Serena's emotions

My husband is a very... special man.

Not in the sense that I love him, which I do, but in the very sense of the word special. He is the kindest man on the planet, but the most ruthless dictator at the same time, I've seen both such sides, and everything in between them, and I fear for him.

War has changed him, he used to go because he had to, but I feel that he now goes because he enjoys it, he wants to go with his soldiers and rip something in half, without a shred of mercy.

I went with him once, not fighting but remaining on one of the battleships.

The soldiers had a life feed with which they could watch the situation down below, and they casually betted how many creatures my husband would slaughter this time.

Needless to say, I didn't watch. I'm not naive, I know how war looks, and I dont want to get PTSD.

The speeches, though, I watched, and I have never seen my husband in that state.

He looked completely ecstatic while his men roared with passion I have never seen! It was an incredible sight, and I completely understand why my husband is now feared across all the civilizations in the Arm.

He was in his element there. In those war-torn camps with men and women filled with rage, he channeled and fueled their emotions with ease, turning them into fanatical soldiers and workers with a few careful words.

One word would make them feel secure, the other would rile them up, and the next would be the climax, he spoke about how they could make their former captors beg IF they joined his armies and protected the Empire with him.

His ambitions are growing so large, I can barely see their outline, he speaks to me about them, since he knows I'm always there for him, and I know he can probably do it.

Someone like him exists to make the galaxy kneel or die trying, that's kind of remarkable that my husband is.

Our son is just like his father, initially having a rough time adjusting to the bloodshed, but soon adapting to it, becoming one with war.

His girlfriend seemed worried about him, how cute, but I have no fear for my husband's safety for now. I only fear he might change so much that I might lose the man I love, and it's only gotten worse lately.

So here I am, waiting for them with Lea, she wants to have a word with her man too, I feel bad for her already.

She still thinks she can stop him, that if she makes an ultimatum, he will listen, I will never try to force my husband into anything, because it isn't a good idea from a relationship perspective and personal perspective.

Best case? He listens and the soldiers become demoralized, the Empire loses one of its aces, making the casualties a lot worse.

Worst case? He would get angry. And I dont know what would happen to me then.

I know he wouldn't hurt me per se, but I might no longer be Empress, and being thrown away like a used rag by the man you love? That would be like torture for any woman.

So, instead, I will have a conversation with him, no demands, just tell him about my feelings and hope he understands.

He is very kind to me, I'm sure he will at least address my concerns.

"Are you sure about it dear?" I question Lea one last time, I already warned her, but she is far too stubborn for her own good, the poor girl will have to learn the hard way.

"Yes, thank you for your concern your majesty, but I have to put my foot down."

You are going to regret that dear, men don't want to be restricted, but whatever, let her dig her own grave.

Soon after that, my husband arrived in a Corvette with our son, and boy oh boy, they were drunk as hell.

Not surprising to be honest, Adam drinks about once a month, and only when he returns from the front, so I dont mind.

Lea walked up to Alexander and hugged him, and said, "Sorry dear, but can we talk for a minute?" She said it like a question but it sounded like a demand to be honest.

The two men looked at each other in silence, Adam patted his son's back and said, "You are fucked boy." And laughed.

"I know." Alexander said while trying not to slur his words.

I sighed, walked over, and handed the two an injection device filled with anti-alcohol detergent.

It was made specifically to remove alcohol from the bloodstream, but the two will still be drunk for a few minutes.

"Oh, thank you, dear." Adam said and kissed Serena, which made the woman smile.

"Well... Um... could we talk as well?" Adam looked a bit surprised but nodded.

"You screwed up?" Alexander asked.

"I dont know. Women are enigmas."

After a few minutes of waiting, the alcohol was removed from their bloodstream, and the two couples separated.

Serena and Adam walked to their bedroom and Serena spoke up first.

"Adam... I dont want to make you feel like I'm trying to restrict you or anything, but could you calm down a bit?" Serena spoke with her head lowered, not making eye contact.

"I'm scared you will prioritize your ambitions over me, that you will throw me away if I become even slightly inconvenient." Serena's hands shook.

"With each battle, I can feel myself losing you more and more, I'm scared..." Serena broke down, and Adam hugged her, "I promise I will not abandon you, okay? I would never do that."

So those two spent a few hours together, talking about their feelings.

Later, Alexander spoke to Serena about Lea, and her demands, all of which he refused out of spite.

She can ask him to do something, but he will not tolerate getting yelled at, she can ask when she learns some respect.

Serena talked with her afterward and dropped the biggest "told you so" on her, the two resolved their problems a bit more calmly after that. Lea learned her place, royalty is still royalty, and they will not get yelled at.