Earth Invasion and A traumatic past.

There is trauma and disturbing stuff later in this chapter, I will warn you ahead before it so you can read until you see the warning.



A battle of epic proportions is currently ongoing above the beautiful planet Earth, its blue radiance stained with the blood of Xenos and humans mixing with each other.

The station shot a powerful laser beam at its attackers, punching a hole through a damaged Corvette, causing a series of explosions that snapped the ship in half like a twig, the screams of the crew unheard in the quiet cold darkness of space.

Tens of such mighty beams are being constantly unleashed, the station stood steadfast against its invaders with its immense power.

It isn't invincible, however, and more and more damage could be seen piling up on the defensive rings, some of which have lost their shielding due to the constant attacks of the alien fleet.

Both sides have been fighting for hours without the slightest break, and the alien fleet has a clear disadvantage against the enormous station.

The station has plenty of supplies and weaponry, but the alien fleet has limited firepower, and the raw scale of the station is also a massive problem.

Their attacks are like ants biting a human, inconvenient, but they won't kill you.

So, the commander of the fleet sent a large invasion force down to Earth, hoping to cut their morale and possibly even gain control of the planet's surface defenses.

The station wouldn't just sit by and do nothing, and of the hundreds of ships sent, only a few made it past the station and the surface defenses.

Just this is enough, and the soldiers made as much carnage as possible

The bodies of men, women, and children flooded the streets with their blood.

This did not last long, however, and the Earthts inhabitants were quick to act.

Defense drones quickly arrived at the scene and stalled the aliens until large tanks and other massive machines arrived.

They ruthlessly stomped the aliens into the ground, avenging their fallen family.

Now at this point, a full day has passed, and the battle above kept raging, the station expended all of its nukes and is only left with a dwindling supply of ordinary guided missiles.

The Earth cant send further supplies up because the aliens immediately intercept them and destroy the supplies.

The aliens, on the other hand, still seemed to have plenty of ammo and supplies, thanks to the supply ships occasionally coming into the system and reinforcing them.

Then, suddenly, a destroyer shot at an exposed ring, causing a massive chain reaction that forced the station to disconnect it from itself.

This one move killed hundreds of thousands of people.

The people on the ground could see the ring floating in space, the explosions became bigger than the sun and disappeared quickly afterward.

The ring slowly floated down towards Earth, but luckily some thrusters survived the explosions and kept the ring in orbit using whatever energy remained.

The effect on morale is devastating.

People covered their mouths in shock, but they held out hope.

After all, it's only one ring, there are seven more and the station still dominates the battlefield.

As if to prove this point, the station fired a barrage of railgun shots, most of them missed since the aliens have gotten used to the hints the station gives before it fires.

the station held the advantage, but its own scale made it very difficult for it to make rapid shots. Meaning that the Xeno fleet could simply watch the energy fluctuations and make the appropriate moves to dodge the strike before it even struck them.

This time, the aliens relaxed, they have done this plenty of times so they were confident.

Too confident, as it showed a lapse in defense.

While the aliens were in the middle of dodging, the "Hail Mary" unit appeared from Earth's shadow, they went undetected thanks to the Station's large energy attacks, so the aliens only noticed them when it was too late.

Just as the aliens started turning towards them, the large rectangular ships split into thousands of pieces, Thrusters sped them up as they violently crashed against the enemy shields.

They crashed into them again and again until the shield collapsed and the small box reached the ship's hull, then, it proceeded to suck up to the ship, and the hull collapsed inward.

Tens of human soldiers wearing large power armor and holding plasma guns rushed into the ship, making as much chaos as possible and destroying the ship from the inside out.

This scene happened all over the battlefield, and the station targeted the few ships that managed to dodge or still had the capability to fire at it.

At this point, thirty hours have passed, and the royal fleet has just appeared at the edge of the system.

Seeing the desperate situation, ten corvettes, which are the only ones still in control of their ships, plummeted down towards the Earth.

They have already figured out the location of each defense platform and attacked them before they could counterattack.

They set a course toward the human royal palace and crashed into it.

Only three corvettes survived the journey from space, the rest were picked off by the planet's defenses.

They crashed near the top of the palace and were immediately met with human resistance.

These ones did not have the strange armor of their superior counterparts.

Slowly, they overpowered the humans present and made their way higher and higher, that's where their target should be.

After rushing their way here, they saw a large wooden door and opened it.

They have fought thousands of humans on their way here, and only ten of the original ten thousand remained.

The rest of the crew remained and left with the ships, retreating to inform the great one of the mission's failure.

There are only five male humans stopping them from killing the prince, who is hiding somewhere in this room with his servants.

They made quick work of the humans with their superior natural armor and rushed into the room.

They didn't have a lot of time, some of their comrades stayed behind to stall the enemy's approach but who knows how much time they can buy them?

So they completely destroyed the room, looking for the young prince.

Originally, they should have killed the human ruler, but they were informed of the fact that he isn't present.

So they went for the secondary target.

One of the Xenos punched a wall and the wall collapsed, revealing a hidden compartment with three children hiding in it.

The others noticed and immediately rushed to that part of the room.

However, when the alien tried to touch the boy, his hand passed through it.

They have been fooled.

They heard the door opening and barely saw the shadow of a small creature running away.

They ran after them and as they turned a corner, they were surprised that a small human boy jumped at the the second they appeared.

The boy is ferocious, he mercilessly ripped out the eye of the alien and tried to reach inside his head, hoping that they also have their brain there.

And a girl behind him held a weapon and did not hesitate to shoot at them.


The boy was thrown to the ground by the alien he held, and the alien stomped on his head with a satisfying but also horrifying crunch.

The others showered the small female with plasma rounds, obliterating her.

They didn't even blink at their actions and ran forward.

They caught the young prince and held him by his throat...

...And with another crunch, they caved his skull in.

Only now did the Xenos notice the glowing power armor behind the boy's now lifeless body.

The Emperor stood still, in shock and rage, in sadness and desperation, countless emotions raged in his mind, but he was still eerily calm.

A feeling of complete focus dominated his mind as he tunnel-visioned on the aliens.

The world melted away, and only he and the scum in front of him remained, and only his everpresent rage could be felt, but it did not get in the way of his focus, he simply calmly acknowledged his anger and moved according to it.

His face couldn't be seen through his armor, but if it could, any human could immediately tell something was horribly wrong.

No emotion clouded his masculine face, nothing could be seen.


The Emperor of mankind took one step forwards and the universe seemed to shake in fear.


On this day...

...The universe will feel the power of a human's rage.


As the last thought passed the Emperor's mind, his mind became truly empty, he took light steps forwards, like he was going on a walk.

He remembered this feeling from his past life, this rage.

This rage he felt when he snapped and broke his bully's hands, the... blood... that covered his hands that day... We're now covered once more with a pink liquid.

He felt that euphoric feeling crashing over his brain, making him want to burst out laughing at this damned universe.

Power coursed through his veins like no other, his body felt light thanks to Adrenaline and his body working in harmony to make him a true killing machine.

He felt his mind slowly unraveling at the feeling and the situation...

...He had to keeEeEEEeeep-

The mighty Emperor dropred to oned lllzeeeegg-

The universe spuuuuuuuuuuunnn-




A low giggle, like a child's joyful laughter spread out through the now empty lifeless corridors of the Royal palace.

here, at the center of the creepy laugh, the Emperor of a mighty Empire was kneeling on one leg, his mind now completely unraveled by the long-buried trauma of his past, a past that had no place in this universe.

The low and quiet giggle spread out into a full-blown maniacal laugh, as the AI in the suit detected the anomalous brain activity of the Emperor.

The AI sent out signals to all nearby soldiers requesting urgent help.

The Emperor could see the AI doing this, hence why he laughed so much.

Does the AI think he needs help? No shit he does! But nothing could help him.

He is on his own in this universe.

His brain stuck itself into a nasty loop of pain and trauma, the once mighty Emperor felt his fragile sanity crack further and further.

His eyes no longer saw the palace, no.

Now he is in his school, the bully approached him and told him something...

What did he say again? Ugh right... he said tha-

And then I killed him... later of course... in a very painful way.....

I broke his body and mind, I did not enjoy the process, at least I don't think so...

Ahhh riiigghhhht, father as well...

More and more buried trauma and pain were being rapidly seen by his eyes, as his reality and his memories mixed and switched between each other randomly.

He is, or more precisely was, a good person.

But reality broke him, or it tried to anyways.

So he broke it.

His abusive father and the bully... those pedophilic teachers... so much filth in the world.

He stopped laughing and picked up the dead prince, Adam wasn't even aware he was doing this.

His body slowly walked toward the prince's personal servants and picked them up as well.

His large body lumbered towards the sounds of fighting in the distance.

Shouts grew louder and louder as a man could be heard shouting.


The men shouted and launched another attack at the aliens, who barely held on.

Everyone turned around when they heard loud periodical stomping, the humans were at first relieved when they saw the Emperor, but that quickly collapsed when they saw the dead prince in his arms.

Their instincts screamed at them that something is horribly wrong, and an uncanny feeling filled their minds.

They were horrified, but they didn't know by what, everything looked fine with the Emperor on the surface.

sure he was covered in Xeno blood, and probably saw his younger brother die in front of him, but this was something beyond that.

This was a horror beyond this.

The Emperor slowly put the dead children down and didn't even turn his head as he ripped an alien's head off its neck.

He walked, with light steps towards the frozen Aliens, and punched a hole through one of them.

Everyone present stood still with incomprehensible fear at the man in front of them.

This man gave a completely different Aura compared to the Emperor they knew.

The man they knew was serious but understanding, kind, and accepting, like a father figure to them all.

This cold, ruthless, mindless maniac simply couldn't be the Emperor.

As only one alien remained, it woke from its frozen state and made a run for it, screaming some incomprehensible gibberish in its own language.

It didn't make it far, as Adam fired a plasma round at its exposed back, killing the creature.

Adam's body finally collapsed, and his mind did with it.