One of Them Is Still Alive[Bonus Chapter]

Following Nox's instructions, both Thirteen and Fluffington had sneaked past the ongoing battles and were now heading into the cave. However, there was an obstruction in their path—a huge boulder blocking the entrance.

It was the result of Nox's destructive Shadow Oblivion. Fluffington looked at the structure with a slight trace of fear in his eyes. Most of the frozen mountain was slowly falling off, and the cat was scared that the mountains might collapse and bury them under its crushing weight.

Thirteen, however, didn't display any sign of fear. The panda confidently walked towards the large boulder, lifted it off the ground, and threw it to the side effortlessly as though the boulder, which weighed several tons, was nothing more than a pebble. His immense strength and calm demeanor made quick work of the obstacle.