
A navy was sailing in a foggy sea. Three years had passed since Baynard kingdom opened the sea trade.

The fog was starting to clear.

There were ten ships sailing. The flags of the ships were waving. The white flag had a blue dragon mark. The sail attached to the mast was pushed by wind to the eastern sea. On the biggest ship, the captain was standing near the tip of the hull. He was quite dark and young, but there was sharpness in his eyes. His hair was black and had a ponytail. He was wearing a blue and white navy admiral uniform and a necklace with a wooden dragon. His dark skin was a result of frequent exposure to the suns when he was in the sea. His face looked serious while looking ahead.

"Follow the plan and don't let any enemy ship run away. We will let the incoming scourge be buried in our sea!" said Wilder, the admiral of the Navy of Baynard Kingdom.

The fog cleared, and a beautiful blue sea appeared. A magic bird was flying in the air, and some magic fish were jumping. Two suns above the sky were sending rays of sunlight into the sea. In the distance, twenty ships were coming toward the navy of Baynard. The navy saw them first, using a telescope. Wilder ordered them to give a signal to the other group of hidden navies to position and encircle the enemy. The hidden navy read the order using a telescope and started arranging their formation.

In Baynard Kingdom, Edgar was standing at the viewing platform on top of the Royal Castle. His coat and hair were swaying so much because of the strong winds. His face looked more mature after several years.

"Our navy should have met the secret fleet of Duke Wesley," said Edgar to Rey, who was standing behind him.

Rey chuckled."Your Majesty, your methods created an illusion for Duke Wesley. He thinks that his powerful fleet can succeed if mere pirates can infiltrate the Purple Land."

Edgar also chuckled when he heard Rey. He looked at the city, which had magic lamps on the streets and buildings with few floors. There were many more beings of different races in the city. Baynard Kingdom became much more prosperous.

"Purple Land is very important to our kingdom. It is our only direct access to the sea, which gives us a big income. We need to accelerate the kingdom's development before the higher-ups of the empire notice the true situation of Baynard. If the operation today is successful, Purple Land should not have a huge threat for a few years," said Edgar, then he looked to the southeast. A smile appeared on his face. "I am looking forward to the performance of our navy and special forces."

In the sea, the enemy saw the navy of Baynard. A man ran to the captain of the fleet and told him the news.

The captain had white hair. He had the eyes of a killer. Half of his face was covered with a mask. All of them had masks. The captain had the air of a man who had a lot of blood in his hand. His subordinates were a little afraid of him. He asked the crew how many ships the navy had.

"I didn't as-"

Pakkk! The captain did not wait for the sentence to finish and slapped the crew.

"Waste!" Rigas, the captain, went out of the cabin. He applied aura to his feet and went to the observation platform on the mast. He saw the ten approaching ships of the navy. He observed the surroundings if there was an ambush, but found nothing.

Rigas went down and gave orders."Order some water magicians to move under water and look if there is an ambush. Maintain formation for concentrated attack. Stay forward and shoot the enemy when they reach the crossbow range! We must destroy that navy in a short time!"

"Yes, captain!" The crew prepared themselves for the incoming fight. The flag bearer signals the order of the captain to other ships.

Water magicians covered their bodies with mana, then they dove to the sea. They looked around them, but they did not see any enemy. There were stone formations on the seafloor. They moved closer to the stone formations, but they did not feel any energy. They moved back to the surface, but they did not know that there were people hiding in the shadows. Those who were in the shadows were able to hide their energy, because they didn't have to use their mana to last longer under the sea. They were wearing a magic mask that covered the nose and mouth. The mask allowed them to breathe underwater.

The water magicians moved back to the boats and made a report.

Rigas did not change the formation and stayed on the hull. He always led the ships of Duke Wesly during sea trade and had many battle experiences against pirates. Duke Wesly tried a few times to destroy the new city in Death Land using pirates, but he failed. Next, he used a powerful fleet. Rigas' mission was death and chaos in the City of Tomorrow, Aurorei, the new city built in death land, now called Purple Land.

Both fleets were within firing range. There was a three hundred-meter distance between them. Big crossbows were in front of each ship. In each crossbow was a huge magic arrow. Soldiers aimed at each other.



Both captains commanded the attack.


Huge arrows covered with fire energy were flying toward each other.

In the Navy, aura masters released their aura and slashed their swords. Aura blades flew to the incoming arrows that would likely hit the ship. Magicians cast their magic.






Bang! Bang! Bang! Many arrows were destroyed. The other one that was stopped by a water magician had deviated but still hit a little part of the hull.

Boom! Smoke started rising from the ship. Other magic arrows fell into the water and exploded.

"Spread! Move to the side!" ordered Wilder. The flag bearer gave the signal.

On the enemy's side, the situation was almost the same.






Magic skills and martial skills were flying and blocking the incoming arrows. Arrows exploded, and high splashes of water appeared when magic arrows fell on water.

The enemy ship saw the movement of the navy and thought they were retreating. They rejoiced and cheered.

"Hmp! Fledgeling! They probably thought we were as weak as pirates! Catch up with them! Order water magicians to attack first and delay their escape! We must not let them go! Our mission must remain a secret!" Rigas felt confident that he could carry out his mission if the navy was weak. He did not doubt their retreat because he saw the smoke from a ship. They were already at a disadvantage in the first confrontation, so it was natural for a navy commander to order a retreat. Unbeknownst to them, there was a danger lurking beneath them.


BOOM! Six ships exploded in their middle. Six water magicians simultaneously attacked the enemy's ships. Woods and crews were blown away. In the middle of the ship was a rotating water pillar. The head of the pillar turned into a dragon and began wreaking havoc on the ship. The six ships disrupted the formation. Ships collided with each other. The captain's ship was in the middle of the formation. A water dragon was also in the middle of the ship, and at the top of its head was a handsome young man covered in aura. He was wearing white and blue armor with a blue dragon mark on his chest. His name was Feiyu.