Silver vs Emily

The man's name was Silver.

As he walked, wind was flowing around him. Silver discs were floating in the air.


Silver chuckled. "I was wondering why there are no guards at the entrance. Girl, you are putting us in trouble by taking away the commodities. Sigler will not easily let us go."


He raised his hands, and magic circles appeared in his palms.




Threads of wind revolved around the silver discs, forming a fan blade, and then the discs rotated rapidly.


Silver grinned as he looked at Emily. "Girl, to decrease Sigler's anger, I must at least take your head as the culprit."


He swung his arms to Emily, then the silver discs attacked.


Emily jumped back as she shot an arrow at Silver. 

The arrow with rotating threads of aura instantly appeared in front of Silver. It was moving to his throat.


Tnng! A rotating silver disc blocked the arrow.