The Assassin and The Royal Guard

Viper did not fall to the ground but was able to land on his feet. His feet kept moving backward until he found his balance. His cheek started to swell.

"Hi-hi-hihihi! Hahahaha!" He was holding his swelling cheek while laughing, then his eyes and face suddenly turned savage.

"I will skin you alive! I will cook you alive and eat your flesh!" Viper was so furious. He felt humiliated by Feiyu.


A seven-meter-tall water snake rose. It was carrying Viper on its head. It moved toward Feiyu and attacked.


Boom! Boom! Boom! The water bombs were missing Feiyu and hitting the ground. Soil, stones, and gravel keep being blown up as Feiyu kept dodging.

Meanwhile, Tobias was chained on a wall while breathing heavily. He was in an underground room with lamps in the wall.

Scyte forcefully opened Tobias mouth and was about to feed him potion.

"W-Wai- Acck! Ahhh!" Screamed Tobias as he felt a severe pain. His blood vessels were bulging and his eyes turned red.

"Spill it out, or else you will experience the traditional torture that will mutilate your body."

"I-I told you everything! Ahhh!"

Scyte touched his chin."Pushing the common people to rebel against the royal family. Killing a few groups of bandits, so you could become heroes. It's the general plan. Yeah, it was a nice idea."

Then Scyte hit the man's head and put him to sleep."The nobles really did lend a hand, but touching them will lead to a civil war. What will you do, Prince Van?"


Inside the bandit den, Viper kept trying to hit Feiyu with water bombs.

"Tsk. Maintaining this water snake consumes too much mana. But this isn't enough to vent my anger for humiliating me!" Said Viper in his mind. He predicted where Feiyu would dodge, then controlled the water snake to attack. The snake opened its mouth. Viper jumped away and watched his enemy. He wanted to see Feiyu's body crushed.

Feiyu saw the incoming water snake, but he already predicted it. He was waiting for it. His body suddenly released more aura. He moved his entire body in a rhythmic pattern. A rotating sphere aura surrounded him. The water snake hit the aura sphere, but there was no explosion.


Feiyu canceled the impact of the attack by redirecting its force. He rotated his whole body and controlled the direction of the water snake. Through the aura sphere, he returned the water snake to Viper with twice the power of the original attack.

"Fuck!" Cursed Viper, then he was hit. He was screaming while he was being pushed back. He was trying to disperse the water snake. He was able to reduce the impact of the attack because his mana was still in the snake.

SPLASH! The water snake disappeared, and a puddle of water fell to the ground.

Viper was trembling with anger. He took potions from his pouch and drank them all at once. His injury recovered a little. He threw the small porcelains to the ground, then stomped the broken porcelain as if stomping on someone's face.

"AHHHHHH!" He screamed, letting out his frustration. He felt like a raging volcano with nowhere to vent. Everything did not go according to his wish ever since he fought with Feiyu.

Viper moved down his body. His whole body was almost parallel to the ground. His left leg was slightly bent. He stared at Feiyu with huge killing intent. He released a large amount of aura. The aura turned into a snake that clad his whole body, and then he rapidly moved.

Feiyu attacked with water bombs, but Viper easily avoided them. The man was moving like a high-ranking snake slithering on the ground. Feiyu took a pole-shift stance.

Viper suddenly changed his direction. "Hahahaha! Pretty boy, after I escape, I will definitely hunt every family of soldiers that attacked here. I will bite where it is most painful. I will make you all regret it! Hahahaha!"

Feiyu was startled.

"I cannot let him escape. He is a threat to the kingdom," thought Feiyu, then he moved toward Viper to block him.

Viper smiled. He could not do anything for the pole shift of Feiyu, so he could only lure him.


He rotated his body and kicked. A tail of a snake made of aura whipped at Feiyu.


BOOM! The water shield cast by Feiyu in a hurry was crushed. The tail whip was too strong.He crashed and was pushed to the ground. Dust formed where he was dragged.


Boom! The pillar crashed at Feiyu. More dust formed where he was located.

A blow of wind cleared the dust.

Feiyu was in a bad state. He dodged the water pillar, but the tail whip badly damaged his left arm, and his left rib was injured. His arm guard on his left arm was broken. The part of the armor that protects his left rib cracked. His body was full of dust, his cape was torn, and blood was flowing from his mouth. He took health potions, but he could not use his left arm to perform pole shift.

"Hihihihi, hahahaha! I finally vented my anger. Now your left arm is wasted. You can no longer use that martial skill. I was planning to slowly play you to death, but I still have to play with your friends later," said Viper with a wide smile. He took out a small metal case from his pouch.

He opened the metal case and took out a black ring with a sharp black metal fingernail, then put it on his right index finger. The ring with a fingernail was a poison weapon. A green gem was at the upper part of the fingernail. Magic runes were carved all over the weapon. The ring was called Death Touch. One touch on the enemy could kill him!

Feiyu calmly stared at the complacent Viper. He positioned his right hand and foot to the front, while his left hand and foot were behind. He stretched his right hand. His forearm was slightly bent while his palm was facing up. His fighting stance is set. "I don't need two arms to kill you. One is enough."