Prince Ainsworth's head hit the ground with a dull thud and rolled, his eyes frozen wide in disbelief. His body collapsed a moment later, lifeless and still. The thick scent of blood permeated the air, and the world seemed to stop.
Even after several tense seconds, Ainsworth's eyes remained wide open, the disbelief still fresh. It was crystal clear that even in his last moment, he had underestimated Nox and never expected him to go for the kill.
No one expected him to, actually, considering the consequences of such an act. However, the scene unfolding before them was no dream.
"He… killed… the prince…"
Someone finally broke the silence.
The whisper of disbelief swept through the crowd, quickly rising into a storm of gasps and horrified exclamations.
"He's dead…"
"Nox Cromwell killed Prince Ainsworth!"
"He's finished! This is treason—war!"