
In Tagaytay, two men were standing on a balcony as they watched the hills. The tropical trees around the mansion were giving off a fresh breeze.

"This is a really good place for a rest house," said Barter.

The other middle-aged man chuckled. His name was Javier, a political party leader. "You also have a house here, but it is named after a woman."

Barter laughed. "How could we enjoy our time here if we are alone?"

Javier smiled. "You are not here for a vacation."

Barter chuckled. "Yeah, I am here for the law that I am pushing in Congress."

Javier turned silent for a moment as he kept smiling. "It's the age of hyperbeings. Many of them will be angered if the law is approved. More and more will appear because aura and magic are already leaked. If two out of ten of those new hyperbeings have a hot head and attack those who supported the law, will I not constantly suffer? Give me a reason why I have to risk my life."