End of Trial

In the morning, a pillar was surrounded by many citizens of Baynard. The pillar had carved runes. At the top of the pillar was a crystal ball. The runes of the crystal ball were shining. Every village, town, and city had them. The runes on the pillar protected the crystal ball from sunlight, rain, and theft.

The pillar had no shed. It will produce a shield when it rained or when someone moved too close to the pillar. Mana will surround the crystal ball during intense sunlight. Some crystal balls were stolen by thieves. Kings, queens, and emperors probably had a sample of the crystal ball, but Edgar deliberately made the runes very complicated. There were many useless runes on the crystal ball to delay their imitation for as long as he can.

The citizens were told that their king had something important to announce about the situation of the war against the Maginev Empire. The image of Van Flameworth showed up in the crystal ball.