
Eve watched curiously from a distance, expecting someone to emerge from the frozen forest at any moment—perhaps the one who had summoned the cat here.

She waited for a while but didn't see anyone, leading her to think that whoever had called the cat had detected her presence.

The next moment, her theory was confirmed as the cat started looking confused, as if it didn't know how it had ended up in the Frozen Forest.

'Tsk, I was so close,' Eve thought as she dissolved into mist and drifted away. She couldn't afford to be seen by the cat... knowing Nox's class, she knew he could communicate clearly with his beasts.

[Where am I? Brat, where are you?!] Fluffington called out, a very perplexed expression on his face. How did he get here? It felt as if there was a black hole in his head. As he tried to think about this strange phenomenon, his head began to hurt.