Shadow Marshal

Enveloped by darkness, his consciousness lingered in a perpetual state of inertia. Jaden found himself devoid of sensation, severed from any discernible emotion. It was as if his mind had detached from his body, floating freely in an unending expanse of obscurity.

'Wh... How,' his fragmented thoughts faded in and out, a fleeting presence in his mind.

Struggling to grasp anything, he found himself unable to comprehend, as if his thoughts were being drained away, as though they were never truly his own.

Every sense of self slipped away, his very existence feeling fleeting and insubstantial.

His mind roamed aimlessly, struggling to hold onto any coherent thought, before each idea was forcibly plucked from him within this void.

Gradually, a warmth enveloped him, accompanied by the gentle thumping of his heart echoing within the silent void.