Chapter 021


"Who is it?"


"Oh, my girlfriend came to see me, this early, huh? You should have called me before; I could have cleaned my room. You know --"

"Kaneki-san, just hurry up and open the door."

"Yes yes"

When I opened the door, I saw a familiar face; it's none other than Shiina-san, the 'angel' of our school. She is in her usual school uniform; she is holding a lunch box in her hand... Hmm?

"Shiina-san, Good Morning..."

"Good Morning... Hmm, I am surprised that you are this energetic even though it's still morning, huh."

"Well, it's just that someone just came to see me today... That's why I am just a little more energetic than usual."

I tried to joke around, but she didn't even smile at that… I thought that she must have friends, who know things about her but there aren't… She walks to and from school, alone… She eats her lunch, alone, at the corner of the classroom… And she does everything, alone, not taking anyone's help. She is no different from some heroine of mine…

"You… Just take this…"

"Oh, thank you very much..."

"Hm, welcome."

"So, do you want to come inside?"

"No, I will be late for school."

"Ok... So do you want to walk together to the bus stop?"

"Hmm... okay"

She handed me the lunch box, she is carrying in her hand... She still remembers the talk, we had that day, about me wanted to eat her 'handmade' food. So, today she brought me a handmade lunch, which I am quite very grateful for it...

I mean, it's the best if it is handmade and it will taste even better if it is made by a cute girl like Shiina-san…



"Sorry, Shiina-san"

I want her to hear my thought that's why I pretend to be talking to myself; I just wanted her to hear it. And it seems it worked, as I easily gained some affection points from her...


After that, we just walked and sometimes talk about the things happening around the school, the main topic is, of course, about the test which is called 'surprise test' by everyone... She told that, everyone in her class was quite nervous about this. She also told me about her classmates. In her class there are some foreign students also, from the country 'China'... They both are nice people; they are trying their best to learn Japanese... She told me that there will be some more transfer students coming this year, which is quite surprising for everyone, as there are no transfers of students happened in this school, until now... I think this is the working of my system... Well, maybe not, as it's not that, everything is happening around me is mainly because of the system, it's somewhat because of my actions too…

After talking about many things, we finally reached the school bus stand...

"Shiina-san, you should go ahead..."

"Why though?"

"Well, I have something to do..."

Yeah, I don't want any of my heroines to see me with her. This place, where is a highly probability of meeting with one of my heroine... I don't want to be a part of drama, early in the morning.

"Well, if you say so..."

"Yeah, later."


Phew, it seemed like no one noticed us... That's good.

The scene was a déjà-vu to me... That day also, I was escorting a girl to the bus stop, where there is another past victim of mine, was standing... I thought there will be nothing wrong if she sees me with another woman, but when she sees me, her actions became wild, , not on me, but against the other 'victims' of mine... That caused a major accident in this country... Good Grief.

So, I didn't take any risk this time... I mean I will do everything in my power, to not make that 'incident' to be happen again, but if it will happen without me knowing about it... It might definitely end like last time...

Haa... Let's think about that another time. First, I need to focus on the current situation going on...

The situation is that, due to some reasons, Uotani senpai and Hanajima senpai are standing at the door of the classroom, during the lunch break... Why though? Well, I can think of one reason but their affection is not that high, to show this kind of behavior, is there? I mean...





See, their affection is just 12. So, there is no way that they are for me, right? --

"Oi, Kouhai!"


This is unexpected. They were shouting in the class and everyone, who is currently present in the class, started to look at their direction... My gaze is already on them...

They were looking in all directions, from the moment they entered the classroom. They, simultaneously, stopped their gaze at me... What a weird duo..?

When they locked their gaze with mine, I waved my hand in their direction... As a junior of both of them, this is the least I can do, right?

They didn't reply, but started moving towards my seat... When they both stopped in their tracks, Uotani senpai folded her hands and stood there silently while Hanajima senpai...

"Fancy meeting you here senpais... What brings you both of them to come here? Is it because of me?"

"Nothing, Kouhai-kun. It's just that your waves are looking quite strange today."

As she said this, she put one of her hand on my shoulder and she... without... touching my hairs, caressed them... This is her power, I just found out about last week during lunch break... It's quite amazing if you ask me...

"Whoa, senpai, you can also do this...?"

"Oh, you mean my 'waves' powers, huh?"

"Yes, this power never ceases to amaze me..."

"Fufu~, is that so..."


And just like that, I could easily gain affection points from her... I mean just by saying good things about her power...

Even though, she didn't show any expressions. I can tell she gets happy whenever we have some conversation with each other... As to why, I know this, I don't know --


Okay, okay.

"Oi, you two stop it... And kouhai, why didn't you come in cafeteria today, huh…? Oh, you bought a bento today."

On the other hand, Uotani senpai, who has 'delinquent' word in her title but I didn't seem to find any 'delinquency' inside her... On the surface, she might looks like a person who will take advantage from the 'weak', bully them, etc, but deep inside she has a lovely heart which makes her more beautiful... Now that I think about it, how the hell do I know about all of this...?



"Yes, I bought a lunch box today with me…. That is why I didn't come in cafeteria to eat with you guys... You know, I also wanted to eat lunch with my senpais..."

I said this, while putting a small smile on my face...



[??????????? : +5 AFFECTION POINTS]





That was unexpected... I mean if I just smiled while talking to my heroines, like this, whenever I met with them, I might have gained some affection every time... But that will only help me for few days I know, after that it will not help me to increase their affection because... From the moment, I joined this school, whenever I talked with anyone I have never shown any expression... So you know, if I just use my smile to get some points, I have to use it carefully...

"See, he just smiled for a second..."

"Not bad, class representative..."

"He is handsome and cute too, I told you…"

"Kaneki-san, how dare you..."

Wait a minute... Whose voice was that just now?

When I tried to find the speaker of the voice I just heard now... But I didn't find her; I have a gut feeling, no, I am sure of it, that she is one of my heroines...

About the notifications, I got when I gained affection points from the unlocked heroines and a locked heroine as well... Her name is in '???', is it because I didn't interact with her until now...?

And the problem of finding her is also seemed to be quite difficult because most present here is looking at me with some affection in her eyes... I know what the best thing to do for is now... Let's just run...

"Sorry everyone, but I have some work to do for sensei, so I will have to leave..."

As I said this, I quickly placed my empty lunch box inside my bag and removed the hand, which was placed on my shoulder, and then left the room...


When the lunch break ended, I looked at the classroom from where I just ran away and saw that senpais are leaving. Okay, now is the correct time for me entering, in the class, right..? No, wait, I should wait for some more minutes... yes, let's get go there at the time, when the teacher will enter...