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Moonlight shone over a city while two teens were standing on the rooftop of a building.

"Hahahaha, it took time to make them. Now, we are ready," said Batlan, who was holding a bag. He took a cloth from the bag and gave it to another teen.

Ryder held the cloth with an ugly face. He threw the cloth to the floor and shouted."How can I wear a damn cloth that looks like a bat?!"

He pointed his finger at Batlan."You! You wanted to complete the wish of your father! But why do I need to wear that damn cloth? You should have at least removed those two pointed ears!"

Batlan laughed while scratching his head. Their bickering was interrupted by a loud scream.

"Kyaaaa!" A woman's scream reached their ears. They looked at each other, then hurried to wear their outfits.

"Fuck!" cursed Ryder as he wore the cloth.

They stood at the edge of the rooftop and looked at the scene below them.

"Did you learn gliding before?" asked Ryder.