaborate with them will be annihilated. We are just following his orders, so we won't be included in his lists, but we could have use our information to make deals with the nobles, so we could survive once the king died."

"Will it not cause a civil war? The authority of the royal family is no longer that strong because the king is dying and an incompetent prince is sitting on the throne."

Scyte chuckled." The previous plan could really lead to a civil war, but something has changed that we all did not expect."

"What do you mean, sir?"

Scyte had a big smile on his face."The last time I met the prince, I did not see a fool, but a wise king. I was paying close attention to him. Do you know what I found? He will be a king that will leave a mark in history. As long as the kingdom and him are given enough time, I believe it will shake the whole world."

"S-Sir, you mean he was fooling everyone for ten years?"

Scyte smiled as he patted Warren's shoulder."You are a promising kid. Keep the secret to your heart. Only a few in the kingdom know it. I will kill you if I don't trust you. Tobias is usually giving the order through you or Kane. Hold on for a few days. When the royal guards succeeded, we can also sweep the worms that are trying to spread the rumor.

Take the body and Tobias to the underground after the mana on sound blockade is consumed. We will walk out of the room together. After I move away, take the guards trusted by Tobias to our ambush site, then I will come back a little later to join your men in eliminating the other men here. Don't forget to feed him a potion. We don't want him to wake up while we are gone."

Warren nodded his head, then he looked at the floor and smiled."Tobias did not even know that we prepared a manor with underground space for him."


Meanwhile, Rufus was dodging the punches of the golem and earth spikes cast by Dan. He put more aura on his feet, then instantly moved to a golem's wide, open side.


BOOM! The axe sent the golem flying. The upper body of the golem was destroyed, then it crashed into a bandits house.

The two golem retreated as Dan attacked.


Rufus could not dodge and make a proper swing with his axe. He gritted his teeth to bear the incoming attack.

BOOM! He felt the impact of the attack. It was hard for him to breathe. His arms hurt, and the ground below his feet was crushed. Blood flowed from his mouth.

Dan swung his left arm, but Rufus turned around as wind moved around his body.


CLANG! Dan blocked the aura blade with his arm, then he cast magic.


BOOM! "Ahhh!" screamed Rufus.

A big fist made of earth hit him into the air.

Dan crouched down as he released a large amount of aura. The aura turned into the whole figure of a tiger.

Rufus sneered when he saw his enemy was getting ready for a powerful attack. He was not helpless, even if he was in the air. "You made a mistake if you think I cannot attack in the air!"

Rufus cannot cast a tornado because he was a low-circle magician, but he could create one with his axe. He started spinning with his axe in the air. He controlled the wind generated by his spin. The tornado formed and got bigger, then he directed it to Dan. The tornado was mixed with aura blades.

A magic circle appeared on Dan's feet.


CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! Big earth spikes kept hitting the tornado, and they were crushed during impact. The rotation of the tornado became weak. Dan, in a tiger-clad aura, suddenly moved.


A red blur instantly moved from the ground to the air. A red line briefly appeared and hit the tornado.

BANG! The tornado burst, causing strong blows of wind. Aura blades from the tornado flew to the ground. The headless body of Rufus fell.

Dan landed on the ground with a head in his right hand. Rufus' head was grinning, and his facial expression was hideous. He did not know that he had died.

Dan was panting, and his body was quite trembling. His muscles ache, and his remaining aura was small. Beast Charge multiplies his strength and speed for a short time, but it put too much stress on muscles and consumes too much aura. He took recovery potions, then helped destroy the remaining bandits.

An hour later, the bandits were killed and the captives were rescued. Dan let the guards sneak near where the captives were held before the fight, and many captives were rescued.

"Sir, many bandits were able to escape. They have secret passages that we did not know, and we are too small to prevent them all," the adjutant reported.

Dan nodded at his adjutant. Before the raid, he had already told everyone to prioritize eliminating magicians and aura users. All the fish that escaped the net were just ordinary people. Those that escape cannot make waves. They will be killed sooner or later.

Dan looked in a particular direction. Another team should be at a target's den. There was also a powerful enemy in that den named Viper. The team was led by Feiyu. Both Feiyu and Viper were powerful aura users and water magicians.