Chapter 030

"Sorry for made you waiting, Kaneki-san..."

"No, it's okay..."

"Then shall we go..."

"Yes, just as you wish Shikimori-san"

Today, due to some reasons, I am walking alongside with Shikimori-san... She seemed somewhat happy about this whole thing, and I know she is enjoying this time with me...

In these past days, I have not been able to interact with her that much, no, there was not a single interaction, as I have to deal with other heroines also... Well, I am doing it now, so it doesn't matter. And I think this is our first time, walking home together, I already have a walk with her in the morning...

Shikimori-san and Komi-san became friend just last month, but they behave just like what good friends do... They always leave school together; takes the same bus and sits together on the same bench; which makes everyone, in the class, believing that they are best friends... They are completely opposite of the pair of Yukinoshita Yukino and Horikita Suzune...

Yukinoshita Yukino and Horikita Suzune, have many things in common; like they have no friends, except me; they behave coldly towards everyone, including me; they both are good at studies; they lives alone in the apartment, are neighbours but don't know yet, I think... Well, to conclude this, I think they are alike but since they are strangers, they don't know it yet... But for some reasons, they are behaving differently, these few past days... I know this because I am the seatmate of both of them and my bench is in between their seats...

They are doing stare contest... Whenever they turned their heads away from the black board, as their gaze is always on it. And, by chance, if their gaze met with each other, they will start the 'stare contest' with other... They will stare, stare and stare until one of them breaks it, then other one grins at it... I don't know what they are doing, and I think it's better not to ask, so I just leave them on what they are doing... Maybe they are competing with each other as they have only 2 or 3 marks difference in the last exam, we given at the last of the last month...

As I was thinking about my other heroines, the wind started to flow unnaturally... The wind started to blow things here and there... And when I turned my side to see, how Shikimori-san is doing... She is looking straight and slowly turning her head to my direction. Her eyes opened widely, while doing the movement of her head... Why she is behaving like this?

So, I also turned my head, seeing straight to the road and saw that few newspapers are flowing at my direction... Good grief. So I quickly tried to evade it but then a kick came immediately and scattered the newspaper, makes it fall on the ground at that instant... The kick was from none other than, Shikimori-san... Her bangs are all over her forehead and she is breathing heavily. Her head is down, her ears are red... Hm, is she embarrassed about what she just did here?

"Nice movements, Shikimori-san... I think you are cool as well as..."

I said and slowly walked towards her, while she slowly raised her head... Her bangs are still at their place, she has some sweat on her neck but she is looking angry after hearing it, but I know what she wants to hear... As I haven't said a certain word to her, which is said to be effective on majority of the women population, well in my opinion though...

"... cute"

I said this while slowly closing the distance between us, near her ear... She was surprised by my movements but well she didn't move away from me, so I think she has some feelings for me... Her face became full red reaching both of the ears; her hands are on her skirt and both of her eyes are closed... Well, well...

Wait... Let's give a final touch, shall we...

I moved one of my hand and placed on her cheek, started caressing her. While moved my other hand on the top of her head, started patting her...

"But, Shikimori-san, you can't do something like this, you know... I don't want to see 'my' adorable Shikimori-san getting hurt..."





Oi, that's surprising for me also, that I get to gain this much affection points... Are my words works this well...? Maybe or maybe not, I don't know...



As I was still doing the caressing and patting, while thinking about the system's notification, Shikimori-san's voice rang out to me, then I stopped... Oh, shit. What have I done? Her face was red like tomato, her eyes got some water in it, and she is slightly shivering...

"Sorry, sorry... Shikimori-san..."

"N-no, d-don't apologize..."

Even if she says so, I can't help but give a single flick on her head...




"If it's my fault, then let me apologize for it properly, okay?"


"Well, sorry..."

"Now, why?"

"If I started doing 'that' again, then I am doing the apology for it now..."



Then after walking for about 10 minutes, we finally reached her house...

"Well then, let's meet tomorrow..."


When I was saying bye to her, Shikimori-san looked unhappy... She also started to look down, showing her disappointment... Now, what she wants? Huh –

"Shikimori-san, do you want to spend some more time, together?"


She nodded her head for few times, and then showed me her cute smile... Then, she turned her body and entered in her house... Wait –

"Please come in..."

"*sigh* okay"


I entered her house while saying the lines 'please excuse me'; while Shikimori-san said 'I'm home'... Then I started to follow her and finally I entered her room... Her room's appearance is...

She has some posters of volleyball players; has pink coloured walls; a bed and a study table... It looked girly room, but...

"Shikimori-san, do you like volleyball?"

"Yes, I love it..."

"I see. That's great... I will cheer for you, in the near future, Shikimori-san..."

"Thank you... I will do my best..."


Then we sat on the ground, talked for a bit and after that, she left the room to get something to eat and some tea to drink...

Phew... I don't want to come here, for spending time with her... I thought maybe she will take me to the park to hang out, by talking like things and watching the sunset but she does the most unexpected thing, she called me to come with her, and wants to hang out with her in her own house... Maybe this is my entire fault, first I increased her affection to 80, which I guess is enough, for any heroines to behave like her or she is just a exception among other heroines...

As I was thinking this, I heard some woman's voice coming from down, from the hall... It seems like her mother came back... Before her, we are alone in the entire house, Shikimori-san told me about it when we talked about various things... Let's see, what would happen now...

Well, I can clearly hear their chat...

"Miyako? Miyako?"

"Yes, mom..."

"Where are you?"

"In the kitchen..."

"Why? Don't tell me you are trying to make something... Don't you dare to...!"

"N-no, I am not..."

"Well, then it's fine"

Oh, I think I just witnessed something I shouldn't have; not now I guess... From the talks between daughter and mother, I think Shikimori-san is not good in cooking, just like me, huh... Mother-san seemed to be the type of person... I can't say anything right now...

"Miyako, is there any guest here?"

Oh, it seems mother-san, finally noticed my shoes, huh...

"Oh, yes... My friend, 'he' is upstairs in my room..."

"I see –, hm. Did I just hear 'he'?"

"Y-yes, he is my classmate. His name is Kaneki Ren."

"I see, call him down... I wanted to talk with him"




And by this, Shikimori-san didn't say anything more to her mother... I can hear her footsteps clearly as she slowly ascend the stairs and come towards her room, where I am sitting idly... Then she stopped in her tracks just right at the spot, just in front of her room... I think she is thinking about how to tell me all the things, and about the fact that her mother is calling me, to meet her downstairs...

I am thinking of many possibilities about this meeting with her... But the most terrified thing, I thought is...

Her mother, being one of my heroines...

I don't want to think about what will happen if this possibility became in reality...

I want 'Oyakodon'... Yes -- ... No, I don't.. I DON'T... I DON'T...THERE IS NO WAY...

"No way..."

"What happened, Kaneki-san??"

As I thought about me having a 'Oyakodon' with her and her mother... Shikimori-san entered the room...


