Chapter 013



I called out to the girl named, Horikita Suzune, who was staring at the ground for quite some time. Her eyes are somewhat looked frustrated, why though? I don't know.

But I noticed that for these past days, she is not taking notes as she always do, she yawns very much and one time, when the teacher called out to her to get the answer from her, she ignored it... I am quite concerned about it... Huh!

No, it's not about me concerned or not, it's about her.


She said my name, without hiding her exhaustion.

After some moment, as she noticed how she called out my name. She started to get embarrassed and her face getting redder as the time passes by...

She finally composed herself, while I also took a seat next to her. I waited and saw her changing her expression from looking exhausted to the same expression, she always show.

"Ahem… So what is it, Kaneki-kun?"

"Well, it just that you looked exhausted and frustrated. So, I just wanted to ask my friend that is there any problem…? Maybe I can help with that."


"Yes… We are friends, right?"


She looked confused to what to answer, huh? Well, I also didn't see her to talk to any of our classmates. So, is she a loner who wants to do everything by herself, hmm? I am impressed. But even though she tries, she is still a high school girl she can't do everything on her own, not now, but might be in the near future.

As she still looked panicked, I decided not to talk about 'that' because she is still wary of me, which is good for her... So I have to build some trust between us and it's could be done by just increasing the affection of her...

"Let's go eat ramen, shall we?"


"See... There is a ramen stall, let's go there."

"But, I don't want to. I am not that hungry, so you --"

"Oh, don't lie Horikita-san. I know you didn't even opened your lunch box today, so I know you are hungry. And you are just showing that you are not."

"You... Why did you know all about this? Don't tell me you are stalking me or anything like that."

She said while showing a teasing grin. And I also know that she is actually not good at hiding her problems. Well that's why the system chose someone like me, so that I can be that someone on whom she can depend on, it applies on every heroines.

"Yes, I will become a bad friend if I don't even know that my friend is eating or not..."

She got redder at my sudden statement, well I plan to make her embarrass. I just have to simply use 'friend' word while talking to her because she has no friends, so I will become her friend on whom she can depend on and then she...

"Well... Alright…"

"Yes, that's the spirit!"

"You don't say that and it don't look good on your expressionless face"

"Oh... Got it"

In the evening, there sits a pair of a boy and girl at the stall. There are only two customers and the owner of the shop sitting in that small stall. There is only 'slurping' sound of ramen, can be heard.

Yes, the boy is me and the girl is none other than the Horikita-san. This happened because...

As we entered the empty stall, the owner, or the chef, just pointed the empty seats to sit there. So we did that. Then he asked that what we would like to order, as he shows us the menu which was written on the table. What a good idea, owner... We ordered a normal ramen to eat, this is my first time to eat ramen, I want to eat it, I don't know from when... But today I will.

It takes him some time to preparing it, until then I wanted to talk with the girl, sitting beside me, but she took out some book to read it in the remaining time... Well, it's alright. Because I know I will gain some affection points from her soon.

Now to the present, there is only 'slurping' sounds echoing in this small stall... I am trying my best not to produce any sound as it is not good to do, but if there will be a pin drop silence, it's not that easy. But the girl beside me is just eating the ramen in a dignified way, well it's my first time and noodles always make a slurping sound even if its ramen or normal noodles...

When we finished eating the ramen, I pay for it. Horikita-san tried to pay but I kept denying it... Don't worry it's our first time, so its fine if I pay it and it's me who invited her out. So it's okay.

As we exited the stall, I am not sure that I am satisfied or not. As I am satisfied because I get to eat ramen and it's tasty but I also planned to ask about her problem in that mean time, but I didn't get succeeded in that.... Tch.

While I was lost in my thought, I turned my face towards the girl who is standing beside me, not saying anything until now. I noticed that she is looking anywhere, so I also moved my gaze to see where she is looking. Then I noticed that there is also a Dango stall, which also seems to be empty of customers. Is this the work of system???

"Horikita-san, do you want to eat Dango?"

I asked her.

"No… I don't…"

"Well, I wanted to...but if you don't want, then I will eat that later... Then shall --"

"You want to... Then it can't be helped.."

"Oh, let's go then..."

She is a tsundere. She really is a tsundere.

Then we make our way to the Dango stall. It looks like the owner noticed us, as we approach the shop. His frustrated face changed into a happy one...

As we reached there, he handed me the menu and did not give one to the Horikita-san…

"Welcome young man, order what you like. And you can order as much as you want for yourself and your 'girlfriend' there!"

"She is not my girlfriend. But I will accept your offer."

"Haha... I see. Sorry, young lady."

I don't know why I got the privilege to order as much as I want, but I will gratefully accept it.

I take a look at the menu, the owner provided me. And there are many types of Dango here.

Then I turned to the companion, to ask her order. I noticed that she is blushing lightly, I know why because the owner called her my girlfriend. I poked her shoulder lightly and asked what she wanted to order.

"I want five sticks of Hanami Dango."

"Okay... You heard it sir... Please write my order also, four sticks of every items in this menu."


"Well it's free, so why don't I get to try everything. Maybe I will become your 'regular'."

"Haha, very well. But you have to wait, because it will take some time."

"Yes... Okay but I want you to make my friend's order firstly..."

"Yes yes"

He pointed the empty seats, which are organized just beside the stall. We sat down there. Until now we have been silent but I decide to break the silence..



"Is there any problem you are facing which makes your face to look this exhausted?"

"Kaneki-kun, just stop it. I am not in any problem and also why do you think that I will tell you"

Hmm, yes it is right. Why will she tell me about her worries...? But here I thought that maybe she will tell me as she is my heroine, if I gain some affection points from her then she will tell me... It seems the system will not help me in that area.

"Oh sorry, my bad... Oh looks your Hanami Dango is ready"

As I was apologizing, the owner called out to me and I stood up to go to him. I take the Hanami Dango sticks from his hand and gave it to Horikita-san, who seems to look somewhat happy after getting it.

"Thank you"

She whispered under her breath, but I heard that. Well, you are welcome.

"Young man... Just wait for few minutes."

"Well, I am not in a hurry... So I will wait even if it takes you 5 hours, Sir."


This shop owner is somewhat weird. I don't know why he just started to laugh every time, whenever I say something. Maybe that's why he has got no customers...

After few minutes passed, he handed me my order. I took it from him and also tasted it a little bit… It's delicious. I thanked him and tried to compliment him, and then left the place.

Horikita-san left the place as soon as she gets her order, she said that she has some important work to do. So here I am alone walking towards the apartment, holding the bags of dumplings in both of my hands.