Recruiting Dragon Guards

"Tsk! What a foolish dream! How can ordinary humans fight hyperbeings that commit crimes? Even gangs composed of normal humans are probably backed by someone powerful. How else can they exist until now?" said Edgar.

"YAAAA!" Sofie struck Edgar's head with her fist.

"Shit! Why did you hit me?"

"Hmpf! How can you belittle my dream? You will be the vice captain of Dragon Hall. You will be responsible for everything, and I will be responsible for morale," said Sofie as she pointed her finger at Edgar.

"Fuck! Aren't you just a decoration if you pass all the work to me?!"

"Hahahaha, you should read more. It's called laissez-faire leadership," said Sofie as she patted Edgar's shoulder while laughing.

More tears flowed from Edgar's eyes as he remembered the scene. He could no longer hold it back.

"AHHHHHHH!" screamed Edgar. Snots and tears flowed from his face as he wailed.