Three Elemental Beast!

The first figure was a sleek, mysterious creature with fur as dark as night itself. The eyes of this creature glowed with an eerie, luminescent purple, making it look frightening yet mesmerizing at the same time. The creature's paws were sharp and gleamed dangerously, ready to tear flesh, and its tail was curved into a lethal arc.

However, what unsettled the beast and the others was the soft, shadowy mist emitted from the cat-like creature that looked more like a fox due to its sleek build.

[Fluffington- LV8 Wildin]

Elemental Type: Shadow

[Progress: 90/100%]

Energy: [100%/100%]

Description: A swift, elusive creature, Fluffington's form is shrouded in shadows that ripple with every movement. Its sleek build and piercing purple eyes make it a master of speed and stealth, slipping through darkness with uncanny agility.

Special Skills: Enhanced Speed (Active), Wallwalker (Active), Monarch Aura (Passive), Humanoid (Active)