Melody vs Sigler(2)

Many transparent balls of energy appeared around Melody. The other balls of energy were just an illusion.

The other four phantoms disappeared.

Melody created another four phantoms, then they moved into separate directions. She was still puzzled how Sigler was able to identify her real body.

TNNNG! Sound drops attacked.

Sigler saw the dense transparent balls of energy, then sneered. He swung or jumped on invisible threads in the air. There were invisible threads everywhere in the warehouse.

He kept avoiding the attacks with ease. He jumped up with a somersault as he stretched his four arms to his side. Magic circles appeared in his arms, then a lot of threads came out of the circles. Each group of threads created a figure of Sigler.

Sigler and the four thread clones were like spiders as their feet were glued on a thread while their heads were facing the ground.