A date

The following day, Adam woke up early as has become his routine, and quietly informed Sebastian to clear his schedule for the day.

Unfortunately, he woke Serena up, but she was incredibly happy that Adam didn't lie, half expecting something urgent to come up again, leaving the two separated once more.

Now that she could hold hope, she was very energetic in the morning, her good mood infecting Adam and all of the servants around them.

After completing their morning routines, together for once, the two had breakfast, where everyone breathed a sigh of relief to see Serena in a good mood.

It has become a bit of an inside joke that she is the incarnation of the quote "Hell has no fury like a woman scorned" but it was only in good fun, and not an attempt to badmouth her in any way.

Either way, the fact that such a joke was considered on point only showed how much her current relationship with her husband bothered her, but now that this is being solved, her moodiness disappeared instantly, replaced with a beautiful smile.

After having the most delicious breakfast humanity could provide, the two moved outside the palace.

Serena wore a beautiful red dress that accentuated her curves but hid them in a veil of mystery while Adam wore a dark blue buttoned-up shirt and black jeans.

Adam whistled when he saw Serena in her outfit, earning a twirl from her.

just when they were about to exit, Adam had a thought.

"Should we disguise ourselves? If we just go like this it will attract insane amounts of attention." Adam said the most obvious thing, but something they somehow forgot.

"...Why didn't I think of that?" Serena seemed genuinely shocked that such an obvious thing didn't occur to her sooner, how could they just walk out? they would have no privacy!

"I'm shocked I forgot as well, guess we are both too excited."

"Well, I can't help being nervous! Your fault for being so cool." This simply got a chuckle out of Adam.

So the two returned, got disguises that changed their hair and eye color, and some makeup so they wouldn't be recognized, and went off again.

Adam took a secret exit with one of his more humble cars, blending in with the few other cars on the roads, Serena took this opportunity to make small talk with Adam, mostly about the things she liked with Adam occasionally chirping in his own hobbies.

Adam suffered a fate most men suffered when girls spoke about makeup and clothing, complete and utter domination, Adam could only nod understandingly at the end, praying Serena didn't find out he had no idea what the fuck she was talking about.

Their first destination was a very popular theme park, the very best one in the entire capital actually, with a Ferris wheel thrice as large as the one in London in his past life, it is a landmark within the capital that all tourists visit for a good time.

When the two arrived and parked their car, to Adam's relief, Serena stopped talking, instead admiring the scenery before them.

The Theme park stretched out before them, and the Ferris wheel was absolutely colossal in size, if Serena wasnt used to seeing the Fleet ships coming and going when her husband went to war, the shock would have been amplified manyfold.

"Ah... It's so big..." Serena exclaimed in wonder

Adam smirked to himself after hearing that, immediately coming up with jokes he kept to himself for his own safety.

"Yeah, it's genuinely impressive that thing works."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Serena grabbed his hand and ran forwards, with Adam closely behind.

First, they went to the Ferris wheel, which took a full two hours to make a complete turn, the individual cabins even had radios in them so people didn't get too bored, not that they could with how beautiful the view was, with the Royal Palace itself in the distance.

Next, they went to the shooting range, where Adam won with ease and got Serena the cutest bear there was with white fluffy fur and a little red ribbon around its neck.

She absolutely adored the little thing, holding it close to her chest until her arms got tired and she reluctantly allowed Adam to carry it for a while.

They walked around the massive park for hours with no end in sight, experiencing all the attractions there, and after eight hours of exploration, Adam felt that it was worth every minute, And judging based on Serena's mood, she felt the same way.

"Gosh, that was awesome..." Serena mumbled after sitting down at a bench next to the Tilt-A-Whirl, but Adam had other plans in store...

"We aren't done yet." Adam cackled and pointed at the haunted mansion in the distance.

"No... No! I refuse to go in there!" Serena vehemently refused, since in the modern age, holograms were common in everyday life, and these attractions were packed with them, the Haunted houses were notorious for their use of them, Hell! they force you to tell them all your fears beforehand for the "Best experience."

Once someone even got trauma because of how realistic everything was! Hence Serenas hesitated on entering one for herself, even if regulations got tighter afterward.

"Don't worry, if you get scared we can always ask to leave with some radios they give out."

"...Okay... We can go." Serena couldn't bring herself to say no to Adam when he was so excited about it,!And since she trusted he would help her if needed, she went along with it.

"Yes! ...I mean okay, lets go." Adam let go for a second there, which was rather embarrassing, but he couldn't really be blamed.

Even after living here for three years, he never had the time to see these parks, since when he did go out it was usually to see meet people at events or go to bars to relax and listen to what the people thought.

Besides, why the hell should he go to a theme park alone like some weirdo? It wouldn't be nearly as fun either.

So this whole time, Adam thought he was acting cool and collected, but Serena could see tell how excited Adam was, which made her very happy.

The two entered and were given "Old fashioned" military radios from the twenty-first century, after they taught them how to use them, and after handing over their phones and other possessions, they let them inside the haunted house, which was an experience, to say the least.

It was large, very large, when they entered they would have seen a large area stretch out before them if there wasnt a mist and collapsed decrepit trees all around them, the grass around them was very tall, up to their waists.

They were told they had to get to the exit, nothing more nothing else, if the beast touched them, they were eliminated, which would be detected by the sensors strapped to their waists.

So they explored, with Serena being absolutely paralyzed due to the area around them designed to scream creepy and dangerous, Adam had to snap her out of it by taking her hand and leading her.

They explored abandoned houses which gave them clues about where to go next, all the while noises from the outside became louder and neared closer and closer.

"A-Adam...! S-S-something is out there...!" Serena stuttered out, and when Adam looked, he saw something terrifying.

A pale humanoid without eyes, long limbs which reached the ground, and a wide, toothy grin that showed pointed jagged teeth looked up at them.

It let out an ear-piercing screech and ran off, its pale form quickly melting into the mist.

Serena was shaking now, as would any normal human being which never faced such monsters before, Adam was scared, but not nearly enough to reduce his ability to think and act, and now, they had to move.

After hugging Serena and giving her some time to calm down, the two ran through the mist with an "Old twentieth-century" gun with rubber bullets, each with a sensor at the point, these should slow down the monster if they understood the hints correctly.

After hours of running around and fighting off the monster, the two finally found the exit and Serena started pushing in the code the two discovered in their last search, but when she started a shriek echoed throughout the entire area, and loud footsteps could be heard.

Adam stared down the mist, and A guttural gurgle came out from one direction, and when Adam looked toward it, the thing was already charging at him with a supernatural speed.

He dodged to the side and shot at it with one of the few bullets he had left, staggering it but seemingly enraging it as well.

Serena looked at her husband but knew she couldn't help him, doing her best to push in the outrageously long series of letters and numbers they found with shaking hands was frustratingly slow.

Adam looked at the monster which held its chest where he shot, after a few seconds, it screamed and tried charging past him toward Serena, but Adam didn't let him.

"Look at me you ugly beast!" Adam shouted which seemed to attract its attention, as it changed course toward him, Adam ran away from it, buying as much time as possible, sliding and jumping around, consistently keeping the thing at a distance by using his environment to his advantage.

Still, the longer it took the faster it got, and Adam had no choice but to burn through all his remaining ammo to survive, and just when the creature was about to eat him and Adam was running back, Serena managed to open the door and the creature stumbled, fell, and with a final screech, died.

"A-Adam?! Dear, are you there!?" Serena kept shouting to help her husband get back despite the potential risk of her own "death."

"I'm okay! It's dead!" Adam walked out of the mist into Serena's vision, and when she saw him she ran and hugged him.

"Don't worry! It was just a good workout for me." Adam was breathing heavily and was very sweaty thanks to the amount of mental and physical stress he was put under during this game.

"Let's get out before something happens again."

The very thought seemed to send a shiver through Serena's spine, so the two immediately ran out of the area back into the park, where they were greeted by the employees, all congratulating them for beating the highest difficulty, much to Serena's surprise.

"...Dear... Did you make it the highest difficulty...?" Serena said it in such a scary tone that even the abominations the Hive produced would shake in fear, and poor Adam was in the middle of it all.

The surrounding employees realized they done fucked up, and send an apologetic look toward Adam, to which he responded with one that said "Fucking help me then!" but to his dismay, no one there was suicidal enough to save him.


The couple left the Haunted house with a coupon that granted them free entry into the park for the next three hundred years, and Adam got a very, very red cheek as if the god of slapping himself blessed Serena's hand.

Serena herself looked quite pleased with herself and happily hummed a tune with her bear right below her chest.

She talked as if nothing happened, but her carefree smile now looked as if there was a storm brewing behind it, causing Adam more stress than that monster could ever hope to.

So the couple traveled back home, and Adam was never happier, that was until he heard his wife's next words after they arrived in their room and took off their disguises and makeup.

"Say...since we are gonna have to undress anyways... how about we help each other out hmm~?"

Oh. how could he possibly say no to that?